
North Carolina Headrights: A List of Names, 1663-1744


North Carolina Headrights: A List of Names, 1663-1744

Compiled by Caroline B. Whitley, North Carolina Division of Archives and History

Paperback: 312 pages

© 2001 North Carolina Department of Cultural Resources, Division of Archives and History

Headright land grants in North Carolina were based on the number of persons the grantee brought into the colony. A ‘headright’ was a method of granting land and may be the only record of an ancestor’s existence in colonial North Carolina.

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SKU: 978-0-86526-296-6 Categories: , Tag:


North Carolina Headrights: A List of Names, 1663-1744

Additional information

Weight 1.0625 lbs
Dimensions 9.0000 × 6.0000 × 1.0000 in