Enjoy this preview to DNA Testing: The Three Types We Use in Genealogy Research, with Katherine D. Benbow, BA, MSW, LCSW.
Choosing the right DNA test depends on the question you are trying to answer about your ancestry. This presentation will provide an overview of the three types of DNA testing for genetic genealogy purposes: YDNA, MtDNA or mitochondrial DNA, and atDNA or autosomal DNA.
Information will be given about the major testing companies with examples of their typical displays and costs. A case study will be presented detailing the search for the biological ancestral line for a North Carolina ancestor whose results did not match the supposed family of origin. This involved the use of Y-DNA and atDNA testing.
The full webinar, along with handout, is always available in the Member Webinars section of the website. Several times a year, NCGS makes recorded webinars available to the public over a 3 day, free-play weekend. Watch for them on the NCGS home page under “Upcoming Events”. Available in the NCGS online store is North Carolina Research – Genealogy and Local History, the text for the NCGS Webinar Series.
(Image source: “DNA”, licensed under Creative Commons CC0 1.0, Public Domain, via pixabay)
DNA Testing: The Three Types We Use in Genealogy Research Preview
(click on the Play icon at lower left to start the preview)