The following are the requirements for nominations for the annual NCGS Awards. Please make sure you understand and follow the criteria before submitting a nomination. Send any questions to
- Awards must focus on North Carolina genealogy, North Carolina history, North Carolina family groups, or individuals who have made an impact on North Carolina research.
- For published materials, either print, online, or video, sources must be provided for information presented as facts, and any images or copyrighted materials must be credited.
- NCGS retains the option of not giving an award in any given category and of presenting more than one award in any given category.
- Books and publications must have been published within the eighteen months preceding the end of the nominating period.
- Online resources must have significant new content added within the eighteen months preceding the end of the nominating period.
- Journal articles must have been published within the eighteen months preceding the end of the nominating period.
- In the category of “The Award for Outstanding Contribution to North Carolina Genealogy,” a person is only eligible to win once as this is an award for longtime contributions.
- A given book title or journal article is only eligible to win once.
- In all other categories, a person/organization will be eligible again for consideration three years after they have won the same award. For example, an Award Winner in 2019 would be eligible for reconsideration to win the same award in 2022. This can be reconsidered if there is a significant change to the material/publication.
You must provide the latest 4 issues. If the issues are freely available on a website without requiring user registration, then you can use the online nomination form and provide the URLs for the 4 issues. Otherwise they must be mailed – see instructions on the Nomination Form.
Member and Society Information
The following information must be included and consistently located
- Officer list and contact information
- Upcoming Events (Newsletters only)
- Meeting times (Newsletters only)
- Membership information
- Procedure for submission of articles
- Website information
- Publications list (only if applicable)
- Layout: well organized, creative
- Easy-to-read print: polished, professional
- Continuity and consistency through issues
- Visual appeal: clean, uncluttered
- Clear-cut headings/divisions between articles; running headlines for flowing multi-page articles
- Journals – In continuing series articles (especially when carried over from previous volumes): Does the introductory material repeat? Is there a reference to the previous article and to the initial article?
- Use of illustrations: balanced, well reproduced
- Ease of use: Table of Contents
- Index: full names, names of enslaved individuals, and place names
- Focus should be on the county or area the society represents
- Readability
- Editing: spelling, grammar, and punctuation
- Queries: if included, policy and procedure for submitting
- Online presentation of newsletters – The website URL is hyperlinked so that newsletter issues can be accessed with the click of a mouse. Within the online version, are all website URLs hyperlinked?
- Journals – Balance of articles (variety)
- Case studies
- Abstracts, transcriptions, or extracts
- Instructional articles: research methods and practices
- Memories of family members and community residents
- Journals – Introductory material for each article
- Record/records used, background of the record source, and location of originals
- Explanation of entries, abbreviations used
- Consistent contact information for contributors of articles
See instructions on the Nomination Form on where to mail books.
Physical appearance
- Layout: creative, easy to follow
- Easy-to-read print: polished, professional
- Visual appeal: clean, uncluttered
Ease of use
- An explanation of entries and abbreviations used
- Table of contents
Value to researcher
- An index with full names, names of enslaved people, and place names; in Abstracts, a reference to a specific entry or to a page number
- Illustrations should be balanced and well reproduced
- Maps when applicable or helpful, such as locations of cemeteries or county maps with waterways
Additional Criteria for Family Histories
- Incorporation of biographical information about individuals, not just a “list of begats”
- Use of original records, not just secondary information
- Honesty regarding facts presented
- Numbering systems explained; easy to follow
Additional Criteria for Abstracts and Transcriptions:
- An explanation of record/records used, background of the record source, and location of originals
- Level of difficulty: How much detail of the record is included? How much work was involved in producing the work?
- An explanation of entries and abbreviations used
- Illustrations should be balanced and well reproduced
- Quality illustrations, images, and maps are included when application or helpful
- Use of original records, not just secondary information
- An explanation of record/records used, background of the record source, and location of originals
- Information is presented in a cogent and logical manner
- The resource should be freely available, although member-only content is permitted for societies. Required user registration is permitted as long as it is free.
- Design should be welcoming, clean, uncluttered
- Site navigation should be easy and intuitive
- The main focus should be counties, regions, or topics that pertain to North Carolina
- Society websites should follow the same criteria as Society Periodicals
- The information must be kept current
- Easy access to archived information, if applicable
- The information makes the visitor want to return
- URLs should have working hyperlinks, both internal and external
- Blogs must be written or compiled by one individual or genealogical group
- Social media pages/groups may be operated by multiple administrators or a genealogy group
- The video channel should be freely available. Required user registration is permitted as long as it is free.
- The video channel must include at least 4 videos, each a minimum of 15 minutes
- Channel navigation should be easy and intuitive
- Each video should have a descriptive title along with text that clearly describes the content and audience.
- The main focus should be counties, regions, or topics that pertain to North Carolina
- The information must be kept current
- The information makes the visitor want to return
- Individual videos must be recorded or compiled by one individual or genealogical group