
Journal Jottings, March 2017

by Diane L. Richard, NCGS Journal Editor, journaleditor@ncgenealogy.org

Hopefully, as you read this, you’ve had a chance to enjoy Volume 43, Number 1 (February 2017) of the North Carolina Genealogical Society Journal. The contents include WWI Red Cross, School, Church, T&C, Insane Asylum, Ledger, Insolvent, Road Jury, Divorce, and Poorhouse records covering the 1780s through 1919, and representing McDowell, Wilkes, Franklin, Currituck, Wake, Vance, Perquimans, Onslow, Chatham, Martin, and Sampson counties. Phew!

Gaston and Lincoln County Records

In support of the recent NCGS Spring Workshop, “Putting Down Roots: Grounding Your Ancestors in Time and Place”, that was held on 25 February 2017 in Gastonia, North Carolina, I acquired previously unpublished records relevant to Gaston County and its predecessor county, Lincoln. The records included ledgers, account books, church records, genealogy records, and more. Some of these records were referenced in my presentation on “NCGS Journal Gems” and other records are in the process of being abstracted/transcribed for the next edition of the Journal.

As future NCGS programs are scheduled, the Journal will look to complement such programs in the same manner, when appropriate.

University of North Carolina – Charlotte, J. Murrey Atkins Library & Wake Forest University, Z. Smith Reynolds Library Special Collections & Archives

As mentioned, part of the preparation for the NCGS Spring Workshop was acquiring new materials to use in my talk and in the Journal. I want to give a shout-out to UNCC and WFU as I was remotely able to obtain material from both of these libraries. I identified some records of interest, contacted the libraries, and determined their policies on providing materials. UNCC was able to digitize up to 15 images for free and Z. Smith Reynolds made something temporarily available to me on their website (the requested material is part of an ongoing digital initiative at the library).

So, whether you are identifying material that might be relevant to the Journal or to your own research, please keep in mind that it doesn’t hurt to ask a repository what their options are to support remote researchers. And, if you happen to stumble across material suitable for the Journal, please feel free to pursue it on my behalf or provide me with the details (journaleditor@ncgenealogy.org). I am always willing to follow up. 

How a Genealogist Uses the State Archives of NC and the State Library of NC

One of my hunting grounds for records for the NCGS Journal is the State Archives of North Carolina. I always have my radar tuned, as I do research, to material that I think might be appropriate for the Journal. I’ve learned that the bigger issue is that ALL of the material would be appropriate. Selectively choosing material is the tricky part.

I was fortunate to be able to share my love of the two mentioned facilities via a webinar bearing the title of this section. This webinar is FREE and available to anyone, as is the accompanying handout. The link to the handout is on the webinar page.

Reminder – Seeking WWI Materials and Suggestions

It’s 2017 and we are celebrating the 100-year anniversary of World War I. A reader recently shared a piece about her family that spoke of not just WWI but also the flu epidemic, which also affected so many people. My own great-grandmother died during the pandemic. The submitted piece will be part of a future edition of the Journal.

Many of us have family stories related to WWI and the time period. We’d like to take this opportunity to give them some visibility. Send suggestions, submissions, etc., to journaleditor@ncgenealogy.org.

Remember, you do NOT have to be an NCGS member to support the NCGS Journal.

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Thanks again to all who have helped and to those who will volunteer in the future. It does take a village to create a journal.

Go Journal Team!