The Decedent Index is alphabetical by the surname. It is not a comprehensive listing of all names that may appear within those records.
To view the actual image files, see North Carolina, Estate Files, 1663-1979 at FamilySearch now requires an account (free) to view images.
Each name group below will take you to a page further broken down into smaller name groups. The name groups on those pages have links to individual pdf files. Files typically contain 40-50 pages of names, but the actual file size is relatively small so should load fairly quickly.
The entry below the name list for “Miscellaneous Folders” links directly to a pdf file. Organized by county, this lists all of the folders found in the North Carolina Estate Files that are not specifically for any one individual, although many names may be found browsing the images.
Names: Aaren – Burkett
Names: Burkhard – Drumwright
Names: Drurey – Halsey
Names: Halso – Jonas
Names: Joner – McInturff
Names: McIntyre – Pettway
Names: Petty – Shugart
Names: Shular – Uzzle
Names: Vaden – Zook
Miscellaneous Folders
Pages and index updated 15 May 2018.
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