Immediate Volunteer Needs

Educational Programming Volunteers

Volunteers are needed to help direct, plan, coordinate, and implement our educational programming. 

We strive to present high-quality educational programs focused on North Carolina genealogy resources and methodology. We offer webinars, virtual conferences, and in-person events. We held our first hybrid conference in 2021. Through our website, we provide research guides, books, the NCGS Journal, and other resources to help people doing genealogy research in North Carolina. 

We are looking for people who can help us continue to deliver meaningful educational programs in various formats to diverse audiences. 

If you have experience coordinating events, teaching, designing educational programs, writing, using virtual platforms such as Zoom or GoToWebinar, or an interest in assisting with these programs, please contact Jennifer Daugherty, to learn more or fill out a volunteer form and someone will contact you:”

Assisting with indexing for the ECU-Joyner Library NC Periodicals Index

Think about how useful it would be to have a freely available and searchable statewide index of North Carolina genealogical and historical society journals. NCGS is embarking on a project to help make this a reality. The staff of the North Carolina Collection at East Carolina University’s Joyner Library currently indexes selected articles in more than 60 North Carolina periodicals for the North Carolina Periodicals Index, and makes the index available online to the public at no cost.

However, only a few genealogical and historical society publications are included in the index at this time. NCGS will be actively promoting the NCPI to family history and genealogy researchers, encouraging North Carolina genealogical and historical societies to donate their journals to ECU for inclusion in the NCPI, developing a grant program to help defray the costs to societies who want to participate, and training volunteers who want to participate in indexing. This project will help connect researchers with local genealogical and historical societies holding valuable information not widely available online.

To volunteer now, please complete and submit the Volunteer Registration Form.

Blog Writer

We are looking for volunteers to help write blog posts. You will be responsible for writing 1-2 blog posts a month following a predetermined outline. Topics may include:

For more information, please contact Anne Merrell at

To volunteer now, please complete and submit the Volunteer Registration Form.

Board Member Openings

Would you like to have a say in the future and direction of the North Carolina Genealogical Society? We are looking for enthusiastic people to help guide NCGS in our quest to raise the standards of genealogical research, promote genealogical education, and preserve the early records of the North Carolina.

We have several board positions opening up 2023. While certain technical skill sets are desired, your willingness and aptitude to learn are highly prized. The top attributes NCGS is looking for are:

  • Enthusiasm for genealogy
  • Willingness to “dig-in” and participate
  • Attend quarterly board meetings – in person or virtually (through GoToMeeting)
  • Must be an NCGS member in good standing

Term positions ending December 2024 and 2025, and general responsibilities:

  1. Director – participates as an active member on two committees or serves as a Chairperson on one committee. For a listing of current committees visit:

Your physical location is not a deterrent to serve in most positions within the organization as many responsibilities can be performed virtually.  Candidates should submit a short bio (one paragraph) and narrative describing their skills and/or willingness to learn.  Also, please indicate if you would consider serving in another position if your preference is not listed above.

More specific job descriptions and responsibilities are available upon request by contacting Second Vice President Gay Baynes at

To volunteer now, please complete and submit the Volunteer Registration Form.


Abstract and transcribe original documents of genealogical significance to North Carolina. The documents are included in the NCGS Journal. Material is provided by the editor, so you can complete the work remotely. If interested, please contact Diane L. Richard at

To volunteer now, please complete and submit the Volunteer Registration Form.