
NCGS Journal Extra Supplements

In preparing to publish issues of the North Carolina Genealogical Journal, content was acquired from authors or created by volunteers above and beyond what could be included physically in the journal. Instead of languishing on the journal editor’s laptop and unavailable to researchers, this extra content is now available to NCGS Members via this Members-only webpage.

These are standalone pieces. They are shared here to aid researchers with their genealogical explorations. This material is NOT linked/associated with a particular issue of the NCGS Journal. You will sometimes find references to previously published material (NCGS Journal Volume & Issue) that originated from the same collection – these are continuations of this earlier published material.

Each piece is saved as a PDF file. Sometimes indexing is provided (check the end of the document), or you can search these files for the locales and/or names of interest.

A huge thank you to the authors and volunteers who have made this material available to you! Without them, you wouldn’t have the benefit of this wonderful, priceless and unique resource.

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