By Diane L. Richard, NCGS Journal Editor,
It sure has been a hot summer here in the Carolinas! Hopefully when not vacationing, attending family reunions or other celebratory events, or just trying to stay cool, you’ve been able to advance your research.
NCGS 2019 Fall Conference
At the NCGS Fall Conference in November I will be giving a talk, “18th and 19th Century Epidemics and Health,” which will visually walk through some of the material covered in volume 45, number 2, of the NCGS Journal. It’s an opportunity for me to explore with attendees the many resources available that document epidemics, medical care providers, the education of healthcare professionals, and healthcare options for those formerly enslaved and their descendants, and more. While the Journal is focused on introducing you to records and historical context relevant to researching North Carolinians, only limited visuals can be included. Alternately, a talk can share more about these same records and emphasize visuals with examples of documents, photos, data, and more. These are the “visual eye-candy” to get you excited in a different way about the same material. Hope to see you at the conference.
Planned Special Edition (April-May-June 2020) on African American Research
Though it is quite a few months away, this planned edition will focus on African American Research: both enslaved and free persons of color, and post-Civil War and early 20th century research as well as other relevant resources. If you have something to contribute to this edition, please drop an email to It never hurts to send in material sooner rather than later. If some fine-tuning, source collection, or other activities are needed to get your piece more polished, we will have the time to do so.
Looking Further Forward
So many topics, so little time! Since time flies by quickly, I wanted to let you know about some planned future topics. Please consider contributing an image, some data, a narrative piece, or anything relevant to these topics. Just remember that there must be some aspect relevant to North Carolinians. I am already queuing up material for these topics, so if one catches your eye that you are particularly interested in or have a contribution for, let me know.
- Boundary Changes
- Migration (The Webinar committee and I have been planning to correlate this edition with possibly two webinars in late 2020 and early 2021 on this same topic. We will keep you posted.)
- Religion in North Carolina
- Revolutionary War
- Federal Taxes
- Civil War
- Late 19th and Early 20th Century Male Organizations
- Fisherman, Oysterman, and Related
Do you have a topic to suggest? Please do so.
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Thanks again to all who have helped and to those who will volunteer in the future. It does take a village to create a journal. As always, I can be reached at to answer your questions, and to receive your submissions and suggestions.
Go Journal Team!
You may also view a printer-friendly pdf version of the September 2019 Journal Jottings.