
NGS Research in the States Series: North Carolina


NGS Research in the States Series: North Carolina, 1st Edition

by Jeffrey L. Haines, CG

Paperback: 47 pages

© 2008 National Genealogical Society

This publication, published by the National Genealogical Society, is a must-have for anyone researching in the Tar Heel state. Researchers will learn about the record collections and repositories across North Carolina. Detailed information about vital records, military records, colonial records and court records are among the many record types represented in this volume. Various ethnic groups record collections are also detailed including Scoth-Irish, the Moravians, Baptists and Quakers.

The 2nd Edition of this publication, published in 2017, is also available in our store

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NGS Research in the States Series: North Carolina, 1st Edition

This publication, published by the National Genealogical Society, is a must-have for anyone researching in the Tar Heel state. Researchers will learn about the record collections and repositories across North Carolina. Detailed information about vital records, military records, colonial records and court records are among the many record types represented in this volume. Various ethnic groups record collections are also detailed including Scotch-Irish, the Moravians, Baptists and Quakers.

About the author: Jeffrey L. Haines, CG, is the principal of Haines Research Services. Mr. Haines is a Board Certified Genealogist since 1996. His articles have appeared in numerous publications including NGSQ, APGQ, NGS Magazine and the North Carolina Genealogical Society Journal, among many others. He is a past President of APG.

Additional information

Weight 1.0 lbs
Dimensions 9.0 × 6.0 × 1.0 in