The NCGS Journal Vol. 50 No. 1 (Jan-Feb-Mar 2024) is now available online to members.
From the top menu, Publications > NCGS Journal, then click on the “Read the Journal” button.
There are also five new Supplements for this issue – “General Store – John Dickey, Roan [Rowan] Co, 1786-1796”, “Shoemaker – Thomas Hallyburton, Rutherford Co, 1833-1843”, “Lawyer – John Williams, Granville Co, 1770-1803”, “Lawyer – S S Jackson, Randolph Co, 1860-1874”, and “Naval Stores – Thomas Gill, Bertie Co, 1803-1813”.
The hard copy Journal should be arriving in the mail soon, if not there already, to those with standard, non-digital memberships.