
Web Site Status 20 Jan 2014

The vast majority of glitches created with the recent software upgrade have been corrected. We are pleased that the NCGS Store seems to be operating correctly, as well as the internal links within the website. The Societies/Libraries/Archives menu item is back in action. The historical data for membership purchases has not yet been migrated, so if you receive a 30-notice about renewing your membership, and you know you have already done this in the past month, please contact the NCGS Administrator or the Webmaster.

The Membership menu item is still acting a little strangely. Links on the page have been corrected.

If you need to renew your membership, log in and select the Account Profile drop-down from the Membership menu item. When that page opens, click on the Subscription tab at the lower left of the page. Within that section, you can renew or upgrade your membership.

There may still be some issues we haven’t yet discovered, so please contact the Webmaster about any problems you encounter. The main unresolved issue we are aware of is that the emailer component is not yet working correctly, and the internal NCGS contact email links are non-functional at this time. Corrected – email links within web pages now operational.

To contact the Webmaster, send your email to webmaster@ncgenealogy.org.
To contact the NCGS Administrator, send your email to info@ncgenealogy.org.

(The two email links above work.)

We thank you for your continued patience while we strive to create a better website for the North Carolina Genealogical Society.