Congratulations to the 2020 NCGS Awards Recipients

This year the NCGS Awards Committee faced many challenges. With the news that there would be no Annual Meeting in person due to the Covid19 pandemic, we worked with the Program Committee to reimagine what the Awards Ceremony would look like. We wanted to make sure our winners got the recognition they deserved for all of their hard work. Plaques were mailed to the winners and we asked for them to take a photo with their award. Short video clips with the winners with their photos were created and played throughout the Member Appreciation Day.

Thank you to everyone who submitted nominations this year. Without your help we wouldn’t be able to recognize the great work being done in the North Carolina genealogical community.  Please consider submitting a nomination for next year.

Award for Excellence in Periodical Publishing for a Newsletter – Cyndi Deal

Cyndi Deal serves as the editor of the Wake County Watch, the newsletter of the Wake County Genealogical Society. She produces a newsletter that is neatly organized, informative, and has a variety of articles. The online pdf of the newsletter creates an interactive experience for the reader with the use of linked content. Members of the society have a valuable resource that not only allows them to stay up-to-date with their organization, but also on what is happening in the genealogical world.

Award for Excellence in Web Presence – Lisa Henderson

Lisa Henderson is the creator of the website Black Wide-Awake. It is organized in a blog format and contains an extensive amount of historical materials like photographs, letters, and newspaper articles, along with valuable commentary added by Ms. Henderson that documents the past of African Americans in Wilson County, North Carolina. The site is very interactive as the public can comment on the blog posts and respond to each other. Content from other contributors is also posted. Tags and categories help organize the posts and they are all searchable.
Website at

Award for Excellence in Publishing: a Book of Abstracts or Transcriptions – Morgan Jackson

Morgan Jackson’s The Families of Northern Moore County: Abstract of Miscellaneous and Rare Records is a two-volume set, with the second volume covering 1831-1929 winning the award this year. Moore County courthouse burned in 1889 destroying many of the county’s records, making this compilation created by Mr. Jackson invaluable. By locating hard to find existing records, abstracting them, and then publishing them with an index with thousands of personal and place names, a great resource for researchers focusing on Northern Moore families has been created. The book itself is neatly organized and well laid out. Maps of the area give context to the records and numerous images of original documents are included throughout. Overall, the books represent a painstaking amount of work and  research.
Available through on Amazon

Award for Excellence in Publishing: a Book Relevant to North Carolina Genealogy – Emily Skinner

Emily Skinner’s book Until We Sleep Our Last Sleep is first and foremost a transcription of her grandmother Emily Millikan Blair’s diary. The diary tells the compelling story of a devout woman with a disability living in the Randolph County, North Carolina, Quaker community. Anyone researching their own Quaker relatives during the late 19th and early 20th century in this area would find the book worthwhile for the stories and historical context of the Friends’ lifestyle it provides. Many community events are described along with subjects relating to the Springfield Friends Meeting.  Researchers might even find a mention of their relative in the book. While the social history the diary provides is valuable, Ms. Skinner also included an annotated name index with the context of the relationships to Emily Millikan Blair along with maiden and married names. There are also family bible records and family photographs from various sources. Anyone researching the Millikan or Blair family would find the book of interest, but the multiple levels at which the book can be read add appeal to a broader audience. 
Available through Amazon

Award for Excellence in Publishing: A Book of Family History Relevant to North Carolina – David Leatherwood

David Leatherwood’s book Lives Along the Water: The Barcock/Barco Family of Carolina (1666-1782) is a superbly put together family history with well laid out chapters, timelines, illustrations, and at the end  a bibliography and index to names and places. Mr. Leatherwood begins the book tracing the beginnings of the family and their origins all within the context of the events happening around them. The book continues in this vein, interweaving genealogy with history and creating a narrative that moves beyond birthdates and relationships. The result is a compilation that is a true story of a family and its history.
Available through Amazon

Award for Outstanding Contributions to North Carolina Genealogy – Marcy Thompson

Marcy Thompson has worked at the Transylvania County Library since 1994. In 2006, she became the Local History Librarian and was instrumental in establishing the Rowell Bossee North Carolina Room. Under her direction, the Room has continued to grow and has become the official depository for the county’s historical records. She has collected and organized thousands of photographs and documents in her role as librarian. Along with that, she has advocated for the digitization of materials and was successful in getting the Transylvania Times newspaper, hundreds of yearbooks, and over 1500 photographs available online.

Ms. Thompson is well-known in her community for being a knowledgeable source of local history and genealogy. She has given and hosted many talks at the library to promote the area’s history. She has also served on the board of the Transylvania Historical Society, Transylvania Heritage Museum, the Transylvania Heritage Coalition and was the Chair of the Joint Historic Preservation Board. She writes a weekly column in the Transylvania Times entitled “Picturing the Past” that highlights photographs from the library’s collection.

According to the Director of Transylvania County Library, Rishara Finsel, Ms. Thompson will be retiring this fall from her position at the library and will be leaving behind “a big legacy.”

Award for Outstanding Contribution to NCGS by a Member – Sandra Crowley

Sandra Crowley has been a very active member, most recently serving as the Chair of the Webinar Committee. She directed successful virtual conferences in 2019 and 2020, while also keeping up the schedule of recorded webinars for the society. Sandra continues to demonstrate exemplary leadership and commitment to the mission and goals of the North Carolina Genealogical Society.

Certificate of Appreciation – Renate Sanders for Service on the Nominating Committee

Certificate of Appreciation – Teresa Bordeaux for Service on the Board as Treasurer

We are grateful for the service and work all award recipients have rendered to the North Carolina genealogy community. We look forward to continue recognizing the great work you contribute to North Carolina genealogy and historical efforts. Learn more about the NCGS Awards and consider nominating an individual for the 2021 Awards.