Carteret County (link to FamilySearch page)
Established in 1722 from Craven Precinct as a precinct of Bath County.
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List of Admin letters – 2 images (1774); decedent not identified/indexed (look under “L”)
List of estates and guardians – 13 images (1884, 1903-1905); decedent not identified/indexed (look under “L”)
Unnamed – 4 folders (1810-1829); estate papers, decedent not identified/indexed
Adams, C F (1861)
Adams, C M (1884)
Adams, Christopher (1865)
Adams, Jane (1867)
Adams, John (1811)
Adams, John (1866)
Adams, Owen (1852)
Adams, W P (1920)
Adams, William (1857)
Alexander, William (1887)
Allen, Frank (1923)
Always, Keziah (1827)
Aman, Asa (1848)
Appleton, Benjamin (1795)
Arendell, Bridges (1851)
Arendell, W H (1884)
Arendell, Zilphia Ann (1852)
Arthur, Gilbert (1869)
Arthur, Jacob (1821)
Arthur, Jacob C (1886)
Arthur, James (1856)
Arthur, James H (1847)
Arthur, James H (1859)
Arthur, John (1778)
Arthur, Richard (1844)
Askew, W F (1887)
Atkinson, James O (1920)
Backhouse, John (1786)
Bagby, George Kendrick (1897)
Bagley, G R (1898)
Ball, James (1750)
Ballard, Martin (1922)
Banks, John C (1961)
Barley, Aylworth (1772)
Barnum, C H (1867)
Barry, James
Basden, Bulah E (1934)
Becton, Mary Ann Eliza (1872)
Becton, S S (1872)
Becton, Simon S (1860)
Bell, Abigail (1805)
Bell, Abner (1816)
Bell, Abner (1860)
Bell, Absalom (1833)
Bell, Asa (1867)
Bell, Caleb (1811)
Bell, Caleb (1812)
Bell, Caleb P (1842)
Bell, Church (1842)
Bell, Daniel (1947)
Bell, David (1784)
Bell, David (1817)
Bell, David (1848)
Bell, Dora (1910)
Bell, Elijah (1812)
Bell, Elizabeth (1811)
Bell, Elizabeth (1833)
Bell, Fannie V (1869)
Bell, Franklin P (1941)
Bell, George & David (1817)
Bell, George (1794)
Bell, George (1812)
Bell, George (1816)
Bell, George (1844)
Bell, George R (1906)
Bell, Gideon C (1874)
Bell, Gideon C (1883)
Bell, H L (1866)
Bell, James (1780)
Bell, James (1801)
Bell, James (1823)
Bell, James H (1852)
Bell, Jesse H (1919)
Bell, John W (1868)
Bell, Joseph (1745)
Bell, Joseph (1791)
Bell, Joseph (1808)
Bell, Joseph (1813)
Bell, Joseph (1816)
Bell, Josiah (1843)
Bell, Maggie S (1957)
Bell, Malachi
Bell, Malachi (1806)
Bell, Malachi (1818)
Bell, Malachi (1827)
Bell, Margaret (1757)
Bell, Mary (1811)
Bell, Mattie A (1877)
Bell, Miles H (1822)
Bell, Nathan (1830)
Bell, Neuell (1782)
Bell, Newel B (1839)
Bell, Newell (1803)
Bell, Newell (1815)
Bell, Nuel (1793)
Bell, Nuel (1806)
Bell, Ralph (1872)
Bell, Richard (1843)
Bell, Richard (1856)
Bell, Royland (1772)
Bell, Samuel (1843)
Bell, Sarah (1811)
Bell, Sarah (1834)
Bell, Sarah (1859)
Bell, Sarah C (1842)
Bell, Solomon (1783)
Bell, Solomon (1842)
Bell, Solomon (1850)
Bell, Solomon H (1856)
Bell, Thomas (1769)
Bell, Thomas O (1845)
Bell, William (1837)
Bell, William B (1876)
Bell, William C (1819)
Bell, William C (1851)
Bell, William C (1855)
Bell, William F (1856)
Bell, William F (1868)
Bell, William F, Jr. (1866)
Bell, William, Sr. (1845)
Bell, Zabed (1848)
Bendin, Bruce (1816)
Benthall, John
Benthall, Reuben (1782)
Berkley, Aytworth (1769)
Best, Willie & Bulah (1936)
Biggs, Jesse (1800)
Biggs, William J (1846)
Black, Martin (1823)
Blockson, Severon (1800)
Blount, Nathaniel (1891)
Booth, James (1786)
Booth, John (1753)
Bordan, Barclay D (1849)
Borden, B D (1858)
Borden, Benjamin (1761)
Borden, Joseph (1825)
Borden, William (1803)
Borden, William (1843)
Bougert, Sebastian (1892)
Boyd, Katie L (1889)
Bradley, Increase (1829)
Breece, Henry (1787)
Brees, David (1802)
Brees, Ross (1804)
Brees, William (1793)
Bright, S T (1897)
Brison, J M C (1867)
Brittin, Benjamin (1758)
Brooks, Charles Donald (1957)
Brooks, James & John (1854)
Brooks, John (1834)
Brooks, John (1846)
Brooks, Mary (1883)
Brown, John (1788)
Bryant, Nicholas (1771)
Buck, Maggie (1944)
Buck, W W (1949)
Buckman, Leonard D (1856)
Buckman, Samuel (1846)
Burgess, Wilson (1842)
Bushall, Marmaduke (1845)
Busk, James (1866)
Cabarrus, Augustus (1820)
Canaday, Asa (1844)
Canaday, Cornelius (1842)
Canaday, Cors (1844)
Canaday, David (1861)
Canaday, E (1854)
Canaday, Edward (1800)
Canaday, Elijah (1858)
Canaday, Elijah, Sr. (1839)
Canaday, Gideon (1802)
Canaday, Gideon (1845)
Canaday, Isaiah S (1844)
Canaday, Jacob (1866)
Canaday, Needham (1835)
Canaday, Needham (1851)
Canaday, Richard (1824)
Canaday, Thomas (1851)
Canaday, William P (1843)
Canady, Elijah (1838)
Caneday, Cornelious (1775)
Cann, Sylvester J (1877)
Carraway, B L (1910)
Carraway, Peter F (1893)
Carter, Adolphus F (1885)
Carter, D M (1880)
Carter, D M (1892)
Casa, Joseph (1781)
Casey, Thomas (1767)
Cavenaugh, Ananias (1765)
Chadwick, Anson (1862)
Chadwick, Barnabas (1836)
Chadwick, David (1774)
Chadwick, David (1801)
Chadwick, Jacob (1883)
Chadwick, James (1827)
Chadwick, James (1895)
Chadwick, James, Jr. & Rachael (1838)
Chadwick, James, Sr. (1838)
Chadwick, John (1805)
Chadwick, John (1825)
Chadwick, John (1827)
Chadwick, Lane (1753)
Chadwick, Martin (1844)
Chadwick, Mathew (1878)
Chadwick, Mehetabel (1847)
Chadwick, Oliver (1831)
Chadwick, Oliver (1877)
Chadwick, Rebecca (1842)
Chadwick, Reuben (1808)
Chadwick, Richard
Chadwick, Richard (1806)
Chadwick, Richard (1820)
Chadwick, Samuel (1749)
Chadwick, Samuel (1826)
Chadwick, Samuel (1834)
Chadwick, Soloman, Sr. (1841)
Chadwick, Thomas (1802)
Chapman, John (1771)
Chapman, Joshua (1772)
Chew, Thomas S (1842)
Clark, Daniel (1838)
Clark, Luther (1861)
Clinton, Susie E (1927)
Coale, William (1775)
Cogdell, Charles, Sr. (1756)
Colburn, Mrs. (1896)
Colgrove, Orson R (1869)
Collens, Joseph (1784)
Congleton, David B (1851)
Conner, Asa (1865)
Cook, Henry M (1835)
Cooke, Esther (1816)
Cooke, Thomas (1817)
Cooke, Thomas (1822)
Cooke, Thomas (1830)
Copes, Parker (1850)
Cramer, William (1866)
Credle, John (1869)
Credle, Tillman F (1873)
Culley, Thomas (1802)
Cummings, Charlie Claud (1954)
Currier, E R (1905)
Cutler, Henry G (1859)
Cuyler, P M (1892)
Dail, Agnes Hill (1952)
Dalzell, James (1786)
Daniels, Adrian Ellis (1942)
Daniels, Brian (1879)
Daniels, Francis J (1929)
Daniels, John M (1944)
Daniels, John William (1947)
Daniels, Josiah (1929)
Daniels, Kate Moore (1923)
Daniels, L G (1929)
Daniels, R L (1938)
Darnell, R C (1956)
Davant, H W (1931)
Davenport, Samuel W (1860)
David, Douglas (1955)
Davis, A F (1946)
Davis, Alex S (1953)
Davis, Allen
Davis, Allen (1836)
Davis, Alvin (1955)
Davis, Anson F (1897)
Davis, Anthony (1794)
Davis, Anthony (1841)
Davis, Anthony (1858)
Davis, Benjamin (1842)
Davis, C A (1834)
Davis, C F (1940)
Davis, Carrie (1908)
Davis, Carrie (1925)
Davis, Charity (1894)
Davis, Charles S (1938)
Davis, Christopher (1831)
Davis, Daniel (1866)
Davis, David W (1942)
Davis, E L (1952)
Davis, Edmund (1861)
Davis, Erwin N (1956)
Davis, F P (1922)
Davis, G H (1950)
Davis, George (1937)
Davis, George R (1929)
Davis, George W (1954)
Davis, George W, Jr. (1954)
Davis, H C (1937)
Davis, Hannah H (1866)
Davis, Hettie A (1936)
Davis, Isaac W (1867)
Davis, J H (1943)
Davis, J H (1956)
Davis, Jacob (1815)
Davis, James (1844)
Davis, James (1846)
Davis, James (1866)
Davis, James C (1904)
Davis, James Irvin (1926)
Davis, James W & Ada
Davis, Jesse H (1858)
Davis, Jesse H (1866)
Davis, John P C (1866)
Davis, John W (1867)
Davis, Joseph (1815)
Davis, Joseph J (1880)
Davis, Josiah B (1902)
Davis, L C (1938)
Davis, Laura F (1935)
Davis, Laura Gertrude (1937)
Davis, Logan (1808)
Davis, Lula (1947)
Davis, M A & Margaret (1916)
Davis, M Leslie (1953)
Davis, Martin R (1915)
Davis, Mary (1866)
Davis, Mary E (1924)
Davis, Nancy C (1931)
Davis, Nathan (1808)
Davis, Neal P (1938)
Davis, Palmer D (1923)
Davis, Pearl (1927)
Davis, Richard L (1850)
Davis, Roland A (1933)
Davis, Roland L (1933)
Davis, S C (1869)
Davis, Samuel C (1860)
Davis, Samuel E (1867)
Davis, Samuel H (1947)
Davis, Sarah A (1916)
Davis, Simon (1924)
Davis, Soloman White (1794)
Davis, Solomon (1827)
Davis, T C (1933)
Davis, Thomas (1827)
Davis, Thomas C (1953)
Davis, Thomas T (1866)
Davis, W D (1937)
Davis, W T (1937)
Davis, Walter M (1954)
Davis, William Anson (1955)
Davis, Wilson (1867)
Davis, Zilphia (1859)
Day, George M (1945)
Day, Lenard C (1924)
Day, Rittie P (1949)
Delamar, Abigail (1882)
Delamar, James F (1867)
Delamar, Susan T (1902)
Delamar, T B (1898)
Delamer, Ella A (1933)
Delmar, James F (1868)
Delmar, T B (1900)
Delmar, W S (1867)
Denby, Edward (1850)
Denis, James (1824)
Denning, George (1923)
Dennis, Charles (1812)
Dennis, Francis (1826)
Dennis, Francis (1834)
Dennis, Harriet (1830)
Dennis, J (1786)
Dennis, J T (1909)
Dennis, James (1819)
Dennis, John (1802)
Dennis, Joshua (1800)
Dennis, Joshua (1804)
Dennis, Joshua (1836)
Dennis, Joshua (1866)
Dennis, Reuben (1855)
Dennis, Reubin (1828)
Dennis, William (1804)
Dennis, William (1807)
Dennis, William, Jr. (1802)
Dennis, William, Sr. (1803)
Denoyer, D M (1935)
DeNoyer, Lillie Bell (1941)
Devant, C R (1959)
Dey, Almira Dudley (1917)
Dey, Charles P (1935)
Dey, Sarah Jones (1935)
Dickinson, C E (1947)
Dickinson, Daniel (1857)
Dickinson, F K (1922)
Dickinson, Gerald P (1944)
Dickinson, Guy R (1955)
Dickinson, J B (1892)
Dickinson, J F (1946)
Dickinson, J L (1926)
Dickinson, J L (1939)
Dickinson, James (1806)
Dickinson, John (1803)
Dickinson, John W (1930)
Dickinson, John, Jr. (1829)
Dickinson, Mollie Amanda (1944)
Dickinson, Param P (1903)
Dickinson, Richard N (1941)
Dickinson, Susan (1935)
Dickinson, Wallace (1874)
Dickson, Daniel (1857)
Dickson, Henry (1839)
Dill, Edward (1791)
Dill, Hettie (1912)
Dill, Joseph R (1898)
Dill, S L (1891)
Dill, Samuel L (1860)
Dillahunt, L (1942)
Dixon, Abner N (1848)
Dixon, Edward (1946)
Dixon, F E (1940)
Dixon, George R (1830)
Dixon, Guy (1953)
Dixon, James (1814)
Dixon, Joseph (1928)
Dixon, Mary Louise (1956)
Dixon, Mittie G (1953)
Dixon, Silvanus (1816)
Dixon, Soloman (1828)
Dixon, Thomas C (1848)
Dixon, W T (1906)
Donnell, J R (1870)
Dowdy, Douglas (1943)
Dowdy, Rudolph F (1945)
Doyle, Edward (1896)
Dudley, Alex, Sr. (1948)
Dudley, Amos H (1945)
Dudley, Charlie W (1944)
Dudley, Charlotte (1946)
Dudley, Christopher (1774)
Dudley, Cicero (1947)
Dudley, Cora Eubanks (1945)
Dudley, E M (1869)
Dudley, E M (1878)
Dudley, Elijah (1771)
Dudley, Elijah M (1867)
Dudley, Elizabeth (1824)
Dudley, George (1822)
Dudley, George H (1822)
Dudley, John (1814)
Dudley, John (1818)
Dudley, John (1824)
Dudley, Louis H (1954)
Dudley, Stephen (1803)
Dudley, Stephen (1867)
Dudley, Thomas (1753)
Dudley, Thomas (1808)
Dudley, Thomas (1937)
Dudley, W G (1943)
Duncan, Annie (1906)
Duncan, Graham W (1954)
Duncan, Laura C (1941)
Duncan, Mary Olive (1936)
Duncan, Thomas (1795)
Duncan, Thomas B (1881)
Duncan, Thomas L (1880)
Dunn, Robert K (1946)
Dunn, Walter (1885)
DuPlanty, S A (1931)
Durfey, Peleg (1774)
Easton, John (1802)
Eaton, J H (1905)
Eaton, J T (1906)
Eaton, Sidney (1920)
Eaton, Walter (1930)
Edwards, James M (1904)
Edwards, Theo (1912)
Eliott, Elija (1850)
Elliot, Elijah (1866)
Elliot, John (1830)
Elliott, Catherine (1855)
Elliott, Elijah (1841)
Elliott, Joseph (1832)
Ellis, Freeman (1803)
Ellis, Isaac (1860)
Ellis, Lewis (1827)
Ellis, Rebecca (1827)
Ellison, James (1867)
Ellison, Stephen (1903)
English, Thomas (1809)
Evans, P G (1867)
Evans, William (1783)
Everitt (1883)
Fanbarn, Thomas (1858)
Fearns, Martain (1783)
Felton, John H (1883)
Felton, Margaret (1909)
Felton, Rosanna M (1894)
Fennel, F P (1913)
Ferguson, John (1817)
Ferrand, William P (1848)
Fields, Lemuel B (1867)
Fisher, Charity (1825)
Fisher, William (1812)
Fisher, William (1824)
Flanner, Macy E (1895)
Fodrey, Stephen (1850)
Folk, James (1823)
Foot, Cloenda (1819)
Foot, David (1787)
Foot, Ivey (1841)
Foot, Keturah (1829)
Foreman, James (1816)
Forguson, John (1817)
Forlow, Lewis S (1901)
Forman, Charles G (1868)
Foster, Harvey Lee (1951)
Francis, Thompson (1852)
Frazier, John (1746)
Freshwater, William (1782)
Fulford (1886)
Fulford, Absalom (1842)
Fulford, Enoch (1829)
Fulford, Enoch (1837)
Fulford, Hannah (1836)
Fulford, James H (1865)
Fulford, James W (1879)
Fulford, Jediah (1801)
Fulford, John (1799)
Fulford, John (1811)
Fulford, John (1817)
Fulford, Joseph (1805)
Fulford, Joseph (1829)
Fulford, Joseph (1837)
Fulford, Judith (1805)
Fulford, Rodney (1807)
Fulford, Stephen (1834)
Fulford, Stephen (1838)
Fulford, T E (1922)
Fulford, Thomas (1854)
Fulford, Thomas (1873)
Fulford, William (1808)
Fulford, William (1822)
Fulford, William (1866)
Fuller, Belcher (1829)
Fuller, Edward (1768)
Fuller, Nathan (1801)
Fuller, Nathan (1855)
Fuller, William J (1860)
Fuller, Zilphia (1847)
Fulshire, Joseph (1842)
Gabriel, Benjamin (1808)
Gabriel, Benjamin (1866)
Gabriel, George (1886)
Gabriel, George W (1867)
Gabriel, Richard (1775)
Gabriel, Samuel N & Sarah M (1899)
Gabriel, Sarah M (1896)
Gantier, Benjamin F (1867)
Garnar, John (1798)
Garner, Clayton C (1866)
Garner, David L (1857)
Garner, Dexter G (1888)
Garner, E P (1900)
Garner, Edward (1909)
Garner, Elijah, Sr. (1865)
Garner, Francis (1769)
Garner, Francis (1815)
Garner, Irma McCain (1934)
Garner, John S (1865)
Garner, Leonard (1850)
Garner, Levin (1889)
Garner, Newell (1926)
Garner, Richard C (1841)
Garner, Samuel (1765)
Garner, Samuel (1775)
Garner, Samuel (1793)
Garner, Samuel C (1892)
Garner, Samuel, Sr. (1865)
Garner, William J (1857)
Garner, William J (1866)
Garner, William L (1835)
Garner, William, Sr. (1830)
Garrott, Martin (1875)
Gaskill, Benjamin (1787)
Gaskill, Elvin (1955)
Gaskill, Guilford (1869)
Gaskill, James (1837)
Gaskill, James (1842)
Gaskill, James (1872)
Gaskill, John (1821)
Gaskill, John (1859)
Gaskill, John A (1855)
Gaskill, Joseph, Sr. (1826)
Gaskill, Pleasant H (1862)
Gaskill, William (1839)
Gaskill, William, Sr. (1770)
Gaskins, V (1828)
Gatling, John (1888)
Gebauer, Felix G (1939)
Geffroy, William V (1878)
George, D S (1924)
Gibble, Dedderick (1755)
Gibble, Dedireck (1819)
Gibble, George F (1828)
Gibble, James E (1868)
Gibble, John R (1840)
Gibble, Walterman (1762)
Gibbons, William (1790)
Gibbs, Mary (1832)
Gibbs, Thomas R (1917)
Gillet, John (1756)
Gillett, Jacob (1873)
Gilliken, Alexander (1811)
Gilliken, William (1835)
Gillikin, Ammon (1810)
Gillikin, Asa (1866)
Gillikin, Elijah P (1901)
Gillikin, George (1831)
Gillikin, Hetty (1832)
Gillikin, Thomas
Gillikin, Thomas (1812)
Gillikin, Thomas (1867)
Gillikin, Uriah (1843)
Glover, J Wheeler & John I
Glover, Joseph P (1899)
Godwin, James, Sr. (1858)
Golden, C C & Emily E (1909)
Gooding, James M (1853)
Gooding, Jonathan (1840)
Gooding, Matthew R (1866)
Goodwin, John L (1896)
Goodwin, Thomas (1803)
Gorham, E H (1934)
Gould, David (1897)
Gould, David (1914)
Gould, Michael S (1865)
Grace, Thomas (1837)
Graham, William A (1877)
Gray, Mary Ann (1925)
Green, Archelus (1821)
Green, Elisha (1809)
Green, George (1856)
Green, Samuel, Jr. (1787)
Green, Samuel, Sr. (1793)
Griffin, Henry (1768)
Griffin, Moses (1822)
Griffin, Robert (1941)
Guthrie, Angeline (1904)
Guthrie, Bryant (1853)
Guthrie, Denard (1894)
Guthrie, E E (1934)
Guthrie, E W, Sr. (1934)
Guthrie, Frederick P (1858)
Guthrie, Hilda Wallace (1941)
Guthrie, James (1843)
Guthrie, John B (1870)
Guthrie, John W, Sr. (1899)
Guthrie, Mary (1861)
Guthrie, Reuben (1950)
Guthrie, Samuel (1832)
Guthrie, Walter D (1911)
Gwin, Henry (1814)
Hackbarn, Joseph (1827)
Hackbern, Joseph (1834)
Hacker, A (1893)
Hacker, Clarissa (1836)
Hadnot, William G (1824)
Hall, David (1802)
Hall, David (1827)
Hall, David John (1958)
Hall, John (1807)
Hall, R S (1881)
Hall, Richard (1875)
Hall, Samuel (1795)
Hall, Shelton L (1956)
Hall, Thomas B (1944)
Halsell, A G (1840)
Halton, Edward (1953)
Hamilton, A Mitchell (1899)
Hamilton, Charlie (1933)
Hamilton, Genia C (1955)
Hamilton, J L (1941)
Hamilton, J W (1933)
Hamilton, John F (1940)
Hamilton, John W & Alvah L
Hamilton, Robert (1867)
Hamilton, Sabra J (1933)
Hamilton, Samuel (1840)
Hamilton, Thomas (1929)
Hamlin, Carrie W (1961)
Hampton, Robert Clifford (1957)
Hampton, Thomas (1766)
Hancock, Elijah (1801)
Hancock, Gertrude Davis (1944)
Hancock, Henry (1782)
Hancock, James (1929)
Hancock, James R (1928)
Hancock, John (1821)
Hancock, Robert (1866)
Hancock, S P (1944)
Hancock, Sterling P (1926)
Hancock, William E (1947)
Handcock, Sarah (1808)
Hardesty, Addie May (1948)
Hardesty, Augustus (1940)
Hardesty, B M (1893)
Hardesty, Benjamin (1834)
Hardesty, Burton (1865)
Hardesty, E D (1943)
Hardesty, Floyd (1956)
Hardesty, Gordon, Sr. (1955)
Hardesty, J W (1926)
Hardesty, John (1866)
Hardesty, Joseph (1805)
Hardesty, Joseph (1882)
Hardesty, Robert Edward Lee (1951)
Hardesty, William W (1945)
Hardisty, Benjamin (1800)
Hardy, Guy (1959)
Hardy, Jessie (1945)
Harker, Anson T (1848)
Harker, Belcher (1841)
Harker, Belcher F (1850)
Harker, Clarissa (1836)
Harker, Ebben (1840)
Harker, Eben Lee (1959)
Harker, Ebenezer (1765)
Harker, James (1806)
Harker, James (1814)
Harker, James (1844)
Harker, Mary S (1947)
Harker, Samuel (1917)
Harker, Zachariah (1824)
Harper, John (1762)
Harper, William (1859)
Harper, William (1873)
Harris, D W (1937)
Harris, Edward (1815)
Harris, Elijah (1841)
Harris, Ichabod (1804)
Harris, Julian D (1931)
Harris, Lloyd (1936)
Harris, Martin William (1932)
Harris, Mary C (1932)
Harris, Redon (1955)
Harris, Ruth (1934)
Harris, Thomas E (1897)
Haskel, Eramus (1845)
Haskett, Aaron (1875)
Haskett, Jesse (1833)
Haskett, William (1839)
Haskett, Winfield (1926)
Haskitt, Borden (1866)
Haskitt, Michael F (1859)
Hatch, John R (1930)
Hatchell, James E (1855)
Hatchell, William (1803)
Hatsel, Daisy R (1935)
Hatsel, Esther (1834)
Hatsel, James E (1858)
Hatsell, A G (1837)
Hatsell, Archelans (1838)
Hatsell, Armisted (1824)
Hatsell, J E W (1857)
Hatsell, William (1804)
Hatsell, William (1817)
Hatsell, Willis (1802)
Hawkins, Charles H (1929)
Hawkins, William (1820)
Hay, George W (1947)
Hay, Hannah (1777)
Headen, W E (1925)
Heady, Mathew (1856)
Heath, Alfred (1894)
Heath, Ben (1959)
Hedgepath, G C (1945)
Hellen, Brian (1823)
Hellen, Brian (1854)
Hellen, G A E (1855)
Hellen, Isaac (1797)
Hellen, Isaac (1801)
Hellen, Isaac (1816)
Hellen, Isaac (1847)
Hellen, Jonathan (1824)
Hellen, Sarah (1855)
Hellen, Sarah (1937)
Helms, Blanche P (1956)
Helms, Martin Luther (1926)
Henderson, Dora S (1953)
Henderson, John L (1956)
Henderson, W J (1937)
Hendrix, H M (1938)
Henry, Ann (1904)
Henry, Charles (1936)
Henry, Frank (1959)
Henry, Joel (1804)
Hepler, Hubert C (1959)
Herbert, Hillary (1811)
Herbert, Hillery (1767)
Herbert, Irene (1906)
Herbert, Sarah (1814)
Herbert, William (1823)
Herbert, William (1824)
Herrington, Etta (1924)
Herrington, L L (1920)
Herron, T G (1935)
Hibbs, Henry W (1942)
Hibbs, J H (1942)
Hibbs, John (1801)
Hibbs, Jonathan (1825)
Hibbs, Wilkin (1833)
Hicks, Maggie D (1939)
Higgins, Wiley F (1876)
Higgins, Wiley N (1884)
Hill, Abram (1800)
Hill, C W (1893)
Hill, Catherine (1824)
Hill, Cicero W (1892)
Hill, Edward (1833)
Hill, Edward (1866)
Hill, Edward (1878)
Hill, Edward B (1823)
Hill, Edward B (1828)
Hill, Eliza (1928)
Hill, Elizabeth (1828)
Hill, Erasmus (1833)
Hill, Hutch (1817)
Hill, Ida (1925)
Hill, Isaac (1806)
Hill, Isaac (1815)
Hill, Isaac S (1888)
Hill, Isaac, Jr. (1818)
Hill, Ivy (1826)
Hill, Jesse (1866)
Hill, John (1811)
Hill, John (1812)
Hill, John (1829)
Hill, John (1838)
Hill, John (1884)
Hill, John (1897)
Hill, John H (1837)
Hill, Louis J (1921)
Hill, Mamie L (1955)
Hill, Martha A (1944)
Hill, Michael (1943)
Hill, Norman (1950)
Hill, Rachel (1763)
Hill, Robert Daniel (1946)
Hill, Samuel (1887)
Hill, T L (1930)
Hill, Thomas (1873)
Hill, Wesley (1944)
Hill, William (1804)
Hill, William (1814)
Hill, William M (1924)
Hillary, Herbert (1805)
Hillen, Brian (1860)
Hilliard, W H (1925)
Hodge, F S (1935)
Hodge, Florence B (1957)
Hodges, John Calvin (1956)
Hoffman, Alice Green (1953)
Holland, Albert E (1947)
Holland, E P (1886)
Holland, Hannah (1923)
Holland, M C (1922)
Holland, Otis L (1922)
Holland, William Osbourn (1959)
Holloway, Ethel R (1959)
Holmes, Laura G (1931)
Hooper, Maria A (1936)
Houghton, John H (1879)
Houston, Moses (1774)
Houston, William (1770)
Houston, William (1785)
Howard, George & Ann (1843)
Howard, George (1806)
Howard, George (1835)
Howard, J M, Jr. (1942)
Howard, James W (1849)
Howard, John (1832)
Howell, George E (1928)
Howell, Louisa F (1943)
Howell, Thomas J (1924)
Howland, Benjamin T (1866)
Howland, Ella Phillips (1947)
Howland, Emma J (1920)
Howland, Lula Cox (1948)
Howland, Ralph (1867)
Howland, Samuel L (1866)
Howland, Samuel L (1929)
Howland, W F (1897)
Howland, Zephaniah (1834)
Hudgins, A W (1885)
Hudgins, John F (1860)
Hudgins, Lydia (1933)
Huff, Richard (1793)
Huff, T H (1919)
Huggins, Owen (1870)
Hughes, Isaac W (1886)
Hughes, Seth (1958)
Hughes, Seth H (1919)
Hullen, Brian (1825)
Hunnings, Leon Davis (1956)
Hunnings, Mack (1956)
Hunt, James W (1848)
Hunt, William (1858)
Hunter, Ezekiel (1781)
Hunter, H B (1945)
Hunter, Ivey Edward (1950)
Hunter, Lebbus (1810)
Hunter, Ned (1950)
Hunter, Stephen (1796)
Hunter, Stephen (1809)
Hurst, Charles O (1858)
Hutton, Lina (1926)
Ireland, David (1856)
Ireland, J W (1928)
Ireland, John C (1947)
Ireland, Martha (1925)
Ireland, Paul & Mary (1925)
Irvin, Mary J (1923)
Ivey, Leonora Dowd (1954)
Jackson, Benjamin (1890)
Jackson, Borden (1865)
Jackson, Francis (1798)
Jackson, Francis (1818)
Jackson, George Henry (1945)
Jackson, George Henry (1947)
Jacobs, Parsley (1778)
James, C F (1888)
James, Caesar (1909)
James, Steven B (1946)
Jamison, C R (1953)
Janney, Joseph W (1917)
Jarvis, David A (1957)
Jeffrey, M V (1882)
Jerkins, Henry (1926)
Jerkins, Mollie (1930)
Jinnett, Sophronia (1924)
Jinnette, J R (1937)
Johnson, Amos (1803)
Johnson, C A (1940)
Johnson, Elvia (1897)
Johnson, Gustave S (1945)
Johnson, J T (1925)
Johnson, James S (1946)
Johnson, Randolph (1958)
Johnson, Sarah A (1908)
Johnson, William (1782)
Johnson, William (1814)
Johnston, Anne (1953)
Johnston, Dave, Jr. (1953)
Johnston, Judkins (1818)
Jones, Abigail (1810)
Jones, Abram (1784)
Jones, Addie Howerton (1940)
Jones, Aden (1810)
Jones, Ambrose (1866)
Jones, Ammon (1777)
Jones, Ann (1836)
Jones, Annie L (1958)
Jones, B L (1904)
Jones, C D (1926)
Jones, Charles (1805)
Jones, D S (1880)
Jones, David S (1885)
Jones, David S (1905)
Jones, Ernest H (1891)
Jones, Esther (1766)
Jones, Fred Cletus (1959)
Jones, Henry C (1926)
Jones, J B (1925)
Jones, John (1813)
Jones, John (1815)
Jones, John (1834)
Jones, John (1879)
Jones, John (1949)
Jones, Lillian E (1885)
Jones, Lonnie (1951)
Jones, M C (1928)
Jones, Major (1916)
Jones, Mary W (1939)
Jones, Oliver (1927)
Jones, Orphia N (1934)
Jones, Rebecca (1821)
Jones, Redding H (1817)
Jones, Robert H (1885)
Jones, Rosa M (1931)
Jones, Thomas (1824)
Jones, Thomas (1837)
Jones, Thomas R (1899)
Jones, Thomas R (1917)
Jones, Uriah (1804)
Jones, W T (1941)
Jones, William (1815)
Jones, William (1850)
Jones, William (1915)
Jornant, William (1857)
Jost, Otto George (1958)
Joyner, Addie (1948)
Joyner, Aquilla H (1944)
Joyner, Carrie (1958)
Joyner, Frank (1958)
Judd (1833)
Justin, John (1833)
Keeler, Charles B (1900)
Killingsworth, J B (1924)
King, F L (1888)
King, Keturah (1860)
King, W C (1879)
King, W C (1884)
Kirk, David Arthur, Sr. (1958)
Knoonce, Philip (1891)
Krouse, Carol B (1957)
Laine, Oscar K (1948)
Lane, Zach (1904)
Larrance, John
Latham, S J (1879)
Lawrance, Laban (1821)
Lawrence, Cicero (1879)
Lawrence, David (1880)
Lawrence, Elmo (1952)
Lawrence, Laban (1866)
Lawrence, Watson (1866)
Leary, L L (1934)
Leecraft, Benjamin (1811)
Leecraft, Benjamin (1852)
Leecraft, Benjamin (1870)
Leecraft, Benjamin (1879)
Leecraft, D (1858)
Leecraft, L T (1868)
Leecraft, Lafeyette F (1866)
Leecraft, Mary (1878)
Leecraft, Mary (1884)
Leecraft, Susannah (1819)
Leecraft, William (1858)
Leffer, Susanah (1823)
Leffers, Samuel (1875)
Lepper, Jemima Ann (1920)
Lepper, Phillip (1901)
Lewis, Cornelius (1867)
Lewis, David (1773)
Lewis, Elijah Whitfield (1857)
Lewis, J C (1932)
Lewis, John (1831)
Lewis, Mamie Salter (1950)
Lewis, Matilda (1950)
Lewis, Thomas (1796)
Lewis, William (1810)
Lewis, William J (1858)
Lidden, D S (1921)
Lindsay, Thomas C (1848)
Lockhart, Hugh (1802)
Longest, Bryan (1866)
Longest, James (1797)
Longest, James (1866)
Lovett, John (1812)
Lovett, L (1756)
Lovett, Richard (1803)
Lowe, Maria J (1876)
Lowenberg, Bendex (1883)
Lucas, Wilson (1881)
Lupton, Allen (1859)
Lupton, Allen (1934)
Lupton, Christopher (1801)
Lupton, Silas (1869)
Lupton, Wilson (1878)
Mabson, Arthur (1795)
Mace, W A (1944)
Mace, William (1831)
MacKinney, Brooks (1808)
Malbone, Lemuel (1791)
Mallett, E (1866)
Mallock, E W (1878)
Mann, Asa (1848)
Mann, D L & Henrietta (1920)
Mann, Elijah (1866)
Mann, John (1851)
Mann, Leon A, Sr. (1960)
Mann, Nancy (1900)
Mann, Thomas (1866)
Manney, James (1852)
Manson, John C & Phebe (1858)
Manson, John C (1852)
Markett, Frederick (1880)
Markland, Charles (1793)
Marshall, John (1807)
Marshall, John (1827)
Marshall, John, Dr. (1824)
Marshall, W (1827)
Marshall, William P (1866)
Martin, Absalom (1828)
Martin, Fannie (1912)
Martin, L W (1882)
Martin, Littleton (1856)
Martin, Nora (1909)
Mason, Lydia (1928)
Mason, Manean W (1883)
McCain, Lewis (1844)
McCook, Robert L (1935)
McCoy, F M (1890)
McCready, Benjamin F (1937)
McCrohon, John (1791)
McRams, Lewis (1844)
Meadors, Isaac (1817)
Meadow, Bartholomew (1805)
Medow, John (1780)
Melson, Edmond (1802)
Melson, John (1802)
Merine, William (1817)
Merrill, Arthur (1834)
Merrill, Josephus (1860)
Merrill, Levi (1815)
Merritt, John (1845)
Messenger, William (1859)
Midgett, Joseph (1836)
Midgett, Levi (1887)
Midyett, Beulah (1918)
Millis, D B (1861)
Millis, John R (1853)
Millis, Lora Garner (1934)
Minor, Stephen (1819)
Mitchel, Abraham (1778)
Mitchell, Hattie T (1898)
Monroe, James (1880)
Monroe, James (1901)
Moore, A T (1925)
Moore, Henrietta McCall (1919)
Morgan, G L (1822)
Morgan, John (1810)
Morgan, Naomi (1815)
Morse, Blandina (1836)
Morse, Daniel (1826)
Morse, David W (1901)
Morse, Elizabeth (1831)
Morse, Elsey (1816)
Morse, George (1825)
Morse, George (1832)
Morse, Jacob (1834)
Morse, James (1811)
Morse, Jenny (1912)
Morse, Joseph (1784)
Morse, Joshua (1793)
Morse, Redden W (1859)
Morton, Elijah T (1855)
Morton, James (1746)
Morton, Joseph (1826)
Morton, Thomas (1846)
Morton, William
Morton, William (1837)
Murin, John (1820)
Murphy, Martin T (1870)
Muse, James (1867)
Napper, Dock (1925)
Neel, Aaron (1812)
Nelson, Ananias (1799)
Nelson, Anson H (1894)
Nelson, Asa (1812)
Nelson, Charles (1915)
Nelson, Elijah (1859)
Nelson, Henry (1914)
Nelson, James (1795)
Nelson, James B (1888)
Nelson, John
Nelson, John H (1876)
Nelson, Madora (1909)
Nelson, Mason (1926)
Nelson, Robert (1797)
Nelson, W C (1935)
Newberry, Y T (1911)
Nichols, James (1817)
Noble, Samuel
Nobles, James Sherman & Lula Lewis (1946)
Noe, Curtis M (1954)
Noe, Isaiah (1858)
Noe, James, Sr. (1828)
Noe, John & Mamie (1955)
Noe, John F (1842)
Noe, Peter (1779)
Noe, Peter, Jr. (1832)
Norcone, Edward H (1867)
Norcone, Edward H (1879)
Norris, John A (1833)
Norris, Matthew (1841)
Nunn, Frances (1839)
O’Bryan, Allen D (1941)
Ogelsby, Elizabeth (1787)
Ogelsby, R (1867)
Oglesbay, Zam–ah (1843)
Oglesbee, John (1787)
Oglesby, Gideon (1808)
Oglesby, John (1816)
Oglesby, John (1860)
Oglesby, Jonathan (1804)
Oglesby, Levi (1825)
Oglesby, Levi (1866)
Oglesby, Levi T (1903)
Oglesby, Nathaniel (1853)
Oglesby, Rufus (1876)
Oglesby, Thomas (1796)
Oglesby, Zemeriah (1910)
O’Leary, William D (1865)
Oliver, John (1867)
Olney, Benjamin (1769)
Olsen, Otto (1956)
O’Neal, Bateman (1837)
O’Neal, Francis (1838)
O’Neal, Francis, Sr. (1825)
O’Neal, John (1838)
Outlaw, J B (1868)
Outlaw, Joseph B (1860)
Outlaw, Joseph B (1871)
Owen, Anson (1843)
Owen, William (1822)
Owens, Clyde M (1947)
Owens, William (1766)
Pairtree, James (1793)
Paquenett, Elizabeth (1817)
Paquinet, Isaiah (1799)
Paquinet, Jacob (1788)
Paquinet, James (1797)
Paquinet, John (1827)
Paquinet, Michael (1772)
Paquonit, John (1829)
Parish, David (1829)
Parker, Isaac N (1930)
Parker, John S (1959)
Parker, Joseph Henry Chew (1786)
Parks, C A (1857)
Parks, Kate S (1949)
Parks, William J (1858)
Parks, William J (1867)
Parratt, James (1804)
Patten, Gideon M (1860)
Patton, Allis (1865)
Paythress, John, Dr. (1814)
Peletier, Elizabeth (1845)
Pelleitier, Tamor Jane (1853)
Pelletair, Tamar (1842)
Pelletier, E W (1906)
Pelletier, Edward W (1899)
Pelletier, George (1923)
Pelletier, J J (1880)
Pelletier, J J (1891)
Pelletier, J J (1910)
Pelletier, Jeremiah B (1850)
Pelletier, Peter (1850)
Pelletier, Peter W F (1841)
Pelletier, R D (1850)
Pelletier, Reuben D (1852)
Pelletier, Reuben D (1867)
Pelletier, Sarah (1865)
Pelletier, Tamar (1843)
Pelletier, William P F (1840)
Pelletin, Ferrand (1855)
Pellitier, Jerome (1803)
Pellitier, Peter (1839)
Pender, J J (1866)
Pender, J S (1866)
Perry, B L (1871)
Perry, B L (1894)
Perry, Benjamin L (1870)
Perry, Elizabeth N (1879)
Perry, Joseph A (1866)
Perry, Mrs. (1879)
Pervis, Eliza Jane (1891)
Phelps, Mathias (1860)
Phillips, A J (1875)
Phillips, H O, Sr. (1919)
Phillips, John D (1861)
Phillips, Stanley (1929)
Phisioe, Peter (1812)
Physior, Charles (1814)
Pierce, Margaret E (1898)
Pigot, Elijah (1819)
Pigot, Elijah (1844)
Pigot, Levi (1837)
Pigot, Levi (1841)
Pigot, Oliver (1808)
Pigot, William (1798)
Pigott, Abraham (1812)
Pigott, Abraham (1821)
Pigott, Abraham (1851)
Pigott, Abram (1849)
Pigott, Allen (1830)
Pigott, Chew (1860)
Pigott, Culpepper (1833)
Pigott, Culpepper (1836)
Pigott, Culpepper (1858)
Pigott, E W (1860)
Pigott, Edward (1930)
Pigott, Elijah (1859)
Pigott, Elijah (1860)
Pigott, Elijah C (1866)
Pigott, Elijah W (1860)
Pigott, Emeline J
Pigott, J (1858)
Pigott, Jaconias (1858)
Pigott, Jane (1816)
Pigott, Jechonais (1856)
Pigott, Jennings (1846)
Pigott, John (1810)
Pigott, John M (1866)
Pigott, Levi (1826)
Pigott, Levi (1829)
Pigott, Micajah (1809)
Pigott, Simeon (1835)
Pigott, Simeon (1881)
Pigott, Simon (1826)
Pigott, Simon (1868)
Pigott, William (1806)
Pigott, William (1818)
Pigott, William (1855)
Pigott, William C (1866)
Pigott, William H (1866)
Pigott, William S (1856)
Pinard, Thomas (1781)
Piner, Charles (1798)
Piner, George P (1867)
Piner, John (1799)
Piner, John W (1889)
Piner, Joseph (1842)
Piner, Josephus W (1855)
Piner, T W (1889)
Piner, Thomas (1860)
Piner, Thomas E (1888)
Pinkham, Job (1802)
Pinkham, Nathaniel (1821)
Pitman, Thomas (1822)
Piver, Elias (1856)
Piver, Jesse (1858)
Piver, Nathan (1837)
Piver, Parker (1905)
Piver, William H (1868)
Plowman, John (1807)
Plowman, John (1812)
Porter, John (1855)
Porter, Jonathan (1767)
Porter, Nathaniel (1865)
Porter, William (1869)
Potter, Joshua (1788)
Powers, Sanders (1928)
Prescott, Aaron (1802)
Prescott, Aaron (1812)
Prescott, Benjamin (1768)
Prescott, Ivey (1852)
Prescott, Joseph (1828)
Prescott, Willie B & Bert W (1947)
Prestcott, Willioughby (1829)
Pridgen, Nellie P (1961)
Putney, W H (1869)
Quinn, Abner (1852)
Ramsey, Alexander (1857)
Ramsey, Isaac (1874)
Ramsey, Isaac (1879)
Ramsey, Isaac (1891)
Ramsey, Margurite (1922)
Ramsey, William (1844)
Read, Ann (1769)
Read, George (1756)
Read, George (1821)
Read, Joseph (1794)
Read, Robert (1768)
Read, Robert (1794)
Records, John, Sr. (1794)
Reid, James (1772)
Reynolds, Joseph (1860)
Ricard, John (1808)
Ricards, John (1794)
Rice, J Leon (1936)
Rice, M D (1931)
Rice, William (1921)
Rice, William (1922)
Richard, John
Richardson, G W (1900)
Ricks, William Henry (1947)
Rickson, John (1796)
Riggs, Jesse (1795)
Roads, John (1789)
Robenson, Judith (1857)
Roberson, Allen (1803)
Roberson, John (1839)
Roberson, Joseph (1826)
Roberson, M B (1852)
Roberson, M B (1867)
Roberson, Malachi B (1855)
Roberson, Teringham (1811)
Roberson, W B (1869)
Roberson, William (1858)
Roberts, David W (1890)
Roberts, Dennard (1854)
Roberts, James (1817)
Roberts, James (1820)
Roberts, John (1765)
Roberts, John (1786)
Roberts, John (1797)
Roberts, John (1828)
Roberts, John G (1888)
Roberts, Ludwick G (1816)
Roberts, Richard (1762)
Roberts, Richard (1870)
Roberts, Richard, Sr. (1870)
Roberts, William (1786)
Robertson, George (1781)
Robertson, William (1774)
Robinson, Alex (1919)
Robinson, Andrew (1741)
Robinson, Ann (1787)
Robinson, Feringly (1812)
Robinson, Frank (1943)
Robinson, John (1827)
Robinson, Joseph
Robinson, Joseph (1839)
Robinson, Joseph (1866)
Robinson, W B (1952)
Rodman, Wiley C (1894)
Rolls, James M (1841)
Ronalds, John (1774)
Rose, John (1902)
Royal, Marmaduke (1835)
Ruffin, Lela (1910)
Ruffin, Thomas (1910)
Rumley, Brian H (1853)
Rumley, David (1848)
Rumley, David (1856)
Rumley, Gilbert (1846)
Rumley, Jacob (1860)
Rumley, James (1882)
Rumley, Jane (1846)
Rumley, John (1815)
Rumley, John (1893)
Rumley, Rachel (1844)
Rumley, Rachel (1856)
Rumly, Denard (1895)
Russel, William (1746)
Russell, Benjamin (1767)
Russell, David (1813)
Russell, Hab (1788)
Russell, Hab (1820)
Russell, John (1892)
Russell, Laura A (1922)
Russell, Nevil (1871)
Russell, Violetta (1859)
Rustell, John (1817)
Rustill, John, Sr. (1803)
Rustill, Richard (1761)
Rustull, John, Sr. (1861)
Sabeston, David, Sr. (1813)
Sabiston, David (1833)
Sabiston, David (1848)
Sabiston, Robert & Rebecca & David (1849)
Sabiston, Robert (1834)
Sabiston, William (1801)
Sabiston, William (1894)
Saduce, Edward (1816)
Saillard, Francis (1805)
Salmon, John (1803)
Salmon, Rebecca (1801)
Salmons, William (1791)
Salter, Simeon (1860)
Salter, Tyson (1893)
Sammons, Rebecca (1801)
Sammons, William (1791)
Sammons, Willoughby (1819)
Sammons, Willoughby (1820)
Sampson, Allen (1884)
Sampson, Jacob (1851)
Sanders, Anna (1822)
Sanders, David (1802)
Sanders, David (1870)
Sanders, E W (1883)
Sanders, Eli W (1875)
Sanders, Ezekiel (1801)
Sanders, John (1799)
Sanders, John (1817)
Sanders, Philip (1779)
Sanders, Philip (1810)
Sanders, Prudence (1803)
Sanders, Samuel (1796)
Sanders, Samuel (1820)
Sanders, Susanna (1820)
Sanders, Thomas (1793)
Sanderson, Joseph (1811)
Saunders, Eli W (1876)
Savage, John (1879)
Scarboraugh, Mary Ann (1825)
Scarbrough, Ann (1843)
Scarbrough, George (1824)
Seduce, Edward (1817)
Severn, Isaiah (1834)
Severn, Isaiah (1835)
Severn, Isaiah (1847)
Severn, James (1792)
Severn, John, Jr. (1821)
Sewell, Thomas B (1890)
Shackelford, Calvin D (1841)
Shackelford, James (1759)
Shackelford, John (1775)
Shackelford, John (1814)
Shackelford, Kezia (1770)
Shackelford, Roger (1821)
Shackelford, Stephen (1840)
Shackleford, James (1804)
Shackleford, Sabra (1852)
Sharp, William (1802)
Shaw, John (1767)
Shepard, Absalom (1799)
Shepard, David (1748)
Shepard, David (1775)
Shepard, David (1802)
Shepard, Elijah (1786)
Shepard, Eliza (1788)
Shepard, Elizabeth (1818)
Shepard, Elizabeth (1820)
Shepard, Frances (1762)
Shepard, Jacob (1778)
Shepard, John (1774)
Shepard, John (1793)
Shepard, Margaret (1819)
Shepard, Soloman (1778)
Shepard, Solomon (1777)
Shepard, Solomon (1801)
Shephard, David (1811)
Shephard, Margaret (1803)
Shephard, Peggy (1804)
Sherwood, Allen (1850)
Sikes, Abraham (1835)
Sikes, Elijah (1817)
Sikes, Sarah (1836)
Simmons, Eliza (1868)
Simmons, Jacob (1889)
Simmons, John (1771)
Simmons, Samuel (1820)
Simmons, William (1760)
Simmons, William (1855)
Simons, William (1791)
Simpkins, William (1866)
Simpon, Cornelius (1767)
Simpson, Absalom (1829)
Simpson, Absalom (1850)
Simpson, Cornelius (1800)
Simpson, David (1858)
Simpson, David C (1866)
Simpson, Edward (1854)
Simpson, Enoch (1856)
Simpson, Henry Davis (1961)
Simpson, Jacob (1840)
Simpson, Jacob J (1859)
Simpson, James (1867)
Simpson, John (1760)
Simpson, Joshua (1810)
Simpson, Robert (1800)
Simpson, Rositter (1880)
Simpson, Rossiter (1816)
Simpson, Rossiter (1893)
Simpson, Scarbar (1899)
Small, Amos (1839)
Small, Benjamin (1752)
Small, Benjamin (1820)
Small, G B (1922)
Small, John Knight (1757)
Small, Jonas (1821)
Small, Joseph (1858)
Small, Silas (1821)
Smallwood, Eli (1860)
Smith, Amasa (1884)
Smith, Carita Miller (1949)
Smith, Elijah (1904)
Smith, Harold (1932)
Smith, Henry
Smith, Hosea (1846)
Smith, John (1784)
Smith, Joseph (1874)
Smith, Mary (1832)
Smith, Samuel (1813)
Smith, Thomas & Sarah (1798)
Smith, Thomas (1787)
Smith, Thomas (1808)
Smith, Wallace (1912)
Smith, William (1796)
Smith, William W (1889)
Southerland, Ann (1813)
Southerland, John (1772)
Southerland, Sarah (1812)
Spencer, Kate E (1930)
Spencer, Sarah (1812)
Springle, Elijah O (1905)
Springle, George W (1901)
Springle, Mamie (1902)
Springle, Richard D (1904)
Stanley, John B (1919)
Stanly, Alexander H (1855)
Stanton, Benjamin (1800)
Stanton, Henry (1751)
Stanton, Henry (1777)
Stanton, Hope (1787)
Stanton, James (1815)
Stanton, James (1823)
Stanton, Jonathan (1883)
Stanton, Miriam (1783)
Stanton, Owen (1818)
Stanton, Owen (1833)
Stanton, Owen, Sr. (1860)
Stanton, Rebecca (1825)
Stanton, Susan (1827)
Starkey, Edward (1791)
Starkey, Edward (1798)
Starkey, Edward (1808)
Starkey, John (1802)
Staton, Frank (1938)
Stephens, Joseph (1822)
Steward, Francis (1820)
Stewart, Alexander (1800)
Stewart, Charles (1844)
Stewart, John (1803)
Stewart, Oliver (1869)
Stewart, Peter D (1866)
Stewart, Wilbur (1949)
Stimson, Daniel (1891)
Stiran, George (1746)
Stiron, George (1801)
Stiron, George (1804)
Stiron, John (1794)
Stiron, John (1812)
Stiron, Samuel (1790)
Styron, Abigail (1812)
Styron, Amasa (1843)
Styron, Benjamin (1860)
Styron, Benjamin C (1867)
Styron, Christopher (1819)
Styron, Christopher (1831)
Styron, George (1860)
Styron, James W (1851)
Styron, Lemuel (1809)
Styron, Littleton (1835)
Styron, Lyttleton (1828)
Styron, Robert (1841)
Styron, Solomon (1826)
Styron, Wallace D (1852)
Swepson, George W (1883)
Swilivan, Thomas (1787)
Tallent, Clyde Ray (1948)
Tartiston, Enoch (1874)
Tassell, Joshua Van (1844)
Tatum, E C (1957)
Tatum, Maude Wheatly (1951)
Taylor, Allen E (1958)
Taylor, Alvah B (1955)
Taylor, Avery, Jr. (1952)
Taylor, B F (1897)
Taylor, Bayard (1954)
Taylor, Bessie S (1949)
Taylor, C C (1884)
Taylor, Calvin (1956)
Taylor, Carl T (1955)
Taylor, Curtis Webster (1914)
Taylor, Edgar (1953)
Taylor, Elijah (1922)
Taylor, Emma B (1942)
Taylor, G G, Mrs. (1936)
Taylor, G W (1883)
Taylor, George G (1859)
Taylor, George W (1883)
Taylor, Georgia F (1938)
Taylor, Guy L (1925)
Taylor, Isaack (1809)
Taylor, Ivey N (1954)
Taylor, J E (1936)
Taylor, J G (1924)
Taylor, James (1847)
Taylor, James (1848)
Taylor, James H (1866)
Taylor, James L (1942)
Taylor, John L (1922)
Taylor, Joseph (1860)
Taylor, Joshua (1788)
Taylor, L F (1955)
Taylor, Lem (1922)
Taylor, Letha G (1957)
Taylor, Levin (1801)
Taylor, M E (1889)
Taylor, Marian B (1957)
Taylor, Marion Carlyle (1954)
Taylor, Mary Etta (1953)
Taylor, Mary F (1918)
Taylor, Mary M (1908)
Taylor, Mervin A (1944)
Taylor, Minzette (1940)
Taylor, N H (1924)
Taylor, N W, Sr. (1949)
Taylor, Richard (1790)
Taylor, Robert (1951)
Taylor, Sidney A (1883)
Taylor, Timothy G (1871)
Taylor, V (1942)
Taylor, W F (1944)
Taylor, W L (1917)
Taylor, W P (1928)
Taylor, Walter G (1924)
Taylor, West H (1921)
Taylor, William (1749)
Taylor, William (1802)
Taylor, William Henry (1956)
Teasley, Angus Elmo (1910)
Temple, Guy W (1955)
Temple, John (1801)
Temple, Thomas (1795)
Temple, William (1817)
Thacher, Arthur (1911)
Thomas, C R (1891)
Thomas, Jennie C (1927)
Thomas, Marcus C (1855)
Thomas, Robert S (1857)
Thomas, Samuel (1932)
Thomas, Thomas (1899)
Thomas, Thomas J (1958)
Thomas, W A (1879)
Thomas, William (1814)
Thomas, William (1823)
Thomas, William A (1875)
Thomlinson, John (1783)
Thompson, George W (1929)
Thompson, Jane (1803)
Thompson, Jesse Daniel (1946)
Thompson, John (1787)
Thompson, Minerva (1954)
Thompson, Naomi (1827)
Thompson, William, Colonel (1812)
Thomson, William (1803)
Thorburn, C J (1933)
Throckmorton, John (1788)
Tilden, Thomas (1905)
Tiler, Benjamin (1799)
Tiler, John (1798)
Tillitt, Robert Fulton (1951)
Tolson, Anson (1842)
Tolson, Anson (1855)
Tolson, C C (1885)
Tolson, Eva H (1954)
Tolson, Finetta (1929)
Tolson, George
Tolson, George (1828)
Tolson, George (1836)
Tolson, John (1858)
Tolson, Kilby (1873)
Tolson, Matilda (1845)
Tolson, Sidney (1855)
Tolson, Thomas (1812)
Tolson, Thomas (1857)
Tolson, William (1806)
Tooker, E Post (1953)
Tootle, Hoyt (1923)
Tosto, George Thomas (1949)
Tosto, T T (1943)
Tripp, Ada (1954)
Tucker, William (1873)
Turnage, J L (1945)
Turner, Mary (1802)
Turner, Mildred L & Lee (1951)
Turner, Stella V (1955)
Tuton, William Walter (1949)
Twillivan, Thomis (1787)
Tyler, Clyde P (1950)
Tyson, Charlie H (1957)
Utley, Clem B (1949)
Uzzle, Edward (1923)
Van Horn, Henry E (1923)
Van Tassell, Joshua D (1836)
Vann, Isaac H (1954)
Vann, L C (1898)
Vass, L C (1898)
Veach, George (1953)
Venson, Jesse (1798)
Verell, James I (1815)
Vick, Edward W (1944)
Vivant, Peter (1784)
Wade, Abraham (1802)
Wade, Alpheus (1796)
Wade, Alpheus W (1910)
Wade, Asa (1793)
Wade, Benjamin (1873)
Wade, David (1813)
Wade, Eliza (1866)
Wade, Elizabeth (1815)
Wade, Elizabeth (1847)
Wade, I D (1929)
Wade, Isaac (1808)
Wade, Isaac (1881)
Wade, Jacob (1777)
Wade, Jacob (1788)
Wade, Jedidah (1818)
Wade, Joseph (1879)
Wade, Nancy (1812)
Wade, Richard (1809)
Wade, Robert (1745)
Wade, Theodosious (1810)
Wade, Valentine (1772)
Wade, Valentine (1798)
Wade, Valentine (1805)
Wade, Wilson (1812)
Wahab, Job (1777)
Wahab, Thomas (1802)
Wahab, Thomas (1807)
Wahab, William (1827)
Walden, Solomon (1815)
Waldermaier, Elizabeth (1945)
Walker, Elizabeth (1830)
Walker, John (1814)
Walker, Mrs. (1827)
Walker, Rebecca Sabiston (1844)
Wallace, Charles S (1945)
Wallace, David (1808)
Wallace, David (1815)
Wallace, David (1827)
Wallace, David H (1804)
Wallace, Davis (1799)
Wallace, Horatio (1831)
Wallace, James (1803)
Wallace, Jane (1827)
Wallace, John (1808)
Wallace, John C (1841)
Wallace, Joseph (1805)
Wallace, Joseph (1827)
Wallace, Mary (1812)
Wallace, Mary (1878)
Wallace, Rebekah (1824)
Wallace, Reuben (1804)
Wallace, Richard (1783)
Wallace, Robert (1796)
Wallace, Robin (1814)
Wallace, Simon H (1818)
Wallace, Susan (1811)
Wallace, Valentine (1784)
Wallace, William (1802)
Wallace, William (1850)
Wallace, Wise (1801)
Wallis, Abner (1785)
Wallis, Asa (1808)
Wallis, John (1777)
Wallis, Reuben (1800)
Wallis, Sarah (1801)
Wallis, Valentine (1753)
Walpole, Richard (1799)
Walter, David (1828)
Ward, Abigail & Elijah & Jacob (1814)
Ward, Alice (1846)
Ward, Avis (1856)
Ward, David (1817)
Ward, David (1835)
Ward, Enoch (1785)
Ward, Enoch (1817)
Ward, Enoch (1828)
Ward, George J (1871)
Ward, James (1891)
Ward, Jane (1868)
Ward, Jesse
Ward, Jesse (1845)
Ward, Patrick (1820)
Ward, Rufus (1847)
Ward, Rufus (1855)
Ward, Solomon (1827)
Ward, Solomon (1838)
Ward, William S (1866)
Warton, Ebenezer (1801)
Warton, Mattocks (1765)
Watson, Benjamin & Mary (1883)
Watson, Catherine (1795)
Watson, George (1795)
Watson, Jeremiah (1850)
Watson, M (1811)
Watson, Moses (1807)
Watson, Moses (1813)
Watson, Moses (1858)
Watson, William M (1919)
Way, B C (1937)
Weaks, Thomas (1797)
Webb, Lewis (1860)
Webb, M L (1917)
Webb, M S (1916)
Webb, T D, Jr. (1929)
Webb, William Gordon (1948)
Webb, William Gordon (1949)
Webster, Elizabeth
Webster, Elizabeth (1754)
Webster, John (1747)
Webster, John (1761)
Weeks, Benjamin (1839)
Weeks, E B (1899)
Weeks, Easly V (1921)
Weeks, Elijah (1859)
Weeks, Isaac
Weeks, Isaac (1873)
Weeks, Izosa (1927)
Weeks, Jabez (1828)
Weeks, Jabez (1837)
Weeks, Jesse (1844)
Weeks, Jesse (1850)
Weeks, John (1790)
Weeks, John (1858)
Weeks, John (1873)
Weeks, Joseph (1779)
Weeks, Joseph (1780)
Weeks, Rachel (1760)
Weeks, Readin (1799)
Weeks, Redden (1799)
Weeks, Silas (1780)
Weeks, Stephen (1783)
Weeks, Thomas (1787)
Weeks, W P P (1921)
Weeks, William (1774)
Welch, Lewis (1788)
Welch, Robert (1780)
Welch, Samuel (1746)
Wellington, John (1807)
Welliston, John (1811)
Wells, Nora (1911)
Wells, Sarah F (1906)
West, Dorval Wayne, Sr. (1956)
Wharton, Maddox (1767)
Wheatley, Sallie A (1885)
White, Arnold (1801)
White, Henry (1741)
White, Isaac (1816)
White, Isaac (1829)
White, James (1857)
White, James T (1891)
White, John S (1856)
White, Mitchell (1855)
White, Mitchell (1856)
White, Robert (1867)
White, Robert (1883)
White, Thomas (1758)
White, Thomas (1771)
White, William (1759)
Whitehurst, A W (1841)
Whitehurst, Alpheus (1840)
Whitehurst, David W (1872)
Whitehurst, Elijah (1855)
Whitehurst, John E (1884)
Whitehurst, John M (1872)
Whitehurst, Joseph B (1880)
Whitehurst, Rachel (1895)
Whitehurst, Richard (1825)
Whitehurst, Robert (1818)
Whitehurst, Robert (1837)
Whitehurst, Robert (1868)
Whitehurst, Samuel (1851)
Whitehurst, Wallace (1841)
Whitfield, John (1901)
Whithurst, D W (1867)
Whitman, Jeremiah (1766)
Wiggins, William B (1889)
Wilburs, Saml (1781)
Wilcut, Annor (1768)
Wilden, N (1817)
Wilder, Abraham (1825)
Wilder, Nathaniel (1788)
Wilder, Nathaniel (1816)
Wilkins, William (1743)
Williams, Benjamin (1772)
Williams, Benjamin (1778)
Williams, Benjamin (1800)
Williams, Brice (1772)
Williams, Edward (1919)
Williams, George (1837)
Williams, James (1771)
Williams, James (1787)
Williams, John (1787)
Williams, John (1824)
Williams, John, Sr. (1837)
Williams, Samuel N (1897)
Williams, Western (1788)
Williams, William (1799)
Williams, Willis (1837)
Williamson, Richard (1765)
Williamson, Will & Jane (1774)
Willis (1842)
Willis, Abner (1810)
Willis, Abram (1858)
Willis, Alpheus (1845)
Willis, Amos (1896)
Willis, Benjamin (1836)
Willis, Benjamin (1861)
Willis, Bernice (1856)
Willis, Britton (1850)
Willis, Daniel (1825)
Willis, Daniel (1852)
Willis, David (1860)
Willis, David B (1866)
Willis, Edgar (1885)
Willis, Eli (1847)
Willis, Ephraim F (1896)
Willis, Francis (1859)
Willis, G H (1919)
Willis, George (1818)
Willis, George (1841)
Willis, George W (1890)
Willis, Grady (1948)
Willis, Henry S (1895)
Willis, Isaac (1799)
Willis, J L (1867)
Willis, James W (1929)
Willis, Jechonias (1853)
Willis, John (1851)
Willis, John (1860)
Willis, John (1920)
Willis, John F B (1866)
Willis, Joseph F (1865)
Willis, Josephus (1867)
Willis, Josiah (1837)
Willis, Josiah (1866)
Willis, Josiah (1867)
Willis, Linwood (1916)
Willis, M V (1926)
Willis, Martin (1878)
Willis, Mary Jane (1842)
Willis, Mary Jane (1868)
Willis, Micajah (1833)
Willis, Permillia (1839)
Willis, Robert (1931)
Willis, Russell (1867)
Willis, Russell (1871)
Willis, Stephen F (1867)
Willis, Thomas (1838)
Willis, Thomas (1858)
Willis, William (1842)
Willis, William (1860)
Willis, Willie Jones (1930)
Willis, Zacharias (1923)
Willis, Zack (1911)
Williston, Ebenezer (1785)
Williston, John (1771)
Williston, John (1785)
Williston, John (1806)
Williston, Samuel
Williston, Thomas, Jr. (1801)
Wilson, Andrew (1826)
Wilson, Andrew (1828)
Windsor, Ananias (1884)
Wohab, Thomas (1809)
Woolard, Robert (1895)
Wright, William (1875)
Yarborough, William (1771)
Yarbourg, William (1772)
Yates, Bazell (1797)
Yates, William (1797)
Yates, William (1804)
Yeager, Ernest E (1947)
Yeoman, Archibald (1837)
Yeoman, Joseph (1826)
Yeoman, Matthew (1855)