The table of contents for the May 2009 edition of the North Carolina Genealogical Society Journal is as follows:
- “Marriages and Deaths from The Semi-Weekly Raleigh Register, July through December 1852″ by Victor T. Jones, Jr.
- “A Bill to Alter Names from 1813” by Craig Roberts Scott, CG
- “1777 Petition of John Smith of Anson County” by Ann Christnacht Hilke, CG, Linda K. Reid, and Terry Moore, CG
- “North Carolina Supreme Court Case: Moore v. Bradley, 1801” by Grace W. Turner and Jeffrey L. Haines, CG
- “North Carolina Supreme Court Case: Hardin v. Barrett, 1858” by Grace W. Turner and Maryann Tuck
- “St. Gabriel’s Parish, Duplin County, Wardens’ Records, 1799-1817” by Jeffrey L. Haines, CG
- “Petition to Pardon Willie Jones of Greene County, 1842” by Grace W. Turner and Jeffrey L. Haines, CG
The current issues of the NCGS Journal are only available to NCGS members. Consider joining the NCGS today.