Call For Presentations: NCGS Fall Conference & 50th Anniversary Celebration

The North Carolina Genealogical Society is seeking proposals from dynamic and engaging speakers for our 2024 Fall Conference, which will be a special event marking our 50th Anniversary!

The conference is scheduled to take place at the McKimmon Conference and Training Center in Raleigh, NC, on October 25-26. 

Deadline for Submission: March 31st, 2024
Speakers will be notified by April 10, 2024.

Submission Guidelines:
Please email a .pdf or .doc file that includes the following:

  • speaker’s name
  • mailing address
  • telephone number
  • email address
  • speaker biography up to 100 words
  • presentation title
  • a 50 word or less summary for a one hour presentation with time for questions
  • an outline of the presentation
  • audience level (Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced)

Please email your submission to

A 4-page handout will be required and due at least 60 days before the conference date.  

Suggested ideas include:

  • Beginner topics relative to North Carolina
  • Migration routes involving North Carolina including plank roads, coastal and seafaring
  • North Carolina Records including county, state, and legislative
  • Research methods, DNA, use of tools like AI, or other general topics that are strongly illustrated through North Carolina examples or case studies 
  • Historical topics relevant to North Carolina genealogical research including African-American history, Quaker history, history of other religious groups in North Carolina, and the history of indigenous people in the state
  • Surprise us!

Compensation: Registration for the full conference
Speaker Fee: $250 per lecture
Travel: Negotiable

Please email with any questions. We’re looking forward to receiving your submissions!