
NCGS Journal Vol. 49 No. 4

The NCGS Journal Vol. 49 No. 4 (Oct-Nov-Dec 2023) is now available online to members.
From the top menu, Publications > NCGS Journal, then click on the “Read the Journal” button.

There are also two new Supplements for this issue – “General Store – William Britton (Daybook & Account Book), Bertie Co, 1817-1818” and “Watts Tomlin and Co (Fabric and Related)”.

We also have a new “Extra Supplement” – “John L. Robinson Estate [Union County] 1850-1860” – in the “Other NC Records” section.
(“Extra Supplements” are accessed from the main Journal Supplements page.)

The hard copy Journal should be arriving in the mail soon, if not there already, to those with standard, non-digital memberships.