
North Carolina Estate Files, Chowan County Index

Chowan County (link to FamilySearch page)
Established by 1670 as a precinct of Albemarle County. Many court records were said to have been destroyed by acting clerk of court in 1848.

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Unnamed – 84 folders (1728-1907); estate papers, decedent not identified/indexed
Adams, Peter (1747)
Adams, Peter (1756)
Adams, Peter (1766)
Adams, Robert (1788)
Aeron, Thomas (1767)
Agnis, Thomas
Albertson, Elias (1770)
Albertson, Thomas (1807)
Allen (1849)
Allen, Arthur (1765)
Allen, Francis (1818)
Allen, George (1765)
Allen, Hugh
Allen, James (1849)
Allen, Nathaniel, Colonel (1805)
Alleyn, George, Dr. (1732)
Allison, Benjamin (1763)
Allison, Benjamin (1767)
Alpheus, Peggy
Alphin, Absolom (1762)
Alphin, Joseph (1762)
Alston, John (1759)
Alzincourt, Lewis D (1791)
Ambros, David (1753)
Amiss, Joseph H (1869)
Anderson, Ann (1799)
Anderson, Ann, Mrs. (1788)
Anderson, Joseph (1751)
Ansell, Robert (1807)
Ansley (1807)
Arendell, Christopher (1758)
Arkill, William
Arkill, William (1754)
Arling, John (1762)
Armistead, Anthony (1833)
Armistead, John (1819)
Armistead, Robert (1806)
Armistead, Robert (1857)
Armistead, William (1792)
Armour, Robert (1768)
Armour, William (1794)
Armstead, Anthony (1833)
Armstead, Robert (1807)
Armstead, Robert (1858)
Armstead, Stark (1835)
Armstead, William (1811)
Arnell, Edward (1753)
Arnell, Edward (1777)
Arrenton, William (1811)
Arrington, Christopher (1753)
Arrington, Isaac (1819)
Arrinton, Edward (1762)
Artine, John (1762)
Asbell (1936)
Asbell, A V (1934)
Asbell, C M (1916)
Asbell, Cornelius (1828)
Asbell, James
Asbell, James (1828)
Asbell, James (1851)
Asbell, John (1796)
Asbell, John (1828)
Asbell, T W (1940)
Asbill, James (1909)
Ash, Thomas (1742)
Ashey, Margaret (1763)
Ashley, J P (1932)
Ashley, J T (1928)
Ashley, Jeremiah (1814)
Ashley, Jerimiah (1898)
Ashley, John (1815)
Ashley, John P (1933)
Ashley, Jonathan (1816)
Ashley, Josiah (1847)
Ashley, M P (1900)
Ashley, Mary (1759)
Ashley, Meeds (1814)
Ashley, Miles R (1898)
Ashley, William (1808)
Astie, John
Astie, John (1761)
Atherton, Jeptha (1788)
Atkerson, William (1805)
Atkinson, Matthew, Captain (1755)
Aufan, Valentine (1808)
Avery, John (1836)
Avery, John (1844)
Backhus, John (1769)
Backus, Thomas (1815)
Badenhausen, C V (1877)
Badger, George E (1869)
Badham, Alexander (1899)
Badham, J C (1866)
Badham, John (1817)
Badham, John C (1859)
Badham, John C (1869)
Badham, Mary (1785)
Badham, Mary (1792)
Badham, Mary G (1873)
Badham, Mary G (1885)
Badham, Miles (1840)
Badham, Myles
Badham, T C (1908)
Badham, Thomas C (1907)
Badham, William
Badham, William (1737)
Badham, William (1784)
Badham, William (1792)
Badham, William (1802)
Badham, William (1863)
Badham, William (1873)
Badham, William (1878)
Badham, William, Sr. (1891)
Bagley, Mary (1833)
Bailey, Benjamin (1766)
Bailey, Benjamin (1813)
Baines, Anne (1802)
Baines, George (1812)
Baines, George, Sr. & George, Jr. (1802)
Baines, John C (1775)
Baines, John C (1827)
Baines, Mary (1817)
Baines, Richard (1758)
Baker, Blake (1770)
Baker, Henry (1740)
Baker, James L (1883)
Baker, James L (1889)
Baker, John B (1838)
Baker, Mary E (1910)
Baker, Mathew (1839)
Baker, Wynn (1839)
Ballard, Jetheo (1803)
Banner, Mary (1803)
Baptiste, John (1796)
Barber, Isaac (1809)
Barclay, J H (1923)
Barclift, Demcy (1793)
Barclift, Henry Clay (1850)
Barclift, John (1771)
Barclift, John H (1850)
Barclift, William (1787)
Bard, A H (1875)
Barham, William (1865)
Barker, Penelope
Barker, Penelope (1794)
Barker, Penelope (1795)
Barker, Thomas (1788)
Barlow, George (1763)
Barnard, Jeptha (1808)
Barnes, Richard & Mary (1759)
Barnes, Thomas & Mary (1759)
Barron, Daniel
Barrow, A S (1843)
Barrow, Joseph (1837)
Barrow, Joseph (1916)
Barrow, Joseph W (1870)
Barrow, Joyce (1837)
Barrow, Penelope (1826)
Barrow, Stephen
Barrow, William (1794)
Barry, John (1787)
Bartee, Anthony (1792)
Bartee, Arthur (1810)
Bartee, Elizabeth & Robert (1802)
Bartee, Robert (1811)
Bartee, Robert (1841)
Bartlet, John (1771)
Bass, Anna (1839)
Bass, Cadar (1847)
Bass, Jacob (1855)
Bass, James N (1903)
Bass, John (1868)
Bass, John L
Bass, Kader (1863)
Bass, Q T (1927)
Bass, Quinton
Bass, W T (1927)
Bateman, Benjamin (1858)
Bateman, Daniel N (1851)
Bateman, Isaac (1898)
Bateman, James (1831)
Bateman, John (1802)
Bateman, John (1806)
Bateman, John (1811)
Bateman, John (1818)
Bateman, Mary (1789)
Bateman, Miles (1806)
Bateman, Nehemiah
Bateman, Pattie E (1893)
Bateman, Pharaba (1859)
Bateman, Whitmill (1804)
Bateman, William (1780)
Batemen, Levi (1820)
Bates, A H (1875)
Bates, Humphery (1761)
Beasley (1816)
Beasley (1818)
Beasley, Emily (1875)
Beasley, George (1812)
Beasley, George (1832)
Beasley, James (1737)
Beasley, James N (1858)
Beasley, John (1816)
Beasley, John (1817)
Beasley, John (1824)
Beasley, John (1846)
Beasley, John Baptist, Colonel (1791)
Beasley, John, Dr. (1815)
Beasley, John, Sr. (1807)
Beasley, Joseph (1815)
Beasley, Mariah (1835)
Beasley, Mary (1736)
Beasley, Molly (1890)
Beasley, Rebecca (1832)
Beasley, Rebecca (1835)
Beasley, Robert
Beasley, Robert (1822)
Beasley, Robert (1865)
Beasley, Robert (1875)
Beasley, Robert (1901)
Beasley, Thomas (1785)
Beasley, Valentine (1833)
Beasley, Valentine (1840)
Beasley, Valentine (1914)
Bell, Archibald (1785)
Bell, James (1785)
Bell, James (1795)
Bembry, Joe (1924)
Benberry, John A (1871)
Benberry, R B (1860)
Benbury (1796)
Benbury, B B (1845)
Benbury, Charles (1777)
Benbury, Edmund, Jr. (1827)
Benbury, Edmund, Sr. (1824)
Benbury, John
Benbury, John (1755)
Benbury, John A (1866)
Benbury, John, Jr. (1756)
Benbury, John, Jr. (1761)
Benbury, Joseph C (1842)
Benbury, Joseph R (1859)
Benbury, L C (1876)
Benbury, Lemuel C (1872)
Benbury, R B (1845)
Benbury, Richard (1845)
Benbury, Richard (1855)
Benbury, Richard B (1844)
Benbury, Richard B (1849)
Benbury, Richard B (1854)
Benbury, Richard, General (1807)
Benbury, Ruth (1794)
Benbury, Ruth (1804)
Benbury, Samuel (1768)
Benbury, Sarah & Richard B (1844)
Benbury, Thomas (1793)
Benbury, Thomas (1796)
Benbury, Thomas (1857)
Benbury, William (1756)
Benbury, William (1762)
Benbury, William (1784)
Benbury, William (1796)
Benbury, William, Sr. & John, Jr.
Benbury, Wilson (1891)
Benbury, Wilson (1910)
Bennet, John (1744)
Bennet, William (1802)
Bennett, Edward (1811)
Bennett, Edward (1827)
Bennett, George (1914)
Bennett, Henry P (1813)
Bennett, John (1781)
Bennett, John (1792)
Bennett, John (1809)
Bennett, John B (1808)
Bennett, John B (1810)
Bennett, Lydia (1816)
Bennett, Patsy (1808)
Bennett, William (1789)
Bennett, William (1828)
Bennett, William, Sr. & William, Jr. (1801)
Benoit, John (1813)
Bent, James R (1825)
Bention, Charlotte (1881)
Bentley, William (1786)
Benton, Isaac (1778)
Benton, John (1750)
Benton, John (1757)
Benton, Miles (1806)
Billings, Anna (1837)
Billings, Thomas, Dr. (1821)
Bird, Jonathan (1853)
Birum, Joel (1826)
Birum, Mary (1827)
Bishop, Jasper (1898)
Bishop, Thomas (1767)
Bissell, Mary A, Mrs. (1836)
Bissell, Nathaniel C (1834)
Bissell, Nathaniel C (1886)
Bissell, Thomas (1885)
Biving, George (1790)
Bixby, Joseph (1804)
Black, Alexander (1791)
Black, Frances (1787)
Black, Samuel (1785)
Blackall, Abraham & Sarah (1754)
Blackburn, Hamilton (1814)
Blackburn, John (1787)
Blackstock, James (1792)
Blackstock, John (1790)
Blackstock, William (1766)
Blair, Charles (1896)
Blair, George (1774)
Blair, George (1826)
Blair, Jean (1789)
Blair, John (1907)
Blair, Jordan (1893)
Blair, Jordan (1904)
Blair, Mary (1826)
Blair, William (1812)
Blair, William (1817)
Blanchard, A (1847)
Blanchard, Aaron (1751)
Blanchard, Benjamin (1762)
Blanchard, Elizabeth (1771)
Blanchard, Elizabeth (1825)
Blanchard, Ephraim (1749)
Blanchard, Holliday (1848)
Blanchard, Hollowell (1848)
Blanchard, Micajah (1769)
Blanchard, Micajah (1802)
Blanchard, Micajah (1871)
Blanchard, Micajah (1893)
Blanchard, Reuben (1835)
Blanchard, Robert (1730)
Blanchard, Robert (1736)
Blanchard, Robert (1778)
Blanchard, Thomas (1795)
Blanchard, W A M (1891)
Blanchard, W T (1935)
Blanchard, William
Bland, T J (1867)
Bland, T J (1869)
Bland, Theodore J (1867)
Blanshard, Absalam (1763)
Blanshard, Benjamin (1764)
Blanshard, Micajah
Blave, George (1787)
Blount (1802)
Blount, Amon (1792)
Blount, Ann (1843)
Blount, Ann C (1861)
Blount, Benjamin
Blount, Charles (1792)
Blount, Charles (1814)
Blount, Charles (1900)
Blount, Clement H (1843)
Blount, Edmund (1792)
Blount, Edmund (1799)
Blount, Edmund (1804)
Blount, Edmund (1919)
Blount, Frances Dolley (1823)
Blount, Frederick (1780)
Blount, J B (1827)
Blount, Jacob (1789)
Blount, Jacob (1801)
Blount, Jacob (1802)
Blount, James (1771)
Blount, James (1791)
Blount, John (1740)
Blount, John (1755)
Blount, John (1826)
Blount, John (1836)
Blount, John (1855)
Blount, John (1860)
Blount, John (1873)
Blount, John B (1825)
Blount, John Henry (1838)
Blount, Joseph (1777)
Blount, Joseph (1791)
Blount, Joseph (1794)
Blount, Joseph (1800)
Blount, Joseph (1805)
Blount, Joseph (1824)
Blount, Joseph (1825)
Blount, Joseph (1864)
Blount, Lemuel
Blount, Martha (1767)
Blount, Mary (1811)
Blount, Rebecca (1860)
Blount, Sarah
Blount, T J (1867)
Blount, Thomas (1773)
Blount, William (1819)
Blount, Wilson (1833)
Bockover, B T (1870)
Bodly, Joshua (1790)
Bogue, Thomas (1848)
Bogue, Thomas (1850)
Bond, A H (1877)
Bond, Alexander H (1874)
Bond, Baker (1826)
Bond, Charity (1790)
Bond, Edmund (1826)
Bond, Edwin (1835)
Bond, Elizabeth (1802)
Bond, F M (1934)
Bond, F W (1886)
Bond, George (1888)
Bond, H A (1891)
Bond, Hance (1748)
Bond, Henry (1794)
Bond, Henry (1817)
Bond, Hosea (1883)
Bond, James (1772)
Bond, James C (1853)
Bond, John (1812)
Bond, John (1819)
Bond, John (1825)
Bond, John (1840)
Bond, John (1885)
Bond, Jonathan (1853)
Bond, L D (1913)
Bond, Lewis (1753)
Bond, Lewis (1842)
Bond, Mary (1822)
Bond, Mary (1831)
Bond, Mary A (1844)
Bond, Micajah (1852)
Bond, Norfleet (1915)
Bond, Penelope (1891)
Bond, Richard (1728)
Bond, Richard (1784)
Bond, Richard (1827)
Bond, S F (1886)
Bond, S T (1851)
Bond, Samuel T (1891)
Bond, Sarah F (1882)
Bond, Sarah R (1894)
Bond, Vyniard (1764)
Bond, William (1774)
Bond, William (1776)
Bond, William (1782)
Bond, William (1916)
Bond, William E (1903)
Bond, Willis (1860)
Bond, Willis R (1850)
Bondfield, Charles (1783)
Bondfield, Charles (1794)
Boner, Mary (1806)
Bonge, Thomas (1848)
Bonner, Elizabeth (1824)
Bonner, Elizabeth (1891)
Bonner, Henry (1766)
Bonner, Henry (1797)
Bonner, Henry (1824)
Bonner, James (1886)
Bonner, James (1891)
Bonner, John (1832)
Bonner, John (1881)
Bonner, Joseph (1930)
Bonner, Mary (1743)
Bonner, Mary (1789)
Bonner, Mary (1799)
Bonner, Mary (1803)
Bonner, Norfleet (1837)
Bonner, Richard (1780)
Bonner, Sarah E (1882)
Bonner, Thomas (1766)
Bonner, Thomas (1785)
Bonner, William
Bonner, William (1770)
Borritz, James (1827)
Borritz, John (1804)
Borritz, John (1810)
Borritz, John (1816)
Borritz, William (1811)
Bosham, G (1872)
Bouer, N (1836)
Boulton, Jonathan (1792)
Boushell, Deborah (1851)
Boutt, William (1813)
Boyce, Alfred (1853)
Boyce, Almira (1898)
Boyce, B P (1878)
Boyce, Baker F (1883)
Boyce, Baker P
Boyce, Baker P (1867)
Boyce, Baker P (1874)
Boyce, Benjamin (1848)
Boyce, Benjamin (1866)
Boyce, Epaphroditus (1751)
Boyce, F F (1920)
Boyce, Helena (1866)
Boyce, Henlender (1862)
Boyce, Henry (1888)
Boyce, J D (1898)
Boyce, J M
Boyce, Jacob (1779)
Boyce, Jacob (1795)
Boyce, Jacob (1818)
Boyce, Jacob (1897)
Boyce, Jacob (1903)
Boyce, James (1801)
Boyce, James (1811)
Boyce, Jeptha (1888)
Boyce, Job (1783)
Boyce, John
Boyce, John (1846)
Boyce, John T (1887)
Boyce, Joseph (1817)
Boyce, Joseph (1889)
Boyce, Josephus
Boyce, Moses (1919)
Boyce, Priscilla (1892)
Boyce, Robert W (1924)
Boyce, Sabra (1860)
Boyce, William (1849)
Boyd, John (1740)
Boyd, John (1754)
Boyd, Lydia (1756)
Boyd, Miriam, Mrs. (1791)
Boyd, Miron (1752)
Boyd, William (1784)
Bozman, James (1830)
Bozman, Joseph (1838)
Bozman, Joseph (1844)
Brady, Joseph
Branch, Issachar (1801)
Branch, Jobe (1805)
Branch, William (1745)
Branning, John W (1901)
Bratten, Emma J (1868)
Bratten, William (1852)
Bratton, William J (1875)
Breton, Lewis (1789)
Brickell, John (1799)
Briggs, James (1748)
Brigs, Richard (1755)
Brine, Joseph (1868)
Brinkley, C R (1872)
Brinkley, Calvin R (1872)
Brinkley, Edmund & Susannah (1891)
Brinkley, Edmund (1854)
Brinkley, L L (1910)
Brinkley, Lena J (1904)
Brinkley, M C (1879)
Brinkley, M C (1897)
Brinkley, Miles C (1889)
Brinkley, Myles C (1879)
Brinkley, Thomas (1790)
Brinkley, William T (1875)
Brinkly, E L (1896)
Brinn, James (1815)
Brinn, Jesse (1740)
Brinn, Jesse (1777)
Brinn, John (1774)
Brinn, John (1802)
Brinn, Joseph (1777)
Brinn, Joseph (1868)
Brinn, Pat H (1908)
Brinn, Sarah (1811)
Brinn, W H (1896)
Brisco, Edward
Brite, Martha
Britt, Charles G (1869)
Britt, Eli (1890)
Britt, Elizabeth (1818)
Britt, H B (1912)
Britt, John (1891)
Britt, Maria (1891)
Brittan, Lewis (1789)
Brouster, Lott (1805)
Brown, Benjamin (1812)
Brown, Benjamin, Captain (1806)
Brown, Dennis (1756)
Brown, Edward (1848)
Brown, Francis John
Brown, James (1772)
Brown, John (1773)
Brown, Joseph A (1808)
Brown, Martha (1807)
Brown, Oscar H (1939)
Brownrigg, John (1798)
Brownrigg, Mary Underhill (1828)
Brownrigg, Richard (1773)
Brownrigg, Richard (1774)
Brownrigg, Richard (1787)
Brownrigg, Thomas (1826)
Brownrigg, Thomas (1827)
Brownrigg, Thomas (1829)
Bruer, Nathaniel (1834)
Brun, Joseph (1784)
Brush, John (1824)
Bruster, Lott, Dr. (1804)
Bryan, Charles (1770)
Bryant, Lydia (1811)
Bryer, Benjamin (1789)
Bryer, Benjamin (1800)
Bryer, John
Bryer, John (1756)
Bryer, Thomas (1789)
Buchanan, William (1799)
Buckett, Lemuel (1811)
Buckley, Maurice (1789)
Buckley, Richard (1801)
Buckley, Samuel E (1814)
Buckly, Richard (1801)
Budgate, Mary (1789)
Budly, Joshua (1786)
Bufkin, Ralph (1764)
Bufkin, Ralph (1772)
Bufkin, William (1823)
Bullock, Elenor (1842)
Bullock, Fanny (1824)
Bullock, John (1812)
Bullock, Samuel (1798)
Bullock, Sarah (1825)
Bullock, William (1839)
Bullock, William (1853)
Bunch, Abner (1823)
Bunch, Achash (1877)
Bunch, Charles (1848)
Bunch, Cullen (1818)
Bunch, Cullen (1840)
Bunch, Cullen (1860)
Bunch, Cullen (1870)
Bunch, Edward (1796)
Bunch, Edward (1818)
Bunch, Edward (1866)
Bunch, Elizabeth (1849)
Bunch, Emiline (1844)
Bunch, Ephraim (1907)
Bunch, Frederick (1886)
Bunch, H H (1876)
Bunch, Hannah (1804)
Bunch, Hannah (1824)
Bunch, Humphry H (1874)
Bunch, Isaiah (1840)
Bunch, Ishmiel (1763)
Bunch, Isiah (1910)
Bunch, J (1800)
Bunch, J T (1885)
Bunch, James
Bunch, James (1799)
Bunch, James L, Dr. (1866)
Bunch, Jesse (1870)
Bunch, John A (1891)
Bunch, John G (1884)
Bunch, Jomes (1939)
Bunch, Julius (1789)
Bunch, Kings (1892)
Bunch, Lemuel, Jr. (1840)
Bunch, M D (1915)
Bunch, Malachi (1807)
Bunch, Malechi (1803)
Bunch, Mary (1856)
Bunch, Micajah (1784)
Bunch, Micajah (1821)
Bunch, Micajah (1828)
Bunch, Micajah (1867)
Bunch, Micajah J (1850)
Bunch, Nemiah (1891)
Bunch, Paul (1888)
Bunch, Priscilla (1805)
Bunch, Rhody (1840)
Bunch, Richardson (1907)
Bunch, Shadrack (1790)
Bunch, W J (1929)
Bunch, William N (1861)
Buncomb, Edward (1779)
Bunker, Joshua, Captain (1803)
Burgess, Dempsey (1807)
Burk, Arnold
Burk, Arnold (1810)
Burk, Arnold S (1805)
Burk, E J (1889)
Burk, Elizabeth (1904)
Burk, Harvey (1895)
Burk, Henry (1844)
Burk, James (1903)
Burke, Charlotte (1893)
Burke, John F (1857)
Burke, Moses (1848)
Burke, Nancy (1851)
Burke, W E (1922)
Burke, William H (1866)
Burkett, King C (1821)
Burkitt, Lemuel (1807)
Burkitt, Lemuel (1812)
Burkitt, Thomas (1798)
Burkitt, William (1782)
Burrel, John (1783)
Burrows, David (1842)
Burrows, Solomon (1828)
Burton, Charlotte (1885)
Burton, Charlotte S (1881)
Burton, J W L (1868)
Burton, J W L (1874)
Burton, John W S (1867)
Bush, David (1764)
Bush, E T (1879)
Bush, Elisha T (1881)
Bush, Graham
Bush, Jacobed (1769)
Bush, John
Bush, John (1852)
Bush, William & Mary
Bush, William (1816)
Bush, William T, Sr. (1851)
Butler, Christopher (1761)
Butler, Christopher (1774)
Butler, Jacob & Sarah (1754)
Butler, Jacob (1760)
Butler, Jacob (1789)
Butler, Mary (1753)
Butler, Samuel (1807)
Butler, Susan (1856)
Butler, Thomas W, Captain (1850)
Butler, Willis (1790)
Buxton, Edward (1745)
Byram, Jesse (1875)
Byriam, Gideon (1795)
Byriam, James (1789)
Byriam, Jonas (1786)
Byrum, Anna (1894)
Byrum, Anna (1909)
Byrum, Benjamin (1857)
Byrum, Briand
Byrum, Celia E (1906)
Byrum, E L (1905)
Byrum, Edwin (1884)
Byrum, Francis (1884)
Byrum, George (1870)
Byrum, George F (1870)
Byrum, Gideon (1874)
Byrum, Henry (1849)
Byrum, Humphrey
Byrum, Humphrey (1867)
Byrum, Isaac, Captain (1895)
Byrum, Isaac, Jr. (1815)
Byrum, J B (1921)
Byrum, Jacob (1870)
Byrum, James (1786)
Byrum, James (1845)
Byrum, John (1853)
Byrum, Joseph J (1891)
Byrum, Kelly (1937)
Byrum, L J, Mrs. (1882)
Byrum, M E (1924)
Byrum, Richard & Sarah (1887)
Byrum, Sarah (1855)
Byrum, Sarah J (1881)
Byrum, T D (1909)
Byrum, William C (1868)
Byrum, William H (1864)
Byrum, Wm H (1871)
Cabarrus, August (1819)
Cabarrus, Jeanne Damery (1800)
Cabarrus, Stephen (1808)
Cabarrus, Stephen (1818)
Cabarrus, Stephen (1822)
Callaway, John (1775)
Calley, Danell (1751)
Calley, John (1764)
Cameron, John W (1853)
Cameson, Paul (1896)
Campbell, James (1797)
Campbell, James (1808)
Campbell, John (1753)
Cannon, Coltern (1876)
Cannon, Henry (1848)
Cannon, J J (1883)
Cannon, Jacob
Cannon, James I (1787)
Cannon, James I (1880)
Cannon, Jeremiah (1779)
Cannon, Joseph (1785)
Cannon, Joseph (1858)
Capehart, Cullen (1876)
Capehart, Julius (1912)
Carpenter, Stephen (1829)
Carpenter, Stephen (1886)
Carpenter, Stephen (1899)
Carr, James (1786)
Carroll, Hugh
Carter, Sarah (1815)
Carter, William (1815)
Cason, C W
Cason, C W (1883)
Chaffell, Harry (1901)
Chambers, Hezekiah (1877)
Chambers, Samuel P (1837)
Champen, John
Champion, Joseph (1770)
Champion, Joseph (1794)
Champion, Joseph, Sr.
Champion, Orlando (1744)
Champion, Susannah (1803)
Chapel, Richard
Chaplin, Spence (1826)
Chapman, George (1784)
Chapman, Harriet (1881)
Chapman, Joseph (1776)
Chappel, Elizabeth (1820)
Chappel, Harvey (1898)
Chappel, Isaac (1817)
Chappel, James (1814)
Chappel, Josiah (1806)
Chappel, Richard (1784)
Chappel, Sarah (1857)
Chappel, Squire (1857)
Chappell, J A (1939)
Chappell, John R (1899)
Chappell, Johnothan (1907)
Chappell, Silas (1845)
Charles, George (1863)
Charlton, Charles & Ann (1811)
Charlton, Charles W & Nancy
Charlton, Deborah S (1833)
Charlton, Jasper (1784)
Charlton, Jasper (1797)
Charlton, Job (1763)
Charlton, Job (1804)
Charlton, John (1792)
Charlton, Joseph
Charlton, Thomas (1792)
Charlton, Thomas J (1849)
Charlton, William (1772)
Charlton, William (1795)
Charrier, John (1827)
Chatterton, William (1750)
Chaviers, Gideon (1769)
Cherry, Elizabeth (1893)
Cherry, Gisborne J (1871)
Cheshire, A (1866)
Cheshire, Alex, Jr. (1869)
Cheshire, Alexander, Sr. & Alexander, Jr.
Cheshire, Henry (1803)
Cheshire, Henry Edward (1858)
Cheshire, James O
Cheshire, John (1830)
Cheshire, John, Captain (1784)
Cheshire, Wilson (1801)
Chester (1841)
Chew, James (1772)
Childres, Joseph (1805)
Choppell, Mary (1904)
Christian, Marian (1823)
Christian, Marian (1825)
Churchill, John (1885)
Churchill, John (1899)
Churton, William (1768)
Clark, Christopher (1802)
Clark, Christopher (1808)
Clark, John (1776)
Clark, John N (1785)
Clark, Johnathan (1786)
Clark, Richard (1797)
Clarke, John (1806)
Clarke, Jonathan (1779)
Clarke, Mrs. (1776)
Clarkson, Thomas (1786)
Clay, Henry (1749)
Clay, John, Sr. (1826)
Clayton, A W (1859)
Clayton, Addison (1858)
Clayton, Asher (1801)
Clayton, Asher (1806)
Clayton, E P (1886)
Clayton, James (1762)
Clayton, John F
Clayton, Richard (1885)
Clayton, Zebulon (1737)
Clear, Peter (1765)
Clear, Peter (1767)
Cockeain, Thomas (1875)
Cockerell, William (1767)
Coffield, Benjamin (1803)
Coffield, Benjamin (1813)
Coffield, Edward (1795)
Coffield, Esther (1869)
Coffield, Henry (1851)
Coffield, James (1843)
Coffield, James T (1880)
Coffield, Jeremiah (1798)
Coffield, Jobe (1797)
Coffield, John
Coffield, John (1789)
Coffield, John (1817)
Coffield, John (1822)
Coffield, John (1839)
Coffield, John (1846)
Coffield, John (1869)
Coffield, Joseph (1837)
Coffield, Josiah (1837)
Coffield, Lavinia (1829)
Coffield, Michal (1794)
Coffield, Miles A (1882)
Coffield, Thomas (1816)
Coffield, Thomas (1818)
Coffield, Thomas (1908)
Coffield, W H (1903)
Coffield, William (1828)
Coffield, William (1869)
Cofield, Miles A (1888)
Cofield, W A (1913)
Cogan, Henneretta (1855)
Cogan, James (1846)
Cohoon, Benjamin (1818)
Coke, Bettie S (1887)
Colcord, Edward C
Cole, Isaac (1872)
Cole, James (1780)
Coleman, Daniel (1735)
Collen, James (1835)
Collins, Christopher (1798)
Collins, Hugh W (1855)
Collins, J (1848)
Collins, Joseph (1846)
Collins, Josiah
Collins, Josiah (1825)
Collins, Josiah (1832)
Collins, Josiah (1840)
Collins, Josiah (1863)
Collins, Josiah (1868)
Collins, Josiah (1876)
Collins, Josiah (1885)
Collins, Josiah, Sr. (1819)
Collins, Josiah, Sr. (1847)
Collins, Nichols (1768)
Collins, Richard (1774)
Collins, William (1767)
Collins, William (1805)
Combes, John Joseph (1796)
Congdon, Benjamin (1775)
Conklin, Augustus S (1899)
Connelly, Isadora (1858)
Connelly, James (1809)
Cooley, Samuel (1786)
Cooper, George (1801)
Copehart, Cullen (1867)
Copelan, Dempsey D (1907)
Copeland, Charles (1785)
Copeland, Dempsey (1871)
Copeland, E (1820)
Copeland, Elias (1802)
Copeland, Elisha (1801)
Copeland, Elisha (1818)
Copeland, Elisha (1868)
Copeland, Gaberiel (1746)
Copeland, James (1794)
Copeland, Jesse (1785)
Copeland, John (1773)
Copeland, John (1788)
Copeland, Joseph (1800)
Copeland, Joseph (1825)
Copeland, Joseph (1891)
Copeland, Josiah (1790)
Copeland, Josiah (1827)
Copeland, Josiah (1883)
Copeland, Oscar (1916)
Copeland, Sarah (1775)
Copeland, Sarah (1813)
Copeland, Temperance M (1903)
Copeland, Thomas (1855)
Copeland, W J (1889)
Copeland, William
Copeland, William (1753)
Copeland, William (1768)
Copeland, Willis (1794)
Corbin, Francis (1768)
Corprew, Thomas (1749)
Corrie, Archibald (1779)
Corwin, S W (1902)
Corwin, S W (1911)
Costen, James
Costen, James (1768)
Cotton, James (1791)
Cotton, James (1799)
Cotton, Lemuel (1827)
Covice, Archibald (1779)
Cowend, John (1771)
Cowper, R G
Cowper, R G (1873)
Cox, Elisha (1795)
Cox, John (1858)
Cox, John (1861)
Cox, John (1867)
Cox, Russell (1942)
Cox, Thomas (1835)
Craft, Jonathan (1786)
Craven, James (1756)
Craven, John, Dr. (1766)
Creecy, A R (1873)
Creecy, Augustus
Creecy, Augustus R (1872)
Creecy, Christopher G (1822)
Creecy, Eleazer (1807)
Creecy, Frederick (1820)
Creecy, Frederick (1830)
Creecy, J W (1910)
Creecy, Joseph (1785)
Creecy, Joseph L (1836)
Creecy, Joshua S (1847)
Creecy, Joshua S, Colonel (1817)
Creecy, Lemuel, Jr. (1816)
Creecy, Lemuel, Sr. (1816)
Creecy, Levi (1803)
Creecy, Levy (1772)
Creecy, Martha (1894)
Creecy, Mary (1833)
Creecy, Mary (1868)
Creecy, Nathan (1818)
Creecy, Sarah E (1860)
Creecy, Thomas Frederick (1833)
Creecy, William (1816)
Criket, Thomas, Captain (1784)
Crothers, James (1795)
Crumpler, C M (1942)
Crutchley, John (1770)
Cullen, Robert T (1855)
Cullens, Amos (1839)
Cullens, Arritta (1857)
Cullens, Jacob (1855)
Cullens, Josiah (1871)
Cullens, Nathan (1834)
Cullens, Sarah (1822)
Cullins, Nathan (1835)
Cumming, William (1797)
Cuningham, John (1800)
Cunningham, Elizabeth (1813)
Cunningham, J (1818)
Cunningham, James (1807)
Cunningham, James (1816)
Cunningham, John (1784)
Cunningham, John (1806)
Cunningham, John, Captain (1779)
Curry, James (1814)
Curtis, George (1833)
Dail, John B (1887)
Dail, Joseph (1847)
Dail, Mannie L (1909)
Dail, Moses (1817)
Dail, Stephen (1829)
Dail, William A (1886)
Dail, William A (1898)
Dail, William, Sr. (1827)
Dalglish, James (1807)
Dallings, Samuel (1788)
Dalton, Patrick (1737)
Dandson, G L (1940)
Dange, Griffith (1802)
Daniel, William
Daniel, William (1767)
Darby, George (1784)
Dare, George (1788)
Daugherty, Helen J (1878)
Davenport, Daniel (1809)
Davenport, Daniel (1811)
Davenport, Ephraim (1852)
Davenport, Ephraim (1871)
Davenport, Haywood (1870)
Davenport, John (1794)
Davenport, Virginia (1870)
Davis, Caleb (1819)
Davis, Caroline (1892)
Davis, Elizabeth (1867)
Davis, James
Davis, Matthew (1755)
Davis, Mrs.
Davis, Nancy (1874)
Davis, Samuel (1756)
Davis, Sarah (1819)
Davis, William (1872)
Dawkins, George, Dr. (1765)
Dawson, James (1766)
de Calmitz DeLestiez, Jean Mathieu (1796)
Deal, Joshua (1774)
Dean, Stewart, Captain (1844)
Dean, William (1867)
Deanes, Noah P (1843)
Deanes, Rachel (1870)
Deanes, W D
Deanes, W D (1908)
Deanes, William (1865)
Deans, Thomas (1889)
Deans, William D (1907)
Dear, George
Dear, Joseph (1763)
DeCamp, James, Captain (1791)
DeCamp, Pierre (1794)
Decampe, Pierre (1797)
DeLisle, Emanuel (1779)
DeOliviria, Maria Egypta (1888)
Dermody, William (1777)
Devenport, John (1796)
Dickerson, Milford (1888)
Dickinson, Davy (1852)
Dickinson, Elizabeth (1759)
Dickinson, Henry (1806)
Dickinson, John (1815)
Dickinson, Samuel (1804)
Dickinson, Samuel (1810)
Dickinson, Samuel (1819)
Dickinson, Samuel, Dr. (1802)
Dill, John (1785)
Dillard, James (1891)
Dillard, Richard (1888)
Docton, Jacob (1771)
Dolby, Stephen (1858)
Donaldson, Robert (1811)
Dormet, Daniel M (1815)
Dorsey, J P (1853)
Dorsey, John (1807)
Douglas, Alexander (1788)
Douglass, Alexander (1785)
Drane, R B (1885)
Dublaw, David (1809)
Dunlesy, James (1761)
Dunlevy, James (1761)
Dunscomb, James (1784)
Dunscomb, Samuel
Dunscomb, Samuel, Captain (1771)
Dupre, Joseph Chuche (1785)
Dwite, Matthew (1737)
Ealey, John P (1849)
Earl, Ann (1796)
Earl, Charity (1795)
Earl, Daniel (1785)
Eason, George (1889)
Eason, George (1901)
Eason, George (1904)
Eason, Henry (1900)
Eason, Jacob (1831)
Eason, Jacob (1835)
Eason, James (1762)
Eason, Jane
Eason, Penelope (1859)
Eason, Rachel (1847)
Eccleston, Mary (1822)
Eccleston, Thomas (1774)
Eccleston, Thomas (1794)
Edmund, J (1792)
Edwards, J (1788)
Egan, Robert (1787)
Egan, Robert (1797)
Egan, Robert (1799)
Elbeck, Henry & William (1800)
Elbeck, Henry John Daniel (1802)
Elbeck, Joseph (1792)
Elliott, Caleb (1819)
Elliott, Caroline V (1891)
Elliott, Ecum (1796)
Elliott, Elisha (1856)
Elliott, Ephraim (1806)
Elliott, Ephraim (1831)
Elliott, Ephraim (1837)
Elliott, Ephraim (1844)
Elliott, Ephraim B (1867)
Elliott, Frances (1902)
Elliott, Francis (1804)
Elliott, Francis (1806)
Elliott, Gaberial (1807)
Elliott, Henry (1823)
Elliott, James (1831)
Elliott, John (1872)
Elliott, Jordan D (1854)
Elliott, Josiah (1807)
Elliott, Lydia (1861)
Elliott, M W (1900)
Elliott, Mary Eliza (1841)
Elliott, Miles (1854)
Elliott, Miles (1858)
Elliott, Miles (1901)
Elliott, Miles W (1902)
Elliott, Myles (1812)
Elliott, Richard (1908)
Elliott, Sarah (1825)
Elliott, Sarah Ann (1857)
Elliott, Silas W (1840)
Elliott, Solomon (1816)
Elliott, Stanton (1849)
Elliott, Stephen (1796)
Elliott, Stephen (1845)
Elliott, Stephen (1847)
Elliott, Thomas W (1934)
Elliott, Townsend (1815)
Elliott, W H (1884)
Elliott, William Edgar (1846)
Elliott, Willis (1841)
Elliott, Willis (1851)
Elliott, Willis J (1842)
Ellis, Charles D (1885)
Ellis, James O (1888)
Ellis, Jeremiah (1923)
Ellis, Joseph W (1894)
Ellis, Lawson E (1908)
Ellis, Noah (1846)
Ellis, Sarah (1776)
Elmore, Andrew (1807)
Emmett, John (1778)
Engs, Madett (1796)
Enloss, Abraham (1764)
Enloss, Absalom (1764)
Eshon, Samuel (1893)
Etheridge, Elizabeth (1853)
Etheridge, John (1783)
Etheridge, John (1787)
Etheridge, Richard (1764)
Etheridge, Sarah (1812)
Etheridge, William E (1839)
Ethridge, Powers (1808)
Eure, Hillory H (1840)
Evans, B L (1907)
Evans, D B (1908)
Evans, Dansey B (1908)
Evans, Edwin
Evans, Edwin (1859)
Evans, Edwin (1869)
Evans, Edwin (1875)
Evans, Elizabeth (1827)
Evans, Elizabeth (1901)
Evans, George (1891)
Evans, J E (1867)
Evans, Jacob (1866)
Evans, Jacob E (1866)
Evans, James (1818)
Evans, James (1826)
Evans, James (1837)
Evans, James E (1868)
Evans, James E (1872)
Evans, James E (1875)
Evans, Jeremiah (1875)
Evans, John (1770)
Evans, John (1775)
Evans, John (1805)
Evans, John B (1816)
Evans, Joseph (1784)
Evans, Joseph (1874)
Evans, Josiah (1878)
Evans, L D (1899)
Evans, Preston L (1873)
Evans, T L (1928)
Evans, Thomas (1874)
Evans, Z, Reverend (1857)
Evans, Zach (1860)
Evans, Zachariah (1853)
Evans, Zachariah (1855)
Everage, Richard (1766)
Everard, Gabriel (1757)
Everson, Martin (1744)
Eversson, Martin (1750)
Everton, John (1803)
Everton, Mary (1805)
Everton, William (1824)
Ewing, James (1872)
Fagan, Enoch (1785)
Fagan, Richard (1774)
Fagan, Thomas (1785)
Fairchild, Reuben (1778)
Fairchild, Reuben (1779)
Fairchild, Reuben (1780)
Fairservice, George (1788)
Falconer, John (1741)
Fallon, Robert (1831)
Fallow, Sarah (1827)
Fallow, William (1795)
Fallow, William (1804)
Fanin, John (1790)
Faribault, Emeline (1826)
Faribault, Joseph F (1841)
Faribault, Joseph F (1845)
Faribault, Joseph F (1854)
Faribault, Thomas F (1843)
Farlee, James (1751)
Farmer, Thomas (1762)
Farrow, James (1796)
Farrow, James (1801)
Farrow, Nathaniel (1799)
Fellington, Welch (1815)
Felton, Emmaline (1895)
Felton, John (1839)
Felton, John (1844)
Felton, Leah (1835)
Felton, M A E (1887)
Felton, Mary A (1886)
Felton, R R (1879)
Felton, Richard (1777)
Felton, Richard (1867)
Felton, Robert (1817)
Felton, Robert (1831)
Felton, Shadrack (1806)
Felton, Shadrack P M (1852)
Felton, Shadrick (1798)
Felton, W B (1883)
Felton, William (1817)
Fenibault, Major (1886)
Ferebee, James (1785)
Ferguson, James (1760)
Ferguson, Walter (1789)
Fernboult, Elizabeth (1892)
Ferriboult, Major (1886)
Fetchett, W H (1894)
Fife, Charles (1842)
Finch, Pattie (1903)
Fisbee, William (1812)
Fitt, Ann, Mrs. (1824)
Fitt, Samuel (1821)
Fitt, Thomas (1820)
Fitt, Thomas (1824)
Fitt, Thomas B (1823)
Fitt, Thos (1824)
Fitts, Thomas (1807)
Fleetwood (1873)
Fleetwood, Fannie D (1901)
Fleetwood, Frederick (1872)
Fleetwood, J C (1864)
Fleetwood, Jeremiah (1794)
Fleetwood, John C (1864)
Fleetwood, Lydia (1827)
Fleetwood, William N (1860)
Fleming, James (1804)
Flood, James (1753)
Flood, William (1785)
Floyd, Halsey (1840)
Floyd, J C (1889)
Floyd, Jeremiah, Captain (1855)
Floyd, Peggy (1843)
Floyd, Penelope (1853)
Floyd, William (1781)
Floyd, William (1838)
Flury, Henry (1833)
Flury, Henry (1838)
Flury, William (1771)
Ford, Elizabeth (1804)
Ford, William (1837)
Forehand, A L (1923)
Forehand, Calvin (1906)
Forehand, Cornelius (1907)
Forehand, Isaac (1879)
Forehand, J O (1939)
Forehand, Jervis (1788)
Forehand, Joel (1878)
Forehand, John (1859)
Forehand, John (1908)
Forehand, Mary E (1879)
Forehand, Penina (1878)
Forehand, Thomas (1846)
Forehand, Thomas (1911)
Forehand, William (1925)
Forehand, Willis (1849)
Foster, Arthur (1807)
Foster, Cornell (1791)
Foster, Thomas (1778)
Fox, William (1813)
Foxwell, Mary (1863)
Foxwell, Thomas L & Mary C (1862)
Foy, Francis (1761)
Frances, Elliott (1901)
Frazier, James
Frazier, James (1763)
Frazier, Jeremiah (1799)
Frazier, Richard (1761)
Frazier, Thomas (1773)
Freeman, Alexander A (1807)
Freeman, George (1843)
Freeman, Richard (1761)
Freeman, William (1756)
Frisbee, William (1811)
Fry, Robert (1913)
Fryer, William (1752)
Fulker, John (1764)
Fullenton, John (1819)
Fullenton, Penninah (1831)
Fullenton, Welch (1815)
Fuller, James B (1820)
Fuller, James B (1823)
Fuller, Sarah P (1838)
Fullerton, Matthias (1762)
Furlough, David (1852)
Futrell, H J (1869)
Gale, Edmond (1740)
Gale, John (1790)
Gale, Mary (1751)
Gale, Miles (1749)
Gale, Miles (1761)
Gallaway, Thomas (1754)
Gallop, Jeremiah (1799)
Gardner (1817)
Gardner, Emily, Miss (1853)
Gardner, Henry (1816)
Gardner, William (1789)
Garrett, Bridget (1786)
Garrett, Everard (1841)
Garrett, Everard (1847)
Garrett, G H (1888)
Garrett, Humphry (1752)
Garrett, John (1785)
Garrett, Thomas (1783)
Garrett, Thomas (1795)
Garvy, P (1807)
Gaskin, David G (1867)
Gaskin, David J (1868)
Gaskin, Lorenzo D (1845)
Gaskin, W A (1891)
Gaskins, Ameticus (1849)
Gaskins, David (1840)
Gaskins, Dow (1846)
Gaskins, John (1865)
Gaskins, John (1870)
Gaskins, Lorenzo D (1840)
Gaskins, Mary (1811)
Gaskins, Mary C (1856)
Gatling, John (1846)
Gellatly, Catherine, Mrs. (1784)
Geraud, Honore (1878)
Gibson, Robert (1771)
Gilbert, Joseph, Colonel (1866)
Gill, Richard (1807)
Gilliam, Henry (1843)
Gilliam, Moses (1824)
Gillian, Julian (1863)
Gillian, W J (1866)
Gillikin, George A (1806)
Gillingham, Joseph E (1908)
Glauhn, Mary (1781)
Glover, A J (1879)
Glover, George (1775)
Glover, William (1858)
Godfrey, Jos G (1870)
Goff, Thomas (1759)
Gooding, James (1754)
Goodman, David (1823)
Goodman, Lemuel (1908)
Goodman, William (1841)
Goodwin, Amanda (1903)
Goodwin, Asenith (1821)
Goodwin, C R (1904)
Goodwin, C R (1911)
Goodwin, Caleb (1844)
Goodwin, Caleb (1907)
Goodwin, Ephraim (1849)
Goodwin, Exum (1832)
Goodwin, Exum (1841)
Goodwin, George (1834)
Goodwin, George N (1895)
Goodwin, H B (1925)
Goodwin, H P
Goodwin, Harvey P (1854)
Goodwin, Hayden (1866)
Goodwin, Jacob (1834)
Goodwin, John (1823)
Goodwin, John A (1843)
Goodwin, Joseph (1762)
Goodwin, Lewis (1807)
Goodwin, Lewis (1812)
Goodwin, Lucretia (1833)
Goodwin, Lydia (1870)
Goodwin, Lydia (1899)
Goodwin, Lydia (1907)
Goodwin, Mary E (1866)
Goodwin, Miles J (1905)
Goodwin, Nancy (1862)
Goodwin, Richard (1873)
Goodwin, S W (1921)
Goodwin, Stephen (1859)
Goodwin, Stephen (1873)
Goodwin, Thomas (1873)
Goodwin, William (1827)
Goodwin, Z E (1907)
Gordon, George
Gordon, James (1832)
Gordon, Josiah (1772)
Gorham, James (1838)
Goskins, Mary (1883)
Gould, Elizabeth, Mrs. (1764)
Granberry, James (1804)
Granberry, James (1828)
Granbury, James (1887)
Gras, Emma B (1893)
Gray, Abigail (1803)
Gray, Abigail (1812)
Gray, Anna (1794)
Gray, Cornelius (1799)
Gray, George (1785)
Gray, George (1791)
Gray, George (1796)
Gray, George (1807)
Green, Jacob (1752)
Green, John (1785)
Green, Joseph (1740)
Green, Thomas (1756)
Gregorie, Mary (1762)
Gregory, Alethia (1891)
Gregory, Benjamin (1770)
Gregory, Benjamin (1846)
Gregory, Charity (1807)
Gregory, Hannah (1834)
Gregory, Henry (1795)
Gregory, Henry (1808)
Gregory, J J (1894)
Gregory, James (1761)
Gregory, James (1818)
Gregory, James (1821)
Gregory, Lemuel (1844)
Gregory, Luke (1746)
Gregory, Luke (1799)
Gregory, Mackey (1832)
Gregory, Mackey (1837)
Gregory, Mackey T (1850)
Gregory, Mary (1817)
Gregory, Mary Lucilla (1838)
Gregory, Samuel (1775)
Gregory, Samuel (1824)
Gregory, Samuel T (1850)
Gregory, Sarah (1839)
Gregory, Thomas (1850)
Gregory, William (1804)
Greyon, Lewis (1805)
Griffen, Esther (1878)
Griffen, George A (1880)
Griffen, Hardy (1762)
Griffen, Humphrey (1822)
Griffen, James (1761)
Griffen, John W (1876)
Griffen, Nathaniel (1863)
Griffen, Simeon (1846)
Griffen, Thomas (1815)
Griffin, E J, Dr. (1931)
Griffin, Franklin (1903)
Griffin, J W (1876)
Griffin, Jane (1902)
Griffin, Jesse R F (1886)
Griffin, R F (1888)
Griffin, Willis C (1877)
Grogen, James (1765)
Guilford, Isaac (1809)
Guinn, James (1736)
Gumbs, Matthew (1754)
Gussum, William (1870)
Guston, Henry (1741)
Guyther, John (1814)
Guyther, Robert I (1835)
Hackett, Mrs. (1785)
Hackett, Thomas (1785)
Hackney, Caroline (1869)
Haggart, James (1792)
Hall, Charles (1882)
Hall, Clement (1759)
Hall, Henry (1795)
Hall, John (1786)
Hall, John (1799)
Hall, Judith (1792)
Hall, Penelope (1844)
Hall, Rachel (1812)
Hall, William W (1863)
Hall, William W (1869)
Halledy, Thomas (1750)
Halsey, Baker F (1862)
Halsey, Cullen (1799)
Halsey, Daniel (1781)
Halsey, Daniel (1800)
Halsey, Frederick (1802)
Halsey, James, Dr. (1796)
Halsey, Jeremiah (1774)
Halsey, Jeremiah (1839)
Halsey, John (1762)
Halsey, John (1805)
Halsey, John (1811)
Halsey, John (1819)
Halsey, Malachi (1840)
Halsey, Mary
Halsey, Mary (1847)
Halsey, Miles (1777)
Halsey, Miles (1848)
Halsey, Miriam (1801)
Halsey, Patsey (1804)
Halsey, Samuel (1781)
Halsey, William (1802)
Hambleton, Moses (1762)
Hankin (1858)
Hankin, Thomas (1814)
Hankins, John G (1856)
Hankins, Mary P (1819)
Hankins, Thomas (1807)
Hankins, Thomas (1808)
Hanmer, Elizabeth (1744)
Hansard, William (1752)
Hardy, Myles (1819)
Hardy, Robert, Agnes & Francis
Hare, Edward (1757)
Harison, Joshua
Harloe, John (1750)
Harloe, John (1762)
Harloe, Thomas (1763)
Harned, Margaret Ann (1855)
Harramond, Thomas
Harrell, A A (1928)
Harrell, Absalom
Harrell, David (1884)
Harrell, Essie Mae (1892)
Harrell, Gilbert (1870)
Harrell, Hardy (1785)
Harrell, John (1805)
Harrell, John (1817)
Harrell, Lydia (1837)
Harrell, Patrick (1911)
Harrell, Samuel (1762)
Harrell, T E (1943)
Harrell, Thomas (1914)
Harrell, W H (1910)
Harrell, William (1766)
Harrell, William (1850)
Harrington, John (1792)
Harris, Frank (1878)
Harris, Henderson (1850)
Harris, Henderson (1874)
Harris, Robert R (1908)
Harris, Thomas
Harris, Thomas (1809)
Harris, W N (1882)
Harris, Walter D (1937)
Harris, Walter W (1920)
Harris, William (1883)
Harriss, Dennison (1883)
Hartmus, Elizabeth (1816)
Hartmus, Frances C (1842)
Hartmus, James H (1841)
Hartmus, Peter (1811)
Harvey, Elisabeth (1810)
Harvey, Eliza (1830)
Harvey, Elizabeth (1802)
Harvey, Elizabeth (1835)
Harvey, James H (1834)
Harvey, John (1805)
Harvey, John (1811)
Harvey, John (1829)
Harvey, John, Jr. (1784)
Harvey, Martha B, Miss (1852)
Harvey, Pennie (1886)
Harvey, Thomas, Colonel (1788)
Hassel, Abraham (1803)
Hassel, Benjamin (1793)
Hassel, James (1796)
Hassell, Abraham (1811)
Hassell, Isaac (1766)
Hassell, Miles (1827)
Hassell, Myles (1819)
Hassell, Myles (1820)
Hassell, W N (1868)
Hassell, W W (1868)
Hassell, Warren W (1867)
Haste, A J (1891)
Haste, Abner (1836)
Haste, Charlton (1830)
Haste, Charlton (1838)
Haste, George (1881)
Hatchison, William (1785)
Hathaway, Burton (1836)
Hathaway, Burton W (1857)
Hathaway, George L (1845)
Hathaway, James (1814)
Hathaway, James (1886)
Hathaway, James, Sr. (1829)
Hathaway, Mary B (1840)
Hathaway, Nathaniel, Captain (1848)
Hathaway, S A (1869)
Hathaway, Sarah Ann (1869)
Hathaway, Thomas V (1849)
Haughton, Ann (1820)
Haughton, Anne (1825)
Haughton, Charles (1756)
Haughton, Charles (1805)
Haughton, Charles (1840)
Haughton, Charles (1843)
Haughton, David (1754)
Haughton, Deborah, Mrs. (1836)
Haughton, E B (1875)
Haughton, Edward (1819)
Haughton, Edward (1822)
Haughton, Eliza B (1873)
Haughton, Elizabeth (1822)
Haughton, Elizabeth (1825)
Haughton, Elizabeth (1857)
Haughton, Federick R (1848)
Haughton, H (1873)
Haughton, Henrietta (1872)
Haughton, Henry (1816)
Haughton, Henry (1830)
Haughton, James (1758)
Haughton, Jemima (1846)
Haughton, Jonathan (1836)
Haughton, Jonathan H (1839)
Haughton, Jonathan, Sr. (1817)
Haughton, Joseph M (1834)
Haughton, Josiah (1823)
Haughton, Lemuel (1816)
Haughton, Malachi (1847)
Haughton, Malachi, Jr. (1878)
Haughton, Margaret (1743)
Haughton, Mary (1823)
Haughton, Richard (1750)
Haughton, Richard (1817)
Haughton, Samuel G (1822)
Haughton, Silas M (1832)
Haughton, Thomas
Haughton, Thomas B (1831)
Haughton, William (1746)
Haughton, William (1752)
Hawkins, Arnult (1758)
Hays, James (1796)
Hays, Winifred (1808)
Hazard, Roger
Hearing, Jonothan (1795)
Hedrick, John S (1884)
Hedrick, Lillie D (1888)
Hedrick, R S
Hedrick, R S (1908)
Hedrick, Richard S (1907)
Hedrick, T C (1906)
Hedrick, Thomas C
Hedrick, William (1897)
Hedrick, William (1904)
Hedrick, William S (1881)
Henderson, John (1807)
Hendricks, J Frazier (1849)
Hendricks, Thomas (1827)
Henley, Peter (1758)
Henley, Rouse (1778)
Henries, Robert M (1870)
Henrring, Jonathan (1795)
Henry, R M (1872)
Henry, R M (1883)
Heorst, William (1763)
Heptoe, William (1764)
Herbert, A J (1851)
Hethrick, William (1897)
Hettrick, John P (1896)
Hettrick, William (1895)
Hewering, Jno
Hewes, Joseph (1783)
Hewes, Joseph (1785)
Hewett, Thomas B (1866)
Hewitson, George (1808)
Hicks, Patrick & Elenor (1793)
Hicks, Patrick (1796)
Hicks, Robert (1744)
Hicks, William (1829)
Hicks, William (1837)
Hill, Abraham (1761)
Hill, Alexander Sears (1771)
Hill, Caroline (1909)
Hill, Guy (1777)
Hill, John (1764)
Hill, John (1776)
Hill, Josiah (1838)
Hill, Mills (1827)
Hill, Moses (1750)
Hill, Robert (1841)
Hill, William (1752)
Hindsley, Charles (1787)
Hines, E C
Hines, E C (1866)
Hines, Elias C (1864)
Hines, S D (1886)
Hinesley, Joseph (1819)
Hinney, Charles R (1845)
Hinsley, Charles (1785)
Hinsley, James (1826)
Hinsley, Joseph (1810)
Hinton, Elizabeth (1778)
Hinton, Jacob (1760)
Hinton, Jacob (1778)
Hinton, James
Hinton, James (1761)
Hinton, James (1819)
Hinton, John (1733)
Hinton, John (1762)
Hinton, Jonas (1770)
Hinton, Noah (1808)
Hinton, William (1736)
Hobbs, Demsey (1763)
Hobbs, Elisha (1761)
Hobbs, H C (1882)
Hobbs, H W
Hobbs, H W (1849)
Hobbs, Halsey (1872)
Hobbs, Henry C (1870)
Hobbs, Henry W (1848)
Hobbs, John (1770)
Hobbs, John F (1932)
Hobbs, Moses (1827)
Hobbs, Sarah E (1904)
Hobbs, Seth (1848)
Hobbs, Sophia
Hobbs, Thomas (1744)
Hobbs, Thomas (1754)
Hobbs, Thomas (1777)
Hobbs, Thomas (1819)
Hodge, Abraham (1812)
Hodgson, John (1747)
Hodgson, John (1780)
Hodgson, John (1788)
Hodgson, Robert (1760)
Hodgson, Thomas (1772)
Hofler, Hance (1769)
Hofler, Thomas & Mary & Thomas
Hogan, Lemuel (1810)
Holines, Henry (1829)
Holley, A (1886)
Holley, Charles B (1924)
Holley, David A, Jr. (1875)
Holley, Hardy (1907)
Holley, Mary A (1857)
Holley, Nehemiah (1939)
Holley, Norfleet (1891)
Holley, Thomas J (1869)
Holliday, Thomas (1744)
Hollowell, Abner (1802)
Hollowell, Abner (1847)
Hollowell, John (1824)
Hollowell, Jordan (1885)
Hollowell, Mary (1847)
Hollowell, Miley A (1892)
Hollowell, Moses (1826)
Hollowell, Noah (1885)
Hollowell, Noah (1903)
Hollowell, Quinton (1883)
Hollowell, Thomas F (1881)
Hollowell, Ufrasha (1794)
Hollowell, W H
Hollowell, W H (1882)
Hollowell, W H (1898)
Hollowell, W H (1918)
Hollowell, William H (1882)
Hollowell, William H (1898)
Holly, David A (1868)
Holly, David A (1880)
Holly, John (1826)
Holly, Thomas (1827)
Holly, William J (1890)
Holmes, Harriet (1885)
Holmes, Henry (1829)
Holmes, Mary (1835)
Holmes, W D, Sr. (1908)
Holmes, William (1791)
Holsey, Cullen (1805)
Holwell, Stephen (1765)
Holwell, Zephariah (1765)
Honey, Thomas (1774)
Hooker, Stephen R (1811)
Hooks, William (1751)
Hopkins, John (1754)
Hopkins, Mary (1772)
Hopkins, Patrick (1789)
Hopper, John (1761)
Horniblow, Elizabeth (1827)
Horniblow, James (1828)
Horniblow, John (1799)
Horniblow, Margaret (1826)
Horniblow, Thomas (1822)
Hoskin, Richard (1834)
Hoskins, B B (1863)
Hoskins, Baker (1835)
Hoskins, Elizabeth (1841)
Hoskins, James (1794)
Hoskins, James (1818)
Hoskins, James (1834)
Hoskins, John (1794)
Hoskins, Joseph N (1830)
Hoskins, Joseph N (1839)
Hoskins, Lemuel (1826)
Hoskins, Mary (1793)
Hoskins, N H (1840)
Hoskins, Patrick (1789)
Hoskins, Richard (1801)
Hoskins, Richard (1823)
Hoskins, Samuel (1800)
Hoskins, Sarah (1806)
Hoskins, Thomas (1766)
Hoskins, Thomas (1767)
Hoskins, Thomas (1793)
Hoskins, Thomas J (1917)
Hoskins, Thomas, Sr. (1766)
Hoskins, William (1767)
Hoskins, William (1774)
Hoskins, William (1787)
Hoskins, William (1799)
Hoskins, William (1818)
Hosman, Sylvester (1793)
Hosmer, Sylvester
Hosmer, Sylvester (1795)
Hosmer, Sylvester (1808)
Hossell, M (1821)
Houghton, Charles (1845)
Houghton, Elizabeth (1858)
Houghton, James (1759)
Houghton, Jonathan (1821)
Howard, Elisha (1792)
Howcott, Charles R (1845)
Howcott, Frederick (1823)
Howcott, James & Nathaniel (1770)
Howcott, Mary (1774)
Howcott, Nathaniel (1820)
Howcott, Sarah (1828)
Howe, Arthur (1780)
Howell, G K (1888)
Howell, N H (1939)
Howett, Eliza A (1868)
Howett, Hyacinth (1821)
Howett, Mary (1825)
Howett, Richard (1819)
Howett, Richard (1857)
Howett, Sarah A (1869)
Howett, Silvanus (1826)
Howett, Thomas B (1866)
Hubbard, Thomas (1771)
Hubbell, Anson (1817)
Huble, Annsell (1801)
Hudgins, Jesse (1839)
Hudgins, Mary (1844)
Hudgins, Thomas W (1860)
Hudgins, Thomas W (1872)
Hudson, Charity (1820)
Hudson, Elizabeth (1849)
Hudson, George T
Hudson, Harriet A (1901)
Hudson, John W (1863)
Hudson, Uriah (1847)
Hudson, Wilkinson (1820)
Hughes, M H (1901)
Humphlet, L N (1924)
Humphries, David (1789)
Humphries, John (1799)
Humphries, Richard (1797)
Hunter, Ann
Hunter, B F (1887)
Hunter, Elisah (1804)
Hunter, Henry (1772)
Hunter, Isaac (1753)
Hunter, James (1770)
Hunter, John (1772)
Hunter, John (1795)
Hunter, Sarah (1807)
Hunter, Sarah M (1902)
Hunter, Thomas (1807)
Hunter, William (1769)
Hurdle, Benjamin (1802)
Hurdle, Cader (1824)
Hurdle, Felston B (1839)
Hurdle, Gillah (1827)
Hurdle, Hardy (1789)
Hurdle, Hardy C (1844)
Hurdle, Harmon (1838)
Hurdle, Harvey (1855)
Hurdle, Henry (1816)
Hurdle, Henry (1820)
Hurdle, Herman (1845)
Hurdle, Josiah (1822)
Hurdle, Martha (1841)
Hurdle, Martin (1746)
Hurdle, Moses (1879)
Hurdle, Moses, Sr. (1891)
Hurdle, Sarah (1770)
Hurdle, Thomas (1770)
Hurdle, W B (1886)
Hurdle, William (1746)
Hurdle, William (1807)
Hurdle, William (1882)
Hurst, James (1800)
Hurst, Penelope G (1833)
Hurt, Hyacinth (1821)
Ihrie, Peter (1868)
Ingram, Edward (1781)
Iredell, Hannah (1826)
Iredell, Helen (1870)
Iredell, Jeffery G (1837)
Isley, Cordie (1938)
Jackson, Ann (1763)
Jackson, Anna
Jackson, David
Jackson, David (1808)
Jackson, Mary
Jackson, Mary (1805)
Jackson, Samuel
Jackson, Samuel (1857)
Jackson, Sarah
Jackson, Thomas
Jackson, Thomas E (1904)
Jackson, William
Jackson, William (1770)
Jackson, William (1805)
Jackson, William (1812)
Jacocks, Elizabeth (1796)
James, Denton (1801)
James, Francis
Jameson, James (1761)
Jameson, Samuel (1795)
Jamison, Bond
Jamison, James
Jamison, Samuel Heath
Jeffers, William
Jennett, Ann Patterson
Jewell, J D (1898)
Johnson, Charles
Johnson, Charles (1802)
Johnson, Charles E
Johnson, Christopher
Johnson, Gustavus A
Johnson, Hamilton (1894)
Johnson, Harriet A (1907)
Johnson, John (1747)
Johnson, Lucas J (1850)
Johnson, Robert S (1891)
Johnston, James C (1865)
Johnston, Joseph
Jones, Allen
Jones, Allen (1825)
Jones, Allen (1830)
Jones, Ann (1782)
Jones, Ann (1797)
Jones, Arthur
Jones, Arthur (1809)
Jones, Asenath
Jones, Benjamin (1807)
Jones, Benjamin T
Jones, Benjamin T (1875)
Jones, Benton
Jones, Colen (1802)
Jones, Cynthia (1906)
Jones, Edmund (1816)
Jones, Elizabeth
Jones, Enoch
Jones, Evan (1769)
Jones, George
Jones, George (1919)
Jones, Henderson
Jones, Henderson (1886)
Jones, Henderson (1894)
Jones, Henry
Jones, Hezekiah
Jones, Isaiah
Jones, J H (1911)
Jones, James
Jones, James (1816)
Jones, John
Jones, John H
Jones, John M
Jones, John M (1866)
Jones, John M (1879)
Jones, Joseph
Jones, Joseph (1787)
Jones, Joseph S
Jones, Joseph S (1864)
Jones, Joseph S (1871)
Jones, Joseph, Sr. (1803)
Jones, Josiah (1825)
Jones, Josiah H (1871)
Jones, Judith
Jones, Lewis
Jones, Margaret (1865)
Jones, Mary (1881)
Jones, Nathaniel
Jones, Nathaniel (1818)
Jones, Peter J
Jones, Peter T (1880)
Jones, Richard, Captain
Jones, Ruth (1894)
Jones, Sallie
Jones, Samuel
Jones, Sarah (1755)
Jones, Sarah (1825)
Jones, Sarah (1883)
Jones, Temperance
Jones, Temperence (1825)
Jones, Thomas
Jones, Thomas (1787)
Jones, William
Jones, William (1825)
Jones, William (1841)
Jones, Zachariah
Jordan, Abraham
Jordan, Abraham (1816)
Jordan, Charles
Jordan, Christian
Jordan, Dempsey
Jordan, Dempsey (1848)
Jordan, Elizabeth
Jordan, Esther
Jordan, G W (1908)
Jordan, George W (1908)
Jordan, H E (1871)
Jordan, Henry E
Jordan, Henry E (1871)
Jordan, Ida (1836)
Jordan, Isaac (1877)
Jordan, Jacob
Jordan, Jimson
Jordan, John
Jordan, John R
Jordan, John R (1877)
Jordan, Joseph
Jordan, Joseph (1802)
Jordan, Joseph J
Jordan, Maximilan
Jordan, Micajah (1768)
Jordan, Mourning
Jordan, Nathan
Jordan, Richard
Jordan, T C (1912)
Jordan, Thomas
Jordan, Thomas (1849)
Jordan, William
Jordan, William (1819)
Jordan, Willis (1891)
Karr, James (1787)
Keating, Robert (1835)
Keel, James (1792)
Keel, James (1794)
Keeler, Ira (1819)
Kelley, William (1816)
Kelly, Daniel (1750)
Kelly, Daniel (1756)
Kelsech, John R (1884)
Kelsie, John R (1884)
Kemp, G C (1918)
Kennadey, Ann (1777)
Kennedy, Elizabeth (1861)
Kennedy, John (1776)
Kennedy, William I (1860)
Kent, Thomas (1771)
Kent, Thomas (1776)
King, Adeliza (1866)
King, Charles (1835)
King, E C
King, Elizabeth (1816)
King, Henry (1824)
King, Simon (1820)
King, Solomon (1760)
King, Thomas (1789)
King, Thomas (1816)
King, Thomas (1842)
King, Thomas, Jr. (1826)
Kippen, Martha Ann (1759)
Kirby, David (1787)
Kirby, Isaiah (1847)
Knaben, Henry (1875)
Knife, John
Knight, John (1762)
Knox, Andrew (1776)
Knox, Andrew, Dr. (1817)
Knox, Jack (1889)
Knox, Robert (1783)
Knox, Sarah P (1833)
Kualein, Henry (1875)
Laffitte, Timothy (1742)
Lafount, Valentine (1809)
Lane, Elihu (1904)
Lane, Harvey (1852)
Lane, Hosea (1839)
Lane, Israel (1938)
Lane, James (1849)
Lane, Jesse (1871)
Lane, John (1853)
Lane, Nancy (1853)
Lane, O E (1922)
Lane, Oliver (1870)
Lane, Rebecca (1847)
Lane, Rebecca (1851)
Lane, Samuel (1838)
Lane, W O (1911)
Lane, William (1814)
Lane, William (1825)
Langley, Willis (1780)
Langley, Willis (1786)
Lansbury, James (1821)
Larance, Mac K (1929)
Lassiter, Aaron (1804)
Lassiter, Allen (1831)
Lassiter, Gaberil (1770)
Lassiter, George (1764)
Lassiter, John
Lassiter, Moses
Lassiter, Moses (1769)
Lassiter, Robert (1774)
Lattimore, James (1821)
Lawrance, David (1787)
Lawrence, David
Lawrence, Mary (1800)
Lawyer, Edmund (1798)
Layden, Ella H (1896)
Layton, Alfred (1878)
Layton, Henderson (1929)
Layton, Peniniah (1815)
Layton, W G (1925)
Learning, John (1795)
Leary (1818)
Leary, Charles (1824)
Leary, Charles H (1818)
Leary, Cornelius (1740)
Leary, Cornelius (1763)
Leary, Cornelius (1773)
Leary, E F (1889)
Leary, Eliza (1819)
Leary, Job (1801)
Leary, John (1807)
Leary, Joseph S (1867)
Leary, Justin (1813)
Leary, Mary (1818)
Leary, Rachel (1806)
Leary, Thomas (1760)
Leary, Thomas H (1862)
Leary, Thomas H (1891)
Leary, Thomas H (1910)
Leary, W J (1872)
Leary, W J, Dr. (1890)
Leary, Walter I (1897)
Leary, West (1888)
Leary, William (1746)
Leatherbury, Sarah (1846)
LeCerf, Henry (1781)
Lee, D M (1893)
Lee, George (1844)
Lee, Stevens (1779)
Lee, Stevens (1787)
Lee, William (1827)
Leech, Joseph (1808)
Leeming, John (1792)
Leggett, William (1886)
Leggett, William R (1884)
Leigh, John (1807)
Leming, John (1791)
Lemit, James R (1850)
Lemmett, Elizabeth (1888)
Lemmon, Richard (1803)
Leney, Tobe (1805)
Lenox, Robert (1793)
Lenox, Robert (1796)
Lenton, Henderson (1796)
Leonard, Theophilus (1766)
Lertcis, Calmetz D (1803)
Lewett (1853)
Lewis, Anne (1771)
Lewis, Henry (1907)
Lewis, Isaac (1778)
Lewis, John (1766)
Lewis, John (1776)
Lewis, William (1796)
Lewitt, James R (1851)
Leyden, Thomas (1807)
Liles, Elizabeth (1791)
Liles, George (1805)
Liles, George, Sr. & George, Jr. (1750)
Liles, Thomas (1819)
Liles, William (1795)
Liles, William G (1837)
Liles, William G (1839)
Lilly, Thomas (1763)
Linch, Richard
Little, Andrew (1777)
Little, George (1826)
Little, John (1817)
Little, John (1820)
Little, John (1825)
Little, William (1743)
Littledale, Jonathan (1774)
Littledale, Sarah (1796)
Littlejohn (1821)
Littlejohn, Elizabeth L (1849)
Littlejohn, William & Sarah (1832)
Littlejohn, William (1817)
Locke, B W (1931)
Lockhart, James (1795)
Lodge, E L (1924)
Lodge, John
Lodge, John (1876)
Lodge, John S (1877)
Lodge, John S (1897)
Lodge, John W (1901)
Login, Eleasander (1740)
Lond, Thomas (1841)
Long, Grizzell (1855)
Long, Henry A (1842)
Long, Icabod (1802)
Long, Lemuel (1801)
Long, Martha (1738)
Long, Pennie (1904)
Long, Sarah (1863)
Long, Sarah (1870)
Long, Thomas (1839)
Long, William (1838)
Lorimer, James (1789)
Lowe, John (1783)
Lowell, Thomas (1794)
Lowell, Thomas (1801)
Lowry, Benjamin (1821)
Lowther, B G (1929)
Lowther, Charles (1907)
Lowther, J J (1916)
Lowther, Mr. (1795)
Lowther, Penelope (1820)
Lowther, Polly
Lowther, Tristram (1795)
Lowther, William (1795)
Lowther, William D (1855)
Lueann, John
Lund, Oliver (1856)
Lurry (1765)
Luten, Ann (1841)
Luten, Frederick (1816)
Luten, Henderson (1742)
Luten, Henderson (1792)
Luten, Henry (1835)
Luten, James (1760)
Luten, James (1779)
Luten, James (1780)
Luten, James (1825)
Luten, John (1785)
Luten, Rebecca (1816)
Luten, Samuel (1758)
Luten, Thomas (1770)
Luton, Harry (1920)
Lynch, Littleberry (1832)
Lyton, James (1800)
Lytton, James (1770)
Mackay, William (1769)
MacKey, John (1824)
Madden, Thomas (1741)
Malone, Charles (1742)
Man, John (1803)
Maning, T C (1854)
Mann, John W (1827)
Mann, Joseph (1785)
Mann, Thomas (1813)
Manning, C C (1881)
Manning, Charles G (1880)
Manning, David A (1844)
Manning, James H (1878)
Manning, Joseph (1834)
Manning, Joseph (1843)
Manning, Joseph (1854)
Manning, Joseph (1878)
Manning, Richard (1752)
Manning, Sarah, Mrs. (1844)
Mansfield, Barney (1812)
Mansfield, Josephus (1901)
Mansfield, Zebolen (1797)
Mardre, Joseph (1860)
Mardre, Nathaniel (1863)
Mare, John (1803)
Marriner, Sarah (1889)
Marshall, David (1766)
Massenburg, N B (1869)
Mathews, William (1743)
Matthias (1816)
Matthias, Elliott L (1827)
Matthias, John B (1824)
Matthias, Nathaniel (1765)
Matthias, Thomas (1813)
Matthias, Thomas (1822)
Maurice, Francis (1807)
Maxwell, James
McCain, Adam (1765)
McClenny, Henry (1871)
McClenny, J F (1940)
McClery, Martin (1926)
McClure, Richard (1752)
McComb, Joseph (1790)
McConnaley, Mary (1779)
McCotter, Tim (1840)
McCoy, James (1892)
McCoy, William (1879)
McCullock, Henry (1755)
McCunn, John, Captain (1765)
McDermit, Daniel (1815)
McDonald, Andrew & James (1823)
McDonald, D (1869)
McDonald, D (1891)
McDonald, Duncan & Elizabeth, Mrs.
McDonald, Elizabeth (1869)
McDonald, Finley (1785)
McDonald, James (1827)
McDonald, W (1793)
McDonald, William (1792)
McDowell, George B (1882)
McDowell, James
McFarlane, John, Dr. (1814)
McGrath, Michael (1779)
McGrath, Mrs. (1792)
McGuire, John (1807)
McGuire, Samuel (1789)
McGuire, Samuel (1820)
McGuire, Sarah (1820)
McIndow, John (1789)
McKay, Ann B S (1869)
McKeel, Michael (1803)
McKeen, Adam (1764)
McKenzie, Margaret, Mrs. (1857)
McKildo, Martha, Mrs. (1777)
McKinne, Barnaby (1787)
McKinzie, John (1779)
McLegon, James (1769)
McMahon, Elizabeth, Mrs. (1785)
McNair, B W (1926)
McNider, James (1839)
McNider, Thomas (1776)
McNider, Thomas (1786)
McShihie, Miles (1800)
Mead, David (1761)
Mead, David (1769)
Mead, David (1772)
Meares, William B (1842)
Mearnes, William
Mebane, A W (1872)
Mebane, A W (1879)
Mebane, John T (1869)
Mebane, Wilson (1816)
Megret, Nicholas
Meirs, John (1812)
Mellckin, James (1742)
Menekins, William (1744)
Meredith, David, Captain (1791)
Meredith, John, Dr. (1821)
Messmore, Mary M (1875)
Metcalf, John (1804)
Mewborn, Joshua (1777)
Mewborn, Sarah (1824)
Mewborn, Wilson (1814)
Mickler, George (1805)
Middleton, John (1752)
Middleton, John (1798)
Middleton, Joseph (1901)
Middleton, Richard H (1830)
Middleton, Ruth (1814)
Middleton, William (1849)
Midford, J (1728)
Midgett, Thomas (1799)
Miers, James (1810)
Miers, John (1810)
Miers, Thomas (1812)
Miers, Thomas (1824)
Miles, Jane (1808)
Miles, Stephen (1808)
Miles, Stephen, Captain (1787)
Millen, Alexander (1808)
Millen, Quinten (1791)
Miller, Abel (1785)
Miller, David (1819)
Miller, Hardy (1846)
Miller, Hardy (1854)
Miller, James (1872)
Miller, James (1873)
Miller, Mason (1806)
Miller, Robert (1797)
Miller, Thomas J (1843)
Miller, Thomas J (1856)
Miller, William (1848)
Milner, Charles (1789)
Minche, John (1807)
Minchew, Richard (1779)
Minerva, John (1784)
Ming, Francis (1787)
Ming, Joseph (1751)
Ming, Joseph (1786)
Ming, Richard (1798)
Ming, Richard (1814)
Ming, Thomas
Ming, Thomas (1770)
Ming, Thomas (1797)
Ming, Thomas (1801)
Ming, Thomas (1814)
Ming, Thomas, Sr. (1768)
Minton, Peter B
Mitchel, John (1828)
Mitchell, James (1745)
Mitchell, James (1847)
Mitchell, James A (1897)
Mitchell, John (1875)
Mitchell, Pennie (1888)
Mitchell, Richard (1819)
Mitchell, Richard (1887)
Mitchell, Sarah (1869)
Mitchell, William (1849)
Mitchener, John (1772)
Mixon, Charles W (1866)
Mixon, Hardy (1892)
Mixon, Jeremiah (1784)
Mixon, Jeremiah (1828)
Mizell, P L (1928)
Moad, Jacob D (1836)
Modlin, Nathan (1907)
Moffatt, James (1829)
Moir, James (1748)
Mollison, George (1811)
Mollison, Helen (1816)
Montgomery, Alexander (1778)
Montgomery, Alexander (1786)
Montgomery, Ann, Mrs. & John (1745)
Montgomery, Sarah (1792)
Moody, Robert (1800)
Moore, Alfred (1829)
Moore, Alfred (1834)
Moore, Alfred (1885)
Moore, Aug (1853)
Moore, Augustus (1853)
Moore, Augustus (1869)
Moore, Charles (1791)
Moore, Daniel W (1898)
Moore, E M (1881)
Moore, E M (1889)
Moore, Edwin M (1853)
Moore, Frances A (1869)
Moore, George (1777)
Moore, John S (1901)
Moore, Joseph M (1853)
Moore, L L (1908)
Moore, Roberts (1824)
Moore, Susan J (1885)
Moore, Terrace V (1903)
Moore, William A (1884)
Moran, Isaac (1869)
Moran, Joseph
Moran, Joseph (1873)
Moran, Joseph (1878)
Moran, Joseph (1882)
Moran, Joseph L (1907)
Morgan, Edward
Morgan, George (1810)
Morgan, Henry (1759)
Morgan, John
Morgan, Sarah E (1867)
Morgan, Tim, Mrs. (1908)
Morris, George (1912)
Morris, W A (1908)
Morris, William S (1864)
Morton, Ann (1798)
Mortuck, M (1883)
Mosely, Ann (1810)
Mow, Alexander (1764)
Muir, Robert (1781)
Munds, Tom (1878)
Murdaugh, Butler (1910)
Murdaugh, David (1902)
Murden, Hellen L (1893)
Murer, Dominic (1806)
Murfree, Hardy (1811)
Murray, Elizabeth (1802)
Muse, Richard (1829)
Muse, William T (1823)
Mushrow, John (1803)
Nail, Jeremiah (1787)
Nash, Caleb (1819)
Nash, Thomas (1769)
Neal, Henry (1849)
Neeham, John T (1871)
Newbern, El (1891)
Newbern, Ell (1881)
Newbern, Henry (1830)
Newbern, John (1848)
Newborn, Benjamin S (1822)
Newborn, John (1823)
Newborn, Nicholas (1817)
Newborn, William (1819)
Newby, Dr. (1803)
Newby, Rachel (1818)
Newby, Robert (1850)
Newby, Thomas (1802)
Newby, Wyke (1799)
Newby, Wykes (1804)
Newley, Wyke (1800)
Newman, William (1770)
Nichalls, T B (1868)
Nicholson, Robert (1792)
Niel, Honore (1810)
Niel, Mary (1808)
Nixon, Austin (1833)
Nixon, Bortimus (1834)
Nixon, Delight (1818)
Nixon, Delight (1836)
Nixon, H L (1926)
Nixon, Henry (1798)
Nixon, Hosea (1836)
Nixon, J F (1925)
Nixon, Jacob (1936)
Nixon, James (1844)
Nixon, John
Nixon, John (1785)
Nixon, Joseph (1844)
Nixon, Lee Richmond (1881)
Nixon, William (1857)
Nixon, William R (1857)
Nixson, Delight (1837)
Nixson, Delight (1843)
Nixson, John (1837)
Noland, Sarah (1848)
Norcom (1856)
Norcom, Abner (1807)
Norcom, Benjamin (1813)
Norcom, Charles (1806)
Norcom, Cornelius (1777)
Norcom, E H
Norcom, Edmund
Norcom, Edmund (1810)
Norcom, Edmund (1816)
Norcom, Edmund (1874)
Norcom, Fred (1817)
Norcom, Frederick (1812)
Norcom, Frederick (1834)
Norcom, Frederick (1838)
Norcom, Frederick, Sr. (1795)
Norcom, J E (1924)
Norcom, J W (1858)
Norcom, James, Dr. (1850)
Norcom, John (1746)
Norcom, John (1821)
Norcom, John (1874)
Norcom, John, Dr. (1856)
Norcom, John, Jr. (1814)
Norcom, John, Sr. (1803)
Norcom, Joseph (1796)
Norcom, Joseph (1851)
Norcom, Joseph (1866)
Norcom, Martin (1815)
Norcom, Mary (1869)
Norcom, Penelope (1833)
Norcom, Thomas
Norcom, Thomas (1746)
Norcom, W A B (1900)
Norcom, William R (1828)
Norfleet (1891)
Norfleet, Abraham (1785)
Norfleet, Abraham (1822)
Norfleet, Benjamin (1808)
Norfleet, Edward W (1882)
Norfleet, Elisha (1812)
Norfleet, James (1815)
Norfleet, James (1829)
Norfleet, James E (1878)
Norfleet, John (1829)
Norfleet, Mary (1816)
Norman, Henry (1804)
Norman, Melton (1918)
Nougier, Peter (1789)
Nowell, Esther P (1868)
Nowell, John W
Nowell, John W (1883)
Nowell, Sarah J (1878)
Noxon, Elizabeth (1826)
Noxon, Hannah, Mrs. (1826)
Noxon, Martin (1814)
Noxon, Robert M (1848)
Noxon, Thomas (1826)
Nutting, Ebenezer (1798)
O’Brien, Thomas (1784)
O’Malley, Mathew (1793)
O’Malley, Miles (1823)
O’Malley, Myles (1814)
O’Neel, Henry (1783)
O’Neill, Peter (1803)
O’Sheal, John (1757)
Old, Willoughby (1782)
Olivera, Marie E (1885)
Orindell, Edward
Orrindell, Job (1772)
Outlaw, David (1808)
Outlaw, George (1818)
Outlaw, Ralph (1839)
Outlaw, William (1886)
Owens, B F (1937)
Owens, Clarke (1878)
Oxley, John (1796)
Padget, Samuel (1757)
Padgett, John (1808)
Page, Harkless
Page, Henrietta E (1868)
Page, J R (1881)
Page, John R (1881)
Page, John T (1902)
Page, Mary M (1840)
Page, Mathew (1853)
Paget, Samuel (1752)
Paine, Ebenzer (1826)
Paine, William (1822)
Paling, John (1791)
Palmer, Benjamin (1768)
Palmer, James (1767)
Pambrune, Dominique (1785)
Panbrune, Elizabeth (1814)
Panton, Lewis (1809)
Parish, Nathan (1818)
Park, William (1788)
Parke, D (1875)
Parker, David
Parker, David (1846)
Parker, David (1851)
Parker, David (1866)
Parker, David (1875)
Parker, Elias T (1825)
Parker, Elizabeth (1842)
Parker, Enoch (1808)
Parker, G R (1918)
Parker, George W & Francis (1907)
Parker, George W (1861)
Parker, George W (1902)
Parker, Isaac (1916)
Parker, Jacob N (1842)
Parker, James (1766)
Parker, Jesse (1866)
Parker, Job (1812)
Parker, John (1747)
Parker, John (1866)
Parker, John E (1819)
Parker, John Franklin (1845)
Parker, Joseph (1750)
Parker, Joseph (1889)
Parker, L C (1927)
Parker, Nathan (1798)
Parker, Penelope (1788)
Parker, Peter (1789)
Parker, Peter (1839)
Parker, Peter (1840)
Parker, Richard (1752)
Parker, Sarah A
Parker, Sarah A (1860)
Parker, Sarah Elizabeth (1840)
Parker, Seth
Parker, Seth (1820)
Parker, Seth B (1899)
Parker, Thomas (1772)
Parker, Willis (1847)
Parks, Edward (1739)
Parris, George (1744)
Parrish, Alfred G (1860)
Parrish, Charlton (1847)
Parrish, George W (1872)
Parrish, James (1825)
Parrish, James (1848)
Parrish, James (1880)
Parrish, John (1773)
Parrish, John (1807)
Parrish, John B (1825)
Parrish, Leah (1881)
Parrish, Lewis I (1823)
Parrish, Martha (1847)
Parrish, Mary (1850)
Parrish, Nathan
Parrish, William (1847)
Parrish, William G (1833)
Parsons, John (1867)
Patin, John (1791)
Patterson, Elizabeth (1792)
Patterson, Robert (1780)
Patterson, Robert (1784)
Patterson, Robert (1788)
Paxon, Lucy (1908)
Paxton, Fannie C (1870)
Paxton, John (1893)
Paxton, Louisa S (1871)
Paxton, R
Paxton, R (1867)
Paxton, R (1872)
Paxton, RIchard
Paxton, Richard (1825)
Paxton, Richard (1864)
Paxton, Richard (1876)
Payne, Lydia (1804)
Payne, Nathaniel (1807)
Payne, Peter (1755)
Payne, Ruina (1778)
Payntai, John (1792)
Payrennaut, Frances (1805)
Pea, Ralph (1741)
Pearce, John (1772)
Pearce, Thomas (1755)
Pearce, William N (1855)
Pearcy, Kader (1856)
Pearson, M (1787)
Pearson, Margaret (1787)
Peed, Lazarus (1765)
Peele, J M (1934)
Peele, R L (1909)
Peirce, John (1750)
Peirce, Thomas (1756)
Pembrune, Dominick (1787)
Pender, J J B (1869)
Pendleton, George W (1868)
Pendleton, W S (1901)
Penrice, Elizabeth (1786)
Penrice, Francis (1760)
Penrice, John (1754)
Penrice, John (1768)
Penrice, Samuel (1785)
Penrice, Sarah (1762)
Perkins, Grace (1896)
Perkins, Isaac (1883)
Perrin, Amasa (1820)
Perry, A A (1891)
Perry, Allen H (1866)
Perry, Ambrose (1854)
Perry, Amos (1805)
Perry, Amos (1806)
Perry, Anderson (1902)
Perry, Asa (1898)
Perry, Augustus A (1891)
Perry, Caleb G
Perry, Charles (1912)
Perry, Claude W (1923)
Perry, Docton (1771)
Perry, F W (1906)
Perry, G L (1928)
Perry, Harvey (1875)
Perry, Israel (1792)
Perry, J A (1891)
Perry, J H (1900)
Perry, James A (1881)
Perry, James H (1823)
Perry, John H (1893)
Perry, Joseph H (1900)
Perry, Miley (1853)
Perry, Myles (1805)
Perry, Myles (1910)
Perry, Nancy (1830)
Perry, O C (1916)
Perry, Rhoderick (1846)
Perry, Rosa (1882)
Perry, Samuel (1762)
Perry, Samuel (1778)
Perry, Susan A (1892)
Perry, Susannah (1778)
Perry, Taylor (1908)
Perry, W D (1900)
Perry, W J (1900)
Perry, William (1767)
Pettigrew, Ebenezer (1848)
Pettijohn, Abraham (1817)
Pettijohn, Francis (1784)
Pettijohn, James (1847)
Pettijohn, Job
Pettijohn, John
Pettijohn, John L (1849)
Pettijohn, Mary Ann (1848)
Pettijohn, Nancy (1857)
Pettijohn, Rachel (1869)
Pettijohn, Thomas
Pettijohn, Thomas (1768)
Pettyjohn, John (1834)
Pettyjohn, Mary Jane (1854)
Pettyjohn, Sarah (1858)
Peyrennaut, Francis (1802)
Phelph, Ann (1788)
Phelps, Linwood (1930)
Phillips, J M (1929)
Phillups, Thomas (1763)
Pidgeon, John (1755)
Piedmont, John F (1902)
Piercey, Kedar (1857)
Pilkington, Edward (1787)
Pilson, Grace
Pinner, Charles (1873)
Pinney, William (1767)
Pipkin, John (1745)
Plomer, Sameul Saben, Dr. (1755)
Plumer, Mrs. (1802)
Plummer, John (1784)
Pollock, Cullen
Pollock, Major (1822)
Pollok, George (1768)
Polloxson, James Villars (1762)
Pons, John (1796)
Popelston, Elizabeth (1870)
Popleston, Samuel (1791)
Popleston, Sarah (1803)
Portlock, Willis (1804)
Potter, James (1753)
Powel, John (1814)
Powell, Allen (1931)
Powell, Coder (1808)
Powell, John (1809)
Powell, Lemuel (1769)
Powell, Robert (1778)
Powell, William (1757)
Prat, Benjamin (1772)
Prat, Benjamin, the younger (1772)
Pratt, Jos (1882)
Pratt, Joseph (1738)
Pratt, Joseph T (1882)
Pratt, Joseph Y (1882)
Pratt, Joshua (1866)
Pratt, Richard (1789)
Predy, Laws (1750)
Pree, John (1801)
Price, Docton (1815)
Price, James (1786)
Price, James (1792)
Price, Jeremiah (1801)
Price, John (1798)
Price, John (1800)
Price, Noah (1792)
Price, Thomas (1793)
Price, Thomas (1832)
Prill, James (1792)
Privett, Jacob (1769)
Privett, Lemuel (1860)
Privett, Samuel (1839)
Privett, William (1864)
Privitt, Wm (1873)
Proctor, James (1835)
Proctor, John (1808)
Proctor, John (1835)
Proudfoot, Andrew (1761)
Pugh, Daniel (1766)
Pugh, John
Pugh, Joseph T (1853)
Pugh, Theophilus
Pugh, Theophius (1754)
Pullen, Samuel H (1828)
Purdie, Ivey (1797)
Purdie, Mary (1812)
Purfield, Lawrance (1779)
Purkins, Joshua (1808)
Pursell, William (1778)
Rae, James (1829)
Ralph, Fannie S (1899)
Ralph, Theodore (1903)
Ramcke, Elizabeth (1801)
Ramcke, Frederick (1800)
Ramsay, Allen (1799)
Ramsay, Sarah (1791)
Randett, Francis (1795)
Randett, Francis (1805)
Rascoe, Jacob D (1832)
Rascoe, Sarah (1827)
Rascoe, William D (1846)
Rawls, Thomas (1794)
Rayner, Enoch (1826)
Rayner, James R (1855)
Rayner, Miles (1819)
Rea, C C (1854)
Rea, C C, Mrs. (1872)
Rea, C W (1909)
Rea, Christopher C (1869)
Rea, James (1784)
Rea, James (1835)
Rea, Martha (1851)
Rea, Mary F (1872)
Rea, Samuel (1786)
Rea, Samuel S
Rea, Samuel S (1832)
Rea, Thomas (1824)
Rea, Thomas (1825)
Rea, Thomas M (1885)
Rea, Thomas M (1887)
Rea, Wiley W (1867)
Read, George (1749)
Read, John K (1806)
Ready, John (1787)
Reanolds, John (1781)
Reed, George D (1812)
Reed, James (1833)
Reed, John (1786)
Reed, John H (1806)
Reed, John H (1810)
Reed, Lazarus (1765)
Reed, William (1767)
Reed, Wilson (1862)
Reeves, Frank (1936)
Rhoda, Peter (1754)
Rice, John (1758)
Rice, John (1764)
Rice, William (1760)
Richards, John, Captain
Richards, Mary
Richards, William (1746)
Richardson, Daniel (1772)
Riddick, Ann B (1866)
Riddick, Ann B (1876)
Riddick, Asa (1850)
Riddick, Emma (1895)
Riddick, Henry (1821)
Riddick, James (1854)
Riddick, John (1852)
Riddick, Joseph (1850)
Riddick, Monicha, Mrs. (1848)
Riddick, Seth (1802)
Riddick, Thomas (1892)
Riding, Jeremiah (1763)
Rieussett, John (1763)
Riggs, Edward S (1853)
Right, John (1790)
Righton, John (1774)
Righton, Mary, Mrs. (1824)
Righton, William (1790)
Righton, William (1796)
Righton, William (1836)
Righton, William (1837)
Righton, William B
Righton, William B (1837)
Righton, William B (1843)
Ripley, Spencer (1781)
Roals, Thomas (1794)
Roberts, Ann (1826)
Roberts, Charles
Roberts, Charles (1807)
Roberts, Charles (1813)
Roberts, Charles (1822)
Roberts, Charles (1824)
Roberts, Elizabeth (1798)
Roberts, Elizabeth (1809)
Roberts, J S (1851)
Roberts, Jack (1900)
Roberts, Jacks
Roberts, James
Roberts, James & Charles
Roberts, James & John (1793)
Roberts, James (1802)
Roberts, James (1825)
Roberts, James I (1856)
Roberts, James L (1854)
Roberts, James W (1852)
Roberts, John (1810)
Roberts, John (1878)
Roberts, John (1883)
Roberts, John W
Roberts, Liles & Mirium (1795)
Roberts, Mary (1811)
Roberts, Mills (1871)
Roberts, Nelly (1885)
Roberts, Ruben (1768)
Roberts, Thomas (1870)
Roberts, William
Roberts, William (1794)
Roberts, William (1807)
Roberts, William (1810)
Roberts, William (1817)
Roberts, William (1827)
Roberts, William B (1835)
Roberts, William C (1829)
Roberts, William C (1869)
Roberts, Willis (1797)
Robertson, George (1769)
Robertson, James (1842)
Robertson, Samuel
Robertson, Samuel (1751)
Robinson, Annie E (1892)
Robinson, C E (1892)
Robinson, Elizabeth (1762)
Robinson, George (1769)
Robinson, Humphry (1753)
Robinson, Jonathan (1817)
Robinson, Samuel (1757)
Robinson, Thomas (1755)
Robinson, William H (1881)
Rodet, John (1804)
Rodgers, Joseph (1816)
Rogers, Joseph (1816)
Rogers, Richard (1764)
Rogers, Robert (1739)
Rogers, Samuel
Rogerson, Daniel (1764)
Rogerson, Jesse W (1868)
Rogerson, John L (1894)
Rogerson, Mathew J (1884)
Rogerson, Sarah (1805)
Rombough, Catherine (1787)
Rombough, J (1788)
Rombough, John (1784)
Rombough, John, Captain, Sr. (1778)
Rombough, William (1809)
Rombough, William (1812)
Roscoe, Jacob (1834)
Roscoe, William D (1848)
Rosell, Lewis (1804)
Rosenthal, Isaac (1863)
Rosive, William D (1849)
Ross, Alexander (1783)
Ross, Martin (1828)
Ross, Martin (1929)
Rountree, Alfred (1864)
Rountree, Alfred (1870)
Rountree, Charles (1763)
Rountree, Christian (1774)
Rountree, Edward (1897)
Rountree, G Thomas (1886)
Rountree, George T (1890)
Rountree, Lewis (1872)
Rountree, Thomas
Rountree, Thomas (1773)
Rountree, Thomas (1893)
Rousham, John (1752)
Russell, George (1781)
Russell, George (1790)
Ryan, Cornelius (1810)
Ryan, Cornelius (1819)
Ryan, David (1802)
Ryan, George (1791)
Ryan, James (1790)
Ryan, Thaddeus (1900)
Salter, Washington (1807)
Sanderlin, Charles & Catherine (1820)
Sanders, Abraham (1837)
Sanders, Catherine (1897)
Sanderson, Joseph (1746)
Sanderson, Richardson (1807)
Sandford, H (1829)
Sandford, Hezekiah (1827)
Sandin, Henderson (1787)
Sandlin, Ezekiel (1810)
Sands, Robert (1807)
Sanford, Hezekiah (1834)
Sansburg, Hillory (1809)
Sansbury, Elizabeth (1809)
Sansbury, Hillary & Elizabeth
Sarson, Richard (1798)
Satterfield, Alfred (1834)
Satterfield, Elizabeth (1793)
Satterfield, Elizabeth G
Satterfield, Henry B (1830)
Satterfield, James & Francis James
Satterfield, James (1824)
Satterfield, James (1846)
Satterfield, John B (1836)
Satterfield, John T (1933)
Satterfield, M H (1834)
Satterfield, Margaret H (1833)
Satterfield, Thomas (1824)
Satterfield, Thomas (1826)
Satterfield, Thomas (1853)
Satterfield, William (1849)
Saulsbury, William
Saunders, Benjamin (1849)
Saunders, Catherine (1895)
Saunders, Francis (1746)
Saunders, John (1756)
Savage, John R (1886)
Savage, Sacker (1789)
Savage, William (1780)
Savage, William (1787)
Sawyer, C (1873)
Sawyer, Cleaveland (1880)
Sawyer, Cleveland (1865)
Sawyer, E H (1924)
Sawyer, Enoch (1830)
Sawyer, John T (1911)
Sawyer, L A (1867)
Sawyer, Louisa A (1894)
Sawyer, Matthias E (1835)
Sawyer, Willis (1808)
Sawyer, Zal (1883)
Scarborough, George (1827)
Scarbrough, Benjamin & Mackrora (1759)
Scolley, Samuel (1754)
Scot, James (1762)
Scott, Ann (1826)
Scott, Exum (1755)
Scott, James (1810)
Scott, John (1813)
Scott, Joseph (1802)
Scott, Joseph (1805)
Scott, Zilpha (1767)
Scrivener, John (1794)
Segaud, Jean Baptiste (1796)
Selden, Penelope (1875)
Sellzer, Wharry (1835)
Sent, Christopher S (1805)
Sharp, Jane McB (1889)
Sharp, Starkey (1795)
Sharp, Starkey (1869)
Sharp, Starkey (1879)
Shavier, John B (1827)
Shavier, Justiana (1827)
Shaw, D W, Dr. (1861)
Shaw, David W (1866)
Shaw, Eugenia (1884)
Shepard, Gertrude M (1907)
Shepard, Pauline C (1894)
Shepard, William B (1854)
Short, Charles (1807)
Silas, Elizabeth (1789)
Simmon, Richard (1800)
Simmons, James (1831)
Simons, Argyle (1772)
Simons, Argyle (1796)
Simons, Charlton (1790)
Simons, Darcus (1805)
Simons, Edward (1806)
Simons, Edward (1813)
Simons, Elizabeth (1824)
Simons, Jacob
Simons, Jacob (1796)
Simons, Jacob, Jr. (1807)
Simons, John (1772)
Simons, John (1803)
Simons, John (1804)
Simons, Joshua (1796)
Simons, Joshua (1819)
Simons, Mary (1816)
Simons, Penelope (1826)
Simons, Rachel (1811)
Simons, Simeon (1821)
Simons, Thomas (1796)
Simons, Thomas (1810)
Simons, Thomas (1842)
Simons, William (1822)
Simons, William (1827)
Simpson, Demsey (1783)
Simpson, Demsey (1792)
Simpson, Exum & Margaret
Simpson, Exum (1873)
Simpson, Frederick (1807)
Simpson, Henderson (1840)
Simpson, Henderson (1884)
Simpson, J R (1906)
Simpson, James (1807)
Simpson, John (1795)
Simpson, John R (1875)
Simpson, John R (1904)
Simpson, Mary E (1877)
Simpson, N A (1888)
Simpson, Newton A
Simpson, Philip (1830)
Simpson, R D (1862)
Simpson, Richard (1909)
Simpson, Richard D (1883)
Simpson, Samuel & Mary Swain
Simpson, Samuel (1858)
Simpson, Sarah (1817)
Simpson, Sarah Jane (1873)
Simpson, T R (1859)
Simpson, William (1801)
Sinclair, Elizabeth (1811)
Sinclar, David (1762)
Sinclar, Uriah (1785)
Singletary, John (1846)
Sitison, John F (1879)
Sitterson, Isaac (1817)
Sitterson, J C (1917)
Sitterson, Sarah (1868)
Sittezan, Whary (1834)
Sittison, Sarah Ann (1882)
Sittzen, Whory (1835)
Situson, Laura J (1877)
Skinner, Annie (1870)
Skinner, B F (1868)
Skinner, Benjamin F (1868)
Skinner, Carolina (1799)
Skinner, Charles, Dr. (1845)
Skinner, Elizabeth
Skinner, Elizabeth (1824)
Skinner, Elizabeth (1826)
Skinner, Evan (1794)
Skinner, Francis M (1892)
Skinner, George W (1891)
Skinner, H G (1909)
Skinner, Henry (1837)
Skinner, James (1823)
Skinner, Jenny (1870)
Skinner, Jerusha (1825)
Skinner, Job (1867)
Skinner, John
Skinner, John (1822)
Skinner, John (1861)
Skinner, John A, Dr. (1820)
Skinner, Joseph B (1852)
Skinner, Joseph H (1837)
Skinner, Joseph S (1819)
Skinner, Joshua (1852)
Skinner, Joshua C (1867)
Skinner, Josiah (1832)
Skinner, Josiah, Jr. (1836)
Skinner, Lavinia (1864)
Skinner, Lemuel (1833)
Skinner, Maria Louisa (1826)
Skinner, Mary E (1861)
Skinner, Mary U, Mrs. (1847)
Skinner, Nathan C (1852)
Skinner, Nicholas (1755)
Skinner, Richard (1797)
Skinner, Richard (1806)
Skinner, Richard (1814)
Skinner, Samuel (1782)
Skinner, Samuel (1803)
Skinner, Samuel Treadwell (1833)
Skinner, Sarah C (1849)
Skinner, Sarah, Mrs. (1834)
Skinner, Stephen (1815)
Skinner, Stephen (1838)
Skinner, T L
Skinner, T L (1853)
Skinner, T L (1860)
Skinner, T L (1870)
Skinner, T L (1878)
Skinner, W H (1887)
Skinner, William (1798)
Skinner, William J (1818)
Skinner, Wm R (1885)
Slade, Ebenezer (1816)
Slade, Jeremiah (1827)
Slade, John M (1826)
Slaughter, Michael & Rebecca (1740)
Sleed, Robert (1784)
Small, Abraham (1814)
Small, Abraham (1827)
Small, Alexander (1817)
Small, Allen (1846)
Small, Alorza F (1885)
Small, Baker D (1866)
Small, Benjamin (1823)
Small, Benjamin (1839)
Small, Catherine (1842)
Small, David (1803)
Small, David (1838)
Small, Elizabeth (1814)
Small, George (1831)
Small, Humphrey (1850)
Small, James (1811)
Small, John B (1830)
Small, John D (1849)
Small, John G (1891)
Small, Joseph
Small, Josiah (1791)
Small, Josiah (1839)
Small, Martha (1845)
Small, Mary (1822)
Small, Myles (1813)
Small, Penelope (1873)
Small, Samuel (1925)
Small, Thomas (1868)
Small, Thomas M (1909)
Small, William B (1854)
Smith, Alfred (1845)
Smith, Ambrose (1823)
Smith, Amos (1842)
Smith, Arthur (1755)
Smith, Benedicta, Miss (1837)
Smith, Charles (1855)
Smith, D H (1882)
Smith, Danl H (1882)
Smith, Elijah (1867)
Smith, Elizabeth (1809)
Smith, Elizabeth (1815)
Smith, George W (1873)
Smith, Henry (1839)
Smith, Isaac J (1885)
Smith, J H (1915)
Smith, J J (1885)
Smith, James (1762)
Smith, James (1788)
Smith, James (1792)
Smith, James (1798)
Smith, James (1820)
Smith, James (1904)
Smith, Jesse
Smith, Jesse (1878)
Smith, Jesse (1902)
Smith, Joel L G (1877)
Smith, John (1759)
Smith, John (1784)
Smith, John (1785)
Smith, John (1795)
Smith, John (1803)
Smith, John (1807)
Smith, John (1869)
Smith, John (1878)
Smith, John (1891)
Smith, Jonathan (1846)
Smith, Joseph G (1838)
Smith, Joseph, Captain (1783)
Smith, Josiah (1797)
Smith, Lassiter (1839)
Smith, Leslie (1860)
Smith, Martha (1761)
Smith, Nancy (1851)
Smith, Penelope (1878)
Smith, Rebekah (1795)
Smith, Richard (1758)
Smith, Robert (1782)
Smith, Robert (1851)
Smith, Sarah E (1886)
Smith, Sarah E (1897)
Smith, Stephen (1848)
Smith, Thomas (1821)
Smith, Thomas (1824)
Smith, Thomas (1900)
Smith, Thomas B (1845)
Smith, Thomas M (1880)
Smith, W A (1904)
Smith, W D (1903)
Smith, W L (1931)
Smith, William (1755)
Smith, William (1782)
Smith, William (1851)
Smith, William (1854)
Smith, William (1867)
Smith, Willie A (1904)
Snell, Silas (1834)
Soils, Elizabeth (1788)
Sowell, Mary (1797)
Sowell, Thomas (1789)
Sparkman, William (1785)
Speight, Elizabeth (1761)
Speight, Francis (1740)
Speight, Josiah (1783)
Speight, Thomas, Captain (1746)
Spence, Frances Ann (1837)
Spence, William (1850)
Spencer, Samuel (1795)
Spight, Isaac (1751)
Spight, William (1753)
Spivey, Aaron (1820)
Spivey, Benjamin (1773)
Spivey, Champion (1787)
Spivey, Jacob (1747)
Spivey, Jacob (1777)
Spivey, Jacob (1887)
Spivey, Josiah (1841)
Spivey, Lydia (1889)
Spivey, Nathaniel (1759)
Spivey, Trotman (1921)
Spruel, King (1800)
Spruell, Benjamin (1837)
Spruell, G W (1903)
Spruell, S E (1882)
Spruell, Samuel E (1881)
Spruell, Thomas C (1882)
Spruell, Thomas C (1893)
Spruill, E B (1878)
Spruill, Simion (1800)
Squires, Roger A (1805)
Stacey, S R (1910)
Stacey, Sarah (1908)
Stacy, Elizabeth (1860)
Stacy, Sarah (1833)
Stacy, Thomas (1800)
Stafford, Thomas (1801)
Staford, Alexander
Stallings, Elias (1797)
Stallings, James (1826)
Stallings, Joel (1826)
Stallings, Lott (1749)
Stallings, Martha (1839)
Stallings, Nicholas (1800)
Stallings, Simon (1800)
Standin, Edmund & James (1786)
Standin, Edward (1743)
Standin, Edward (1756)
Standin, F L (1869)
Standin, Henderson
Standin, Henderson (1816)
Standin, Henderson (1869)
Standin, Joseph (1801)
Standin, Lemuel (1805)
Standin, Lemuel (1811)
Standin, Lemuel (1818)
Standin, Lemuel, Sr. & Lemuel E, Jr. & Joseph
Standin, Mary, Mrs. (1856)
Standin, Willliam H (1866)
Stanton, Andrew (1797)
Stanton, John (1808)
Steel, James (1848)
Steele, John (1891)
Stephenson, John (1834)
Stephenson, John H (1911)
Steptoe, William (1763)
Stevenson, William (1764)
Steward, William (1739)
Stewart, John (1808)
Stewart, Robert A (1819)
Stewart, Robert A (1826)
Stewart, Thomas H (1907)
Stone, Zedekiah (1800)
Stoyler, Frank (1930)
Streator, Thomas (1770)
Street, Benjamin (1807)
String, Adaliza M, Miss (1866)
Strong, John B (1840)
Stubbs, Jesse R (1871)
Stubbs, Jesse R (1878)
Sturges, Jackson (1829)
Summers, John (1758)
Sumner, David R (1808)
Sumner, James (1750)
Sumner, John (1755)
Sumner, Robert (1787)
Sumner, Samuell, Captain (1767)
Sumner, William (1761)
Sutton, Benjamin (1778)
Sutton, Greenburry (1798)
Sutton, James (1826)
Sutton, John (1789)
Sutton, Rebecca (1830)
Sutton, S S (1891)
Sutton, Seth (1883)
Sutton, Thomas (1818)
Sutton, William R (1820)
Swann, John (1801)
Swann, Samuel (1768)
Sweagg, William (1741)
Tabor, Charles C (1842)
Talbet, Jacob (1771)
Talbot, Benjamin (1745)
Tarkington, Mary (1848)
Tarkington, William A
Tatham, James (1757)
Taylor, Charles (1822)
Taylor, David (1795)
Taylor, Frances (1826)
Taylor, Hillary (1815)
Taylor, John (1768)
Taylor, Joseph (1854)
Taylor, Luke (1774)
Taylor, S W (1881)
Taylor, Thomas (1758)
Taylor, Thomas (1824)
Taylor, William (1789)
Taylor, William (1793)
Taylor, William (1857)
Teeling, Luke (1814)
Templeman, Mary
Templeman, Richard (1783)
Thach, Benjamin W (1886)
Thach, Green (1784)
Thach, Nathan (1827)
Thach, Nathaniel (1817)
Thomas, Jacob (1801)
Thompson, Deborough (1784)
Thompson, Henry
Thompson, Henry (1792)
Thompson, J C (1901)
Thompson, James (1765)
Thompson, James (1780)
Thompson, John (1756)
Thompson, John (1808)
Thompson, Lydia (1824)
Thompson, Mildred
Thompson, Oragon A (1906)
Thompson, Thomas
Thompson, Thomas W (1838)
Thompson, Timothy (1806)
Thompson, William (1822)
Thompson, William (1873)
Thorpe, Peterson (1804)
Thurston, Robert (1793)
Tipup, Thomas (1758)
Todd (1855)
Todd, Amos (1838)
Todd, William H (1854)
Toms, Joseph (1801)
Toppin, W T (1934)
Topping, Sally (1824)
Topping, Samuel (1902)
Topping, William (1774)
Townsend, Isabella (1844)
Tredwell, Samuel (1828)
Trotman, Amos (1800)
Trotman, Amos (1813)
Trotman, Edward (1772)
Trotman, Henry (1803)
Trotman, Joseph (1822)
Trotman, Josiah (1822)
Trotter, James (1756)
Trotter, John (1766)
Trotter, Martha (1700)
Truelove, Timothy (1735)
Twine, Elisha (1876)
Twine, J D (1936)
Twine, James (1923)
Twine, James E (1902)
Twine, Joel (1866)
Twine, Joel (1892)
Twine, Rob (1926)
Twine, Sarah M (1885)
Twine, W J (1908)
Twines, Elizabeth (1849)
Underhill, Edward (1758)
Underhill, Joseph (1790)
Underhill, Joseph (1815)
Underhill, Samuel (1804)
Underhill, Sarah (1803)
Vail, Charles (1807)
Vail, Edward, General (1784)
Vail, Frederick (1783)
Vail, Jeremiah (1784)
Vail, Jeremiah (1792)
Vail, John (1765)
Vail, John (1767)
Vail, John (1771)
Vail, Mary (1757)
Vail, Mary (1788)
Vail, Mary (1820)
Vail, Thomas (1802)
Vail, Thomas (1811)
Valentine, Alexander (1782)
Valentine, D S (1937)
Valentine, Sarah (1796)
Valette, Francis (1807)
Vanduce, John (1763)
Vann, Joseph (1753)
Vaun, John (1763)
Veasey, Lydia (1865)
Waff, Edward S (1843)
Waff, George (1840)
Waff, Mary E (1882)
Waff, Sarah (1821)
Waff, Smith (1768)
Waff, Thomas (1803)
Waff, Thomas (1819)
Waff, W W (1873)
Waff, William (1818)
Waff, William W (1873)
Wahab, James (1782)
Walker (1820)
Walker, George (1765)
Walker, Hampton (1822)
Walker, Jane (1904)
Walker, William M (1840)
Wallace, James, Jr. (1754)
Wallace, James, Sr. (1741)
Wallace, Mary, Mrs. (1793)
Wallace, Thomas (1751)
Walles, John (1757)
Wallis, John (1771)
Walton, Elisha B (1837)
Walton, George, Sr. (1825)
Walton, John
Walton, John (1748)
Walton, John (1759)
Walton, John (1799)
Walton, Palatiah (1777)
Walton, Rachel (1868)
Walton, Richard (1769)
Walton, Richard (1888)
Walton, Sarah (1761)
Walton, Thomas (1758)
Walton, Timothy (1778)
Walton, Timothy, Major (1771)
Walton, William
Walton, William (1761)
Walton, William (1772)
Warbutton, John (1764)
Warbutton, William (1799)
Ward, A C (1887)
Ward, A D (1940)
Ward, A J (1914)
Ward, A S (1896)
Ward, A S (1913)
Ward, Aaron (1832)
Ward, Allen (1824)
Ward, Andrew (1896)
Ward, Baker (1826)
Ward, Barker H (1935)
Ward, Christian (1859)
Ward, D B (1927)
Ward, Daniel (1872)
Ward, Daniel W (1872)
Ward, Dorsey C (1899)
Ward, Francis (1799)
Ward, Francis (1810)
Ward, Francis, Dr. (1819)
Ward, G L (1919)
Ward, G T (1924)
Ward, George B (1891)
Ward, Hardy (1834)
Ward, Harriet A (1892)
Ward, Humphrey (1821)
Ward, Humphrey (1885)
Ward, J A (1882)
Ward, James
Ward, James (1758)
Ward, James (1794)
Ward, Jeptha A (1882)
Ward, Jeptha A (1892)
Ward, Jeremiah (1850)
Ward, John (1794)
Ward, Jonathan (1854)
Ward, K R (1916)
Ward, Keddy (1799)
Ward, Keddy (1860)
Ward, Lemuel (1841)
Ward, Lemuel (1844)
Ward, Margaret (1837)
Ward, Margaret J (1892)
Ward, Mary (1805)
Ward, Mary E (1873)
Ward, Micajah (1842)
Ward, Mildred D (1910)
Ward, Nancy (1895)
Ward, Notman H (1866)
Ward, O E (1916)
Ward, Parker L (1912)
Ward, Quinton H (1891)
Ward, Rachel (1794)
Ward, S N (1916)
Ward, S R (1907)
Ward, Sarah (1849)
Ward, Sarah (1869)
Ward, Susan
Ward, Thomas
Ward, Thomas (1751)
Ward, Thomas (1772)
Ward, Thomas (1780)
Ward, Thomas (1787)
Ward, Thomas (1793)
Ward, Thomas (1801)
Ward, Thomas (1829)
Ward, Timothy
Ward, Timothy (1879)
Ward, Townsend E (1892)
Ward, Trotman H (1859)
Ward, Trotman H (1866)
Ward, W C (1923)
Ward, William (1753)
Ward, William (1827)
Ward, William (1830)
Ward, William G, Sr. (1900)
Warnier, Angel (1819)
Warnier, Deborah S (1835)
Warren, Agnes (1895)
Warren, Angel (1811)
Warren, James C (1915)
Warren, Margaret L (1854)
Warren, Margaret L (1878)
Warren, P M (1890)
Warren, Peter M (1889)
Warren, Sarah L (1869)
Warren, T D (1891)
Warren, W Y (1905)
Warring, Hambleton (1799)
Warring, Hambleton (1809)
Watford, Ann (1807)
Watson, John (1762)
Watson, Riddick (1881)
Webb, C D (1937)
Webb, Edmond N (1834)
Webb, Harmon (1800)
Webb, James D (1879)
Webb, John (1796)
Webb, John B (1866)
Webb, Joseph (1825)
Webb, Lloyd C D (1930)
Webb, Mary (1812)
Webb, Moses (1799)
Webb, Moses (1824)
Webb, Susan G (1885)
Webb, W J (1891)
Webb, William (1792)
Webb, Wilson (1808)
Webb, Zachariah (1783)
Webb, Zachariah (1812)
Webster, Michael (1802)
Webster, Michael (1804)
Welch, Abner (1825)
Welch, Baker F (1863)
Welch, David (1788)
Welch, Dorsey (1865)
Welch, Drew (1866)
Welch, Drew (1871)
Welch, Edward (1754)
Welch, G W (1924)
Welch, Harriet (1879)
Welch, Isaac (1806)
Welch, John (1832)
Welch, John (1892)
Welch, John A (1884)
Welch, Lemuel (1815)
Welch, Margaret (1815)
Welch, Micheall (1770)
Welch, Myles (1837)
Welch, Myles D (1874)
Welch, Richard (1843)
Welch, W D (1874)
Welch, William (1836)
Welch, William (1837)
Welch, William D (1874)
Welch, Willis (1875)
Weldon, Miles (1823)
Wells, Collen C (1817)
Wells, Joseph (1816)
Wenman, Thomas (1749)
West, Thomas S (1896)
Westbeer, Charles (1736)
Weston, Ephraim (1824)
Weston, Robert (1815)
Wheatley, Benjamin (1763)
Wheaton, William (1802)
Whedbee, Elizabeth (1815)
Whedbee, Fanny (1881)
Whedbee, James N (1852)
Whedbee, John (1784)
Whedbee, John (1792)
Whedbee, John (1807)
Whedbee, John W, Captain (1807)
Whedbee, Joseph (1791)
Whedbee, Mary (1811)
Whedbee, Richard (1784)
Whedbee, Richard (1786)
Whedbee, Richard (1792)
Whedbee, Sarah (1789)
Whedbee, Sarah (1812)
Whedbee, Thomas (1812)
Whedbee, Thomas C (1848)
Whedbie, Edmond
Whidbee, Sarah (1808)
Whidbee, Thomas M (1849)
White (1796)
White, Alexander (1850)
White, B L (1927)
White, Baker (1869)
White, Baker (1884)
White, Benjamin (1847)
White, Benjamin (1907)
White, Burrell (1821)
White, Charles J (1904)
White, Christian (1898)
White, Devotion (1808)
White, Edmund (1813)
White, Edmund (1834)
White, Elizabeth (1810)
White, Elizabeth (1846)
White, Emma J (1886)
White, Emma J (1908)
White, F A (1908)
White, F F (1884)
White, Francis (1882)
White, George (1744)
White, George (1796)
White, George (1850)
White, George (1854)
White, George (1855)
White, George (1918)
White, Isaac (1816)
White, J G (1924)
White, J H (1927)
White, James (1795)
White, James (1818)
White, Jemimah (1878)
White, Jeremiah (1849)
White, Jesse (1808)
White, John (1736)
White, John (1813)
White, John (1850)
White, John D (1805)
White, John Duke (1805)
White, Jonathan (1860)
White, Jonathan (1872)
White, Jordan W (1909)
White, Joseph (1736)
White, Joseph (1797)
White, Joseph (1850)
White, Judith (1799)
White, Letitia (1804)
White, Lucrettie (1893)
White, Luke (1771)
White, M W (1891)
White, Marium, Mrs. (1881)
White, Mary (1857)
White, Mary Ann, Mrs. (1873)
White, Mose W (1898)
White, Moses (1908)
White, Moses W (1881)
White, Pennie (1909)
White, Peter (1860)
White, Rachel (1801)
White, Robert (1808)
White, S C (1918)
White, Sarah Francis (1882)
White, Silas (1796)
White, Silas (1841)
White, Silas (1860)
White, Silas (1870)
White, Stephen (1781)
White, Thomas (1754)
White, Thomas (1788)
White, Thomas (1802)
White, Thomas (1816)
White, Thomas (1854)
White, Thomas J (1853)
White, William (1789)
White, William (1816)
White, William (1849)
White, William (1885)
White, William D (1868)
White, William N (1880)
Whiteman, Mathew (1811)
Whitlock, James (1759)
Whitlock, James (1772)
Wiggins, Samuel L (1819)
Wiggins, Thomas (1760)
Wilcox, Daniel (1784)
Wilcox, David (1783)
Wilder (1816)
Wilder, Charles (1786)
Wilder, Charles (1889)
Wilder, Elizabeth, Mrs. (1848)
Wilder, Francis (1827)
Wilder, Francis (1832)
Wilder, Ganzy (1896)
Wilder, James S (1841)
Wilder, John (1807)
Wilder, John (1811)
Wilder, John (1834)
Wilder, Michael (1793)
Wilder, Mike (1883)
Willson, Lemuel (1765)
Wilson, Caleb (1800)
Wilson, H W (1892)
Wilson, Henry W (1892)
Wilson, Herbert (1916)
Wilson, Isaac (1823)
Wilson, James (1759)
Wilson, James (1840)
Wilson, James (1880)
WIlson, Jesse (1838)
Wilson, Joseph (1764)
Wilson, L C (1922)
Wilson, T I J (1922)
Wilson, T J
Wilson, W J (1919)
Wilson, William (1771)
Wimberly, Joseph (1766)
Winborne, James (1900)
Winborne, R H, Dr. (1901)
Winborne, R W, Dr. (1901)
Wingate, Edward (1735)
Wingate, Edward (1751)
Winnant, Catherine (1800)
Winnant, Penelope, Mrs. (1804)
Winslow, A C (1905)
Winslow, Benjamin C (1898)
Winslow, Elvy (1859)
Winslow, Israel (1836)
Winslow, Jacob (1775)
Winslow, Jacob (1857)
Winslow, Job (1848)
Winslow, John L (1876)
Winslow, John L (1881)
Winslow, John S (1880)
Winslow, Joseph (1766)
Winslow, Josiah (1811)
Winslow, K R (1937)
Winslow, Obed & Sarah (1876)
Winslow, Obed (1877)
Winslow, Pleasant (1836)
Winslow, Samuel (1784)
Winslow, Sarah S (1877)
Winslow, W H (1878)
Winslow, William (1806)
Winslow, William (1814)
Winslow, William (1839)
Winslow, William (1849)
Wisner, John (1790)
Woff, Mary E (1877)
Wolfley, Conrad (1827)
Wood, Caroline M (1886)
Wood, Edward & Caroline (1887)
Wood, Edward (1827)
Wood, Edward (1874)
Wood, Isaac F (1808)
Wood, James (1825)
Wood, John (1767)
Wood, John E, Dr. (1837)
Wood, Notman (1859)
Wood, Richard (1837)
Wood, Sarah (1833)
Wood, Seth (1815)
Wood, W C (1881)
Wood, William (1735)
Wood, William (1751)
Wood, William (1827)
Wood, William C (1879)
Woodard, Ellen (1905)
Woodard, J A (1889)
Woodard, James A (1889)
Woodard, Stephen
Woodhouse, John (1785)
Woodley, Willis (1807)
Woodly, William (1737)
Woods, Benjamin (1808)
Woodward, Edward (1765)
Woodward, Edward (1822)
Woodward, Jane (1824)
Woodward, Jethro (1819)
Woodward, Richard (1755)
Woodward, Samuel (1752)
Woodward, Samuel (1768)
Woodward, Susannah (1816)
Woollard, Mary (1790)
Woollard, William (1762)
Wools, Jacob (1900)
Wootton, George (1771)
Word, Anderson (1912)
Word, H N (1934)
Word, Margaret J (1892)
Worden, James (1755)
Worster, William (1807)
Wright, D M (1873)
Wright, David M (1870)
Wright, Edmund (1868)
Wright, Foster (1826)
Wright, Harriett D (1838)
Wright, Humphrey (1850)
Wright, John (1790)
Wright, John (1834)
Wright, John B (1857)
Wright, Joshua (1777)
Wright, Miles (1848)
Wright, Penelope (1889)
Wright, Rebecca (1866)
Wright, Townsend (1862)
Wright, William (1826)
Wright, William (1840)
Wyatt, Theophilis (1765)
Wynn (1853)
Wynn, Benjamin (1807)
Wynn, Benjamin (1840)
Wynn, George (1795)
Wynn, Georgianna (1856)
Wynn, James D (1866)
Yeals, Timothy (1752)
Yeoman, William (1760)
Young, Elizabeth (1849)
Young, Frederick (1744)
Young, Joshua (1809)
Young, Peter (1745)