Stewart Dunaway
Infrastructure records consist of roads, bridges, ferry, ordinary and mill records which define the necessary infrastructure to migrate across North Carolina and surrounding states. These records include petitions, reports, and contracts. Within the petition or reports, descriptions of landowners and neighbors can be provided. Reasons for their need or discontinuance are well described thereby providing insight to the area development and migration paths, perhaps answering why a relative moved from one location to another.
This presentation will cover the record types and what genealogy information can be found within them. Throughout the presentation actual documents and examples are included.
(Image source: “Share certificate from the Fayetteville and Western Plank Road“, Pubic Domain, via NCPedia.)
Available in the NCGS online store is North Carolina Research – Genealogy and Local History, the text for the NCGS Webinar Series. For more information about the speaker, please see our flyer (pdf file).
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