Coming to You Wherever You Are
Save the Dates: 22-23 March 2019
NCGS continues to look for ways to reach out to all members across the country and around the world, to inspire you to explore your North Carolina roots and to support your journey along the way. We strive to provide historical context, awareness of North Carolina record resources, best practices for researching and documenting your ancestors’ stories, and the latest tools and techniques to help you. We hope that by leveraging the power of the internet, we will be able to better meet those goals.
To that end, we are delighted that we will be able to present a Virtual Conference with eight excellent lectures by individuals recognized as experts in their fields. The conference will span two days, 22-23 March 2019, and will include four lectures each day. No matter where in the world you are, if you have a good internet connection, you should be able to register and attend this Virtual Conference.
The lectures will be live on 22-23 March, and there will be a Q&A session following each lecture. The presentations will be recorded so registrants will also have the option of viewing them during a 90-day period, whenever and as often as you would like.
Watch for details in the January 2019 NCGS News, on the NCGS Facebook page, and on the NCGS website.
Full details and registration will be available in the Events section beginning January 1st, 2019.