Loose Estates Records of North Carolina
Over the pasts four months, the Publications Committee has been working hard to create the database infrastructure to successfully begin utilizing volunteer efforts. Using indexes that were created by staff members at the NC State Archives beginning in 1992, our current database has an alphabetical listing of almost 60,000 estates. These entries are now in the second phase of the project validation which must be performed by individuals who can volunteer at the State Archives in Raleigh.
It is estimated that when this project is complete, it will contain an alphabetical surname listing of approximately 500.000 estates! But this cannot happen without your help.
We Need Volunteers
This week, 30 volunteers were given their “first assignment.” Most volunteers are borrowing microfilm through ILL and will begin abstracting the name and date of each testator’s loose estate record county by county. Each reel requires about 2 volunteer hours to abstract. Won’t you consider donating some volunteer hours? The NC State Library has made an exception to their lending program, and these films are being permitted to leave NC on loan. Our current volunteers live in over 9 states including Illinois, Kansas, Washington, and Texas!
If you are interested in volunteering, or have questions on the project, please contact the Publications Chair Vickie Scott (secondvicepresident@ncgenealogy.org).