by Diane L. Richard, NCGS Journal Editor,
Volume 42, Number 3, of the NCGS Journal is Now Available
We are pleased to announce that volume 42, number 3, of the NCGS Journal is now available digitally and possibly, by the time you read this column, NCGS members will have received their print copy. Thanks to all those who provided articles and transcription support to make this a jam-packed issue cutting across time and space in our quest to learn more about North Carolinian ancestors and resources that might assist our family history research, regardless of location.
Webinar: Accurate Transcription for Historical Records
We successfully re-recorded the webinar on transcribing! Yippee. Look for its release this fall. The plan is to also make available at the same time the companion NCGS Journal Style Guide (which will also include transcribing tips, tricks, and tools). Both the webinar and the style guide will be available to everyone, both members and nonmembers of NCGS.
Since Ive had reasons to be at the Rubenstein Library (Duke University) several times recently, I have used the opportunity to photograph some pages from ledgers from New Hanover, Wilkes, Wake, Craven, Perquimans, Lincoln, and Yadkin Counties. By the time you read this, I may have also acquired materials for Iredell, Granville, Haywood, Northampton, Franklin, Forsyth, and more. If you want to help transcribe any of these pages, please e-mail me at, you do NOT have to be an NCGS member to help with transcribing material for the NCGS Journal.
Beginning in 2017 we will start celebrating the centennial of WWI. In honor of this conflict we will be transcribing some Red Cross records from across the state. These are wonderful records that primarily document womens contributions to the war effort. Since women were underrepresented in the records at that time, these materials represent valuable documentation of how they supported WWI. Digital versions of selections from this record group are available on the North Carolina Digital Collections page. In talking with Matthew Peek (Military Collection Archivist, State Archives of North Carolina) there are no plans to index these records, so thats why these transcriptions are so important in providing a window into these records by listing those women who participated in Red Cross activities. Please consider helping to get these materials transcribed.
Help Acquire Material for the Journal
If you regularly, or even just occasionally, visit a particular archive, whether in North Carolina or elsewhere, please consider copying/photographing/scanning documents with a North Carolina connection. Id happily cover the costs (copying, parking, etc.) to acquire material from the repositories that I dont visit to add to the pool of material to be transcribed for the Journal. Not sure what to get? Let me know where you are headed and Ill provide you with a wish list.
Are you planning a visit to UNC (Wilson Library) or ECU (Joyner Library)? Let me know. I already have wish lists created.
Transcribers Needed
Though there is a cadre of dedicated transcribers who have been doing a wonderful job, more are always needed! There are existing projects not yet completed as well as the new projects mentioned above which have not yet been started! If you are interested, please e-mail me at
Case Studies, Articles, Short Pieces and More Needed
Remember that the Journal isnt just about transcribed data or articles on repositories. It always benefits from case studies (as short as a page or as long as several pages), historical context pieces, stories, single documents of great value, and much more. Please consider sharing some of your family history or research with readers. Even historical images of North Carolina locales are welcome.
Please do not share information that is already published elsewhere (especially if freely available via the Internet). The NCGS Journal will, on occasion, publish previously published material; however, we prefer to publish new material in order to expand what is available to researchers.
Thanks again to all who have helped and to those who will volunteer in the future. It does take a village to create a journal.
Go Journal Team!