
Research at the State Archives of North Carolina

Special Search Room Hours for NGS 2017

Sunday, May 7: Closed
Monday, May 8: 8:00 a.m.-5:30 p.m.
Tuesday – Wednesday, May 9-10, Friday May 12: 8:00 a.m. – 5:30 p.m.

Thursday, May 11: 8:00 a.m.-9:00 p.m.
Saturday, May 13: 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.

On behalf of the State Archives and the NC Department of Natural and Cultural Resources, we welcome you to Raleigh! If you have North Carolina ancestors, we encourage you to use the valuable historical collections of the State Archives. Special hours for the week of NGS are listed above. Our street address is 109 East Jones Street in Raleigh. Paid parking is available in the flat lot across the street or on metered spaces in front of our building. The State Archives may be accessed by visiting the search room, located on the second floor of the west end of the building. Archivists are available to answer questions about our holdings, pull original records, and fulfill photocopy requests.

In order to protect our valuable collections, we ask researchers to abide by the regulations that govern access to our records. Full policies and guidelines may be found here: www.archives.ncdcr.gov/Public/Visit-Us Please review them carefully before your visit. Important key points include a standard form of photo identification, such as driver’s license, is required to register both in the building lobby and at the State Archives. We ask patrons to check bags, briefcases, and large binders before entering the search room. Pencils are permitted in the search room, but visitors may not bring in pens, highlighters, or other writing instruments that create permanent marks. Digital cameras are welcome, but must be used without a flash. Personal scanners are not allowed in the search room. Patrons are welcome to bring in laptops and tablets.

The State Archives of North Carolina holds one of the largest and most comprehensive collections of any state archives in the country. We look forward to your visit during NGS. If you have additional questions, you are welcome to email us at archives@ncdcr.gov Watch our blog, “History for All the People” for additional information about our collections and preparing for a research trip in Raleigh. https://ncarchives.wordpress.com/