
NCGS 2021 Fall Conference Videos

The first link below is for the Syllabus page for the 2021 Fall Conference with handouts for the pre-recorded presentations. This page will require the password provided to registrants via email. The Syllabus also includes the handouts for the live-streamed conference presentations (which were not recorded). The Syllabus will open in a new tab, so you can keep this page open to access the video links.

The Syllabus link is followed by links to the pages for the individual pre-recorded presentations in alphabetical order. Each of these pages will require the password provided to registrants via email. These videos will be available through 6 Feb 2022. Each video page will open in a new tab.

Below this section are more on-demand videos you may find useful. These videos do not require a password and are publicly available. Each video opens outside the NCGS website in a new tab, either on YouTube or Vimeo.

Fall Conference Videos

2021 Fall Conference Syllabus

“English Marriage Practices and Records” with Paul Milner, FUGA, MDiv

“Lord Granville Grants” with David M. McCorkle

“Nathaniel Batts and the Earliest English Settlements” with J. Mark Lowe, FUGA

“Overlooked Sources for English 17th and 18th Century Research” with Paul Milner, FUGA, MDiv

More On-Demand videos

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