Can you help out at the Registration Booth at the NGS conference in Raleigh? The job is very simple. You (along with others) sit at the registration desk and, when attendees walk up and show you their ID, you hand them their envelope along with a conference bag full of goodies and anything they pre-ordered, like a syllabus or jump drive. If they discover a discrepancy with the contents of their envelope, you will point them to the NGS booth to get the issue resolved. If someone shows up who has not preregistered, you simply direct them to the NGS booth. You don’t even have to deal with money or credit cards. The NGS booth handles all of that. What could be easier?
It’s simple to volunteer to help at the Registration Booth – go on the volunteer SignUp website ( ) and select the “Registration” option. You can then see what time slots are available and select one for yourself (or your spouse).
Take a few minutes to compare the schedule of lectures you want to attend against the available openings in registration. Chances are you’ll find an hour or two when there’s no “must see” lecture and you can sign up for the Registration Booth during that time. You don’t even have to be registered for the conference to help. You just need some spare time and a desire to help make this event a success.
The conference will be held Wednesday through Saturday, 10-13 May. Registration starts on Tuesday, 9 May, the day before the conference starts. It continues with reduced hours and manpower during the entire conference, as some people are only able to register for a single day.
If you have a couple of hours to spare, come help out in Registration. Documented procedures will be available in the Volunteer Handbook, which will be available a week or two before the conference. The Registration Co-Chairs, Maryann and Terry, will also be on hand to answer questions and make sure things run smoothly.