The North Carolina Archives has announced the launch of two online digital collections.
See the latest NC Archives blog article for details, North Carolina Newspaper Digitization Project. An excerpt of the article follows:
The North Carolina State Archives is very proud to announce a new online collection, the North Carolina Newspaper Digitization Project, and the North Carolina State Archives Digital Collections website, which will combine all of our digital collections housed in CONTENTdm. Begun in 2007, the purpose of the newspaper project was to digitize newspapers from our collections that were, up until that time, only available on microfilm. These materials are now available online and include papers dating from 1752-1890s from cities like Edenton (1787-1801), Fayetteville (1798-1795), Hillsboro (1786), New Bern (1751-1804), Salisbury (1799-1898), and Wilmington (1765-1816) – a total of 23,483 digital images that are keyword searchable. The project was made possible by a LSTA grant provided by the State Library of North Carolina.