
Journal Jottings, November 2019

By Diane L. Richard, NCGS Journal Editor, journaleditor@ncgenealogy.org

After record-breaking heat here in the heart of the Carolinas in late September and early October, hopefully the cool weather has settled in and nature is putting on its fall showcase of colors. Along with the change of seasons comes a time of family events and celebrations.

Planned Special Edition (April-May-June 2020) on African American Research

This planned edition will focus on African American Research and will include both enslaved and free persons of color, and post-Civil War and early 20th century research as well as other relevant resources. If you have something to contribute to this edition, please drop me an email at journaleditor@ncgenealogy.org

Planned Special Edition (July-August-September 2020) on Boundary Changes

Looking further ahead, understanding changes in boundaries, whether school districts, tax districts, county borders, state borders, and more, are critical to ensuring that we are looking for the right records in the correct place. In the course of your research, have you found someone who seems to disappear and is presumed deceased and then you figure out that a border changed and that person is now recorded in a different jurisdiction? Or, has your ancestor been impacted by a nearby boundary change? If you have something to contribute to this edition, please drop me an email at journaleditor@ncgenealogy.org.

Images for Covers

One of the challenges of doing themed issues, especially for topics that are pre-20th century, is identifying appropriate images for the cover, to enhance articles, or to use as space fillers throughout the body of the Journal issue. If you see mention of a planned special edition and have an image that might be appropriate, please do let me know. 

If you have images that would be suitable to document (1) “toll” bridges, roads, and ferries including the people involved, the actual toll booths/houses, or the tolled piece of transportation infrastructure, (2) pre-early 20th century child labor, youth organizations, and related, or (3) formerly enslaved, free persons of color, or late 19th century emancipated individuals, please do share! The goal is always to include images of or about North Carolina and North Carolinians to illustrate the Journal. So, why not share images you already have with Journal readers.

Or, maybe you don’t have images at hand and are willing to do some research to identify “public domain” images that could be used. The help would be appreciated and I do have some of my favorite “go to” websites that I would share with you to get started. 

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Thanks again to all who have helped and to those who will volunteer in the future. It does take a village to create a journal. As always, I can be reached at journaleditor@ncgenealogy.org to answer your questions, and to receive your submissions and suggestions.

Go Journal Team!

You may also view a printer-friendly pdf version of the November 2019 Journal Jottings.