By Diane L. Richard, NCGS Journal Editor,
NCGS Journal Supplements
Coming soon, if not already, to your mailbox (or inbox if you have a digital membership): the April-May-June 2019 edition of the NCGS Journal, which is subtitled “Medicine, Health, and Epidemics in North Carolina.” As with the January-February-March 2019 edition, there was more material created for this edition of the Journal than could be accommodated in the physical print version (and identical digital version). This material can be found on the website under Publications>NCGS Journal>NCGS Journal Supplements (members only). There, you will find six documents that continue articles published in this edition. Be sure to mark your calendars for the NCGS 2019 Fall Conference, which will be held 1-2 November 2019. I will be presenting a lecture titled “18th and 19th Century Epidemics and Health” that is based upon the research conducted for this special issue of the Journal.
We are currently working hard on the July-August-September 2019 edition, which focuses on records related to mariners/seamen. North Carolina, and its expansive coastline, has a long history of those sailing the seas or supporting shipping in port. This issue with focus on the early 19th century time period and will share a wealth of the types of resources you might explore to learn more about mariner ancestors involved in the shipping of goods. (Note: we will not explore fisherman, oysterman, and related activities.) Supplementary material will also be created for this issue and available as described above.
Planned Special Edition (January-February-March 2020) on Children and Youth
The 2020 winter edition of the Journal will focus on records created regarding children and youth. Beyond census records and probate records (wills, estates, guardian records, and related), children can be challenging to document. There are some options available to us if we explore education and schooling (public and private), child labor, apprentice agreements, and activities.
I could use your help with this topic. What 19th or early 20th century organizations did your ancestors belong to as children? As the 20th century progressed, many youth-oriented organizations were formed. Did the youth of late 19th century North Carolina participate in organized activities? If yes, what kinds?
Noon hour at Vivian Cotton Mills, Cheryville, N.C. Shows the character of the “hands” in a better class mill, – well ventilated and lighted.
As always, if you have materials relevant to this planned issue, or are interested in helping transcribe materials collected in anticipation of this special issue, please email Diane at
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Thanks again to all who have helped and to those who will volunteer in the future. It does take a village to create a journal. As always, I can be reached at to answer your questions, and to receive your submissions and suggestions.
Go Journal Team!
You may also view a printer-friendly pdf version of the July 2019 Journal Jottings.
(Image source: “Noon hour at Vivian Cotton Mills, Cheryville, N.C.”, by Lewis W. Hine, 1908, Library of Congress, Prints & Photographs Division, National Child Labor Committee Collection, Public Domain.)