Note that whatever you put on this form will be displayed publicly – it is separate from your actual system account information.
The form is fairly self-explanatory, but here are a few pointers.
Before proceeding, note that you must check the data permissions box (“I allow NCGS to collect…”) in order to save any changes. This is not checked by default. If you have previously checked the box, it should still be, but take note of it.
If you wish to replace a photo already in place, you will need to ‘remove’ the old photo, then add the new one. (If you don’t see the option to ‘add’ after removing the old one, click on the “Update” button to refresh the page.)
This also applies to the PDF Upload function. At this time, only PDF files are allowed for upload. If you have a family history file in another format, like a Word .doc file, and are unable to convert it to PDF, contact the NCGS Webmaster for assistance.
The “Nickname” field does not appear on your public profile. However, it does appear in the drop-down selections for the “Display Name Publicly” field. A use case for changing this might be to allow inclusion of a middle name or maiden name, or a prefix like Dr. If you wish to change it, do so and then scroll down and click on the Update button. Then your new Nickname will appear in your choices for Public Name.
Single line text fields allow a single line of text. Box-shaped text fields allow multiple lines of text. Use your enter key to move down a line.
These are basic text fields. There is no provision for formatting items like superscript.
Additional explanatory notes (in italics) accompany most fields, including the number of lines of text allowed in the box-shaped fields.
Empty fields in the “Research Help” section will not be visible on your public profile. Only fields you add information to will be displayed.
The “Will Do Lookups” and “Professional Help?” fields are simple Yes/No. By default, these fields are blank. You have the option to leave them blank or choose one of the options. If you have selected an option, and wish to change it back to ‘blank’, you can do this using the same drop-down arrow.
Remember to scroll to the bottom of the page and click on the “Update” button to save changes.
If you run into problems or have questions, contact the NCGS Webmaster.