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2025 NCGS Virtual Conference
We are delighted to present the 2025 NCGS Virtual Conference to North Carolina family history researchers around the world, 28-29 Mar 2025.
More about Workshops

Recorded Webinar with Judy Russell, Apr 2025
The North Carolina Genealogical Society is delighted to present Judy G. Russell “Courting North Carolina: The Courts of the Tarheel State – Part 2”. This recorded Webinar will be freely available to the public from midnight Thursday night through midnight Sunday night (EDT), 4-6 Apr 2025.
Upcoming Webinars
- Subscription to quarterly NCGS Journal and free access to all past issues
- Unlimited access to recorded NCGS webinars
- Discounts on NCGS Workshops and on items in the NCGS Bookstore
- Exclusive website content and partner discounts

NCGS Featured Journal
“A Journey from Slave to Patriarch: Pharoh Fisher of Cumberland County”, “A Spyglass into History: What North Carolina’s Loose Court Papers Can Tell Us about Our Ancestors”, “Southeastern North Carolina in the Eighteenth Century”, “1756 North Carolina Militia Law”, and more. Now available online, free to members, and in print.

Volunteer Opportunities
Transcribers Needed for the NCGS Journal
Aside from transcription, there are a host of activitites you can participate in that will benefit researchers everywhere, now and in the future. You do not have to be a resident of NC! And for the full range of volunteer opportunities, please visit our Volunteer page

NCGS Featured Publication
North Carolina Research: Genealogy and Local History, 2nd Ed
This is the updated, revised second edition of the book that set the standard for state research guides with its award-winning 1st Edition published in 1980. It’s not just how to do North Carolina genealogy, it’s how to do genealogy period! (Hardback, 620 pages)

Tools of the Trade
North Carolina Historic Newspapers
Birth, death, and marriage dates, relationships, the name of a father, and the place from where someone immigrated are important factors in correctly identifying an individual in time.

Award Winners
Each year, the North Carolina Genealogical Society honors worthy individual and society endeavors in publishing and other contributions to North Carolina genealogy. Visit our Award page to see categories and criteria, all past award winners, and access the nomination form.

New at the NC Archives
County records, state records, private collections, and much more…