
Upcoming Live Webinar

“On the Road Again: Are Your Ancestors Hiding in Road Records?” with Diane L. Richard

Road records provide incredible insight into the creation of our road infrastructure. Crews were often assigned based on where they lived in relation to the roads in the community and included not only the foreman or overseer but also individuals who worked on or maintained the roads.  There are few records that document a neighborhood like road records do.

Diane L. Richard has MEng and MBA degrees from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI). She has been doing genealogy research since 1987 and since 2004 has professionally focused on the records of North Carolina and the Southern states. She has researched North Carolina roots for the popular television show, Who Do You Think You Are? and appeared on the Bryan Cranston episode. Since 2006 Diane has authored 300+ articles on genealogy topics for such publications as Internet GenealogyYour Genealogy Today (formerly Family Chronicle), the NCGS Journal, and more. From 2010–2017 she was the editor of Upfront with NGS, the blog of the National Genealogical Society, and published over 2,000 posts. She is currently editor of the North Carolina Genealogical Society Journal. As a speaker, Diane has delivered webinars and spoken locally, regionally, and nationally about the availability and richness of records documenting Southerners (using North Carolina examples), genealogical research techniques and tips, under-utilized resource collections, and much more.

Diane is co-leader of Tar Heel Discoveries (http://www.tarheeldiscoveries.com), which offers guided North Carolina genealogical programs providing participants targeted, focused research assistance. Learn more about Diane at MosaicRPM (http://www.mosaicrpm.com).

Live webinars are members-only benefit. Registration is free at ttps://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/7390825205908862979 .

A public replay of the webinar will occur on a future date that will be published on the website and the NCGS News.

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