
Journal Search by Name

This compilation index covers the NCGS Journal from 1975 through 2022 (3rd quarter), currently with almost 363,000 names.

On tablet and mobile devices, part of the record is collapsed to save screen space. To see the full record (including Journal information), use the + icon in the first field of the record to expand that record. This applies to all tables – if you see a + icon, use it to expand the record. Please review the Search Tips page for a better search experience. You may also wish to view a short video illustrating an index search, presented during the NCGS 2020 Member Appreciation Day, here.

If you are logged in as a member, the Volume/Issue button will open that issue in a new browser tab for viewing.
Please log in first, then come back and do your search if you intend to open Journal issues for review.

Important! If you change “Show # Entries” to “All Entries”, be sure to change it back to show the default 10 entries before doing another search. Failure to do so will most likely result in an error message.
In general, it is good practice in any case to return to the default prior to doing a new search.

Powered by a free wpDataTables – WordPress Table Plugin license for the North Carolina Genealogical Society.