
North Carolina Estate Files, Moore County Index

Moore County (link to FamilySearch page)
Established in 1784 from Cumberland County. Courthouse fire of 1889 destroyed most land records and many court records.

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Unknown – 2 images (1863); estate papers, decedent not identified/indexed
Unknown – 169 images (1886-1902); estate papers, decedent not identified/indexed
Baker, J M F (1882)
Baker, John (1889)
Barrett, Alexander (1893)
Barrett, Robert W (1898)
Barrett, R W (1916)
Barrett, R W (n. d.)
Barrett, Samuel (1890)
Barrett, S C (1891)
Bennett, John (1866)
Berryman, A C (1887)
Berryman, J W (1891)
Bethune, Colin J (1891)
Bethune, Margaret J (1897)
Black, Alex (1883)
Black, A M (1889)
Black, Hugh (1882)
Black, John M (1902)
Black, W M (1894)
Blue, Duncan M (1883)
Blue, Malcolm (n. d.)
Blue, M J (n. d.)
Blue, P M (n. d.)
Booth, Fox (1889)
Brady, Bradley C (1899)
Brewer, C D (1903)
Bridges, S A (n. d.)
Brooks, A G (1901)
Brower, F B (1901)
Brown, Andrew (1883)
Brown, J D (1890)
Brown, Levi (1893)
Brown, L T (1894)
Brown, Marshall (1890)
Bryan, A C (1893)
Buchan, B F (1895)
Buie, Alex (1881)
Buie, William (1883)
Burns, A R (1903)
Caddell, Malcom (1880-1890)
Cagle, Mary (1896)
Calicutt, Arch (1921)
Cameron, D M & S C (1890)
Cameron, William P (Sr) (1893)
Campbell, Alex (1900)
Campbell, D C (1886)
Campbell, D R (1904)
Campbell, George (1878)
Campbell, James (1892)
Campbell, J M (1888)
Campbell, W F (1904)
Campbell, William C (1874)
Carter, S M (1884)
Chaffin, W S (1899)
Chalmers, Charles (1857)
Chalmers, Starling (1902)
Cheek, John (1884)
Cheek, Sylvia (1896)
Clark, A & D C (1859, 1867)
Clark, Malcolm C (1888)
Cole, B H (1905)
Cole, Elisha (1881)
Cole, John A (1873)
Cole, R A (1916)
Cooper, M A (1893)
Couch, R M (1903)
Cox, Thomas (Sr) & Thomas (Jr) (1866)
Craven, Isabella (1892)
Crawford, William (1831)
Crowson, Eliza T (1884)
Crowson, Eliza T (1903)
Culberson, J J (1894)
Currie, A B (1879)
Currie, Catherine & A B (n. d.)
Currie, James L (1900)
Currie, L W (1888)
Dale, T S (1903)
Dalrymple, John H (1879)
Dalrymple, R W (1907)
Davis, Archie (1894)
Davis, Devotion (1875)
Davis, James C (1871)
Davis, Jesse C (1891)
Davis, William (1883)
Deil, Anthony (1902)
Dennis, Henry J (1898)
Dowd, R L (1897)
Dowd, W D (1890)
Dunlap, W C (1903)
England, J W (1849)
Evans, Isabella (1883)
Ferguson, J M N (1886)
Ferguson, Norman (1867)
Fields, John (1899)
Fields, Sarah J (1895)
Fleming, A H (n. d.)
Foushee, G W (n. d.)
Fry, Cora C (1902)
Fry, John M (1891)
Furr, Upsher (1862)
Gaster, David (1898)
Gilliam, J W (1905)
Gilliam, W H (1898)
Gillis, J L (1895)
Gilmore, J J (1880)
Gilmore, Martha (1884)
Goldston, Robert W (1861)
Graham, Malcom (1879)
Grimm, Lewis (1894)
Grimm, Margaret A (1893)
Harrington, A F (1889)
Hawley, John (1881)
Holmes, M L (1897)
Holt, C E (1891)
Holt, C F (1902)
Hooker, Isaac (1903)
Horner, George W (1888)
Howard, Benjamin & Mattie L (1885)
Howard, John (1895)
Huffstickler, M A (1899)
Hull, Walter C (1897)
Hunsucker, Betsy (1902)
Hussey, Jesse T (1902)
Hussey, J G (1874)
Jackson, John C (1888)
Jerrard, George (1905)
Johnson, John M (1895)
Johnson, Lydia (1890)
Jones, A A (1867)
Jones, L C (1896)
Jones, O S (1888)
Jones, S D (1897)
Jordan, William (n. d.)
Keith, Elizabeth A (1903)
Kelly, Alex (1884)
Kelly, Alexander (n. d.)
Kelly, Donald T (1859)
Kelly, K B (1885)
Kennedy, Bettie (1889)
Kennedy, D M (1903)
Kennedy, John A (1883)
King, William J (1896)
Knight, Hardy (1888)
Lasker, William (Dr) (1902)
Lemons, Neill (1883)
Lewis, John (n. d.)
Lilly, E J (1887)
Maness, Asa (1894)
Maness, Henry (1897)
Maness, Lewis (1888)
Maness, Thomas W (1905)
Martin, W P (1862)
Matheson, Kenneth (1897)
Mathews, Isabel (1894)
Mathews, Mary (1875)
Matthews, M J (1909)
McAdoo, V C (1875)
McArtan, N (1885)
McCallum, Daniel (1890)
McCrummon, C C (1887)
McDonald, A C (1891)
McDonald, A L (1893)
McDonald, Allen J (1887)
McDonald, A M (1890)
McDonald, A R (1887)
McDonald, H C (1900)
McDonald, John (1886)
McDonald, K M (1899)
McDonald, Polly (1880)
McDonald, Randall (1905)
McDonald, Randall L (1884)
McDonald, Samuel (1862)
McDonald, W J (1910)
McDuffie, John (1890)
McDuffie, Neill (1893)
McFarland, Daniel (1882)
McFarland, Nancy (1882)
McFarland, Peter (1882)
McInnis, Duncan (1887)
McIntosh, D H (1901)
McIntosh, D M (1890)
McIntosh, J J (1859)
McIntosh, John (1887)
McIver, A A (1883)
McIver, Ailsy (1907)
McIver, Duncan E (1895)
McIver, Effie (1868)
McIver, Evander (1879)
McIver, J A (1884)
McIver, James A (1884)
McIver, M H (1896)
McIver, Polly (1890)
McKay, Neill (1880)
McKeithan, A A (1867)
McKeithan, N A A (1903)
McKeithen, J B (1899)
McKenzie, Alex (1882)
McKenzie, Daniel (1891)
McKenzie, M D (1917)
McKinnon, Lauchlin (1866)
McKoy, Dempsey (1901)
McLauchlin, Neill (1863)
McLemore, J R (1893)
McLeod, Angus (1888)
McLeod, L H (1871)
McLeod, Luster (1904)
McNeill, C A (1894)
McNeill, Daniel (1850-1860)
McNeille, R G S (1904)
McNeill, Martha (1880-1890)
Miller, E J (1892)
Moffitt, E N (1886)
Moffitt, S T (1902)
Monroe, G W (1883)
Moody, Anderson S (1857)
Moore, Francis (1885)
Moore, J F (1894)
Moore, J J (1898)
Moore, John A (1888)
Morris, D D (1895)
Morris, J D (1882)
Morrison, John (1870)
Morrison, John (n. d.)
Morrison, M (1885)
Morrison, Norman (Sr) (1887)
Muse, A H (1896)
Muse, Jesse (1890)
Muse, L W (1897)
Myrick, M (1890)
Myrover, H L (n. d.)
Newlin, John (1869)
Parks, John (1891)
Patterson, Adline (1892)
Patterson, I D (1882)
Patterson, I D (1887)
Patterson, Isaac (1887)
Patterson, Sarah J (1886)
Phillips, B C (1884)
Phillips, D M (1888)
Phillips, John D (1828)
Purvis, Andrew (1890)
Purvis, George (1890)
Purvis, J W (1890)
Ragland, T P (1904)
Rankin, R W (1903)
Ray, John (1836)
Ray, Kenneth & Margaret (1881, 1888)
Reynolds, Enoch (1866)
Richardson, W M (1900)
Riddle, John (1895)
Ritter, Alex (1903)
Ritter, John R (1863)
Ritter, L H (1889)
Ritter, Margaret (1906)
Robinson, Margaret (1891)
Rogers, R J (1896)
Rollins, Thomas (1873)
Rollins, Thomas (n. d.)
Rollins, Turner (1891)
Ruggles, L T (1899)
Ryan, W M (1885)
Scoggin, John (1887)
Seawall, Nancy (1892)
Seawell, Nancy and Eugene (1893)
Seawell, W R (1859)
Shaw, D R (1904)
Sheffield, Martin (1890)
Shields, Arsina (1878)
Shields, Arsina (n. d.)
Shields, Braxton (1895)
Shields, Cornelius (1857)
Shields, Emily (1890)
Shields, John W (n. d.)
Shields, Robert (1890)
Shields, Wesley (1890)
Short, Elizabeth (1900)
Short, Pleasant (1896)
Sinclair, D F (1887)
Sinclair, Duncan (1891)
Sloan, Lydia (1865)
Snipes, P J (1881)
Snow, George H (1893)
Sorrell, M W (1892)
Spivey, W R (1901)
Stutts, Lindsey (1890)
Swann, Ann J (1872)
Talbot, Jennie Gilchrist (1910)
Taylor, J E (1896)
Taylor, J E (n. d.)
Thomas, Henderson (1891)
Thomas, Tilmon (1890)
Timberlake, R H (1894)
Turner, H (1888)
Tyson, Cornelius (1866)
Tyson, T B (1903)
Tyson, W D (1884)
Underwood, N D (1894)
Utley, Joseph (1882)
Wade, Zeda (1890)
Walker, Elizabeth (1904)
Walker, John A (1900)
Wallace, Eli (1905)
Wallace, Isham (1882)
Wallace, Quimby (1900)
Wallace, S B (1894)
Warner, M J (1889)
Weatherspoon, J R (1904)
Wicker, Jordan (1881)
Willcox, Isabella C (1892)
Willcox, W P (1883)
Williams, Isaac (1883)
Williams, Thomas G (1890)
Womack, Green (1887)
Womble, C H (1905)
Wood, Annie M (1905)
Woodhull, W B (1900)
Woody, Newton D (1905)
Worthy, J A (1887)
Worthy, James (1872)
Wright, Levi (1891)
Yarborough, A M (1886)