- Born NC PreviewWhat if you only know born NC from a census, military record, or a child’s death record? Is it possible to figure out where in NC?
- DNA Testing: The Three Types We Use in Genealogy Research PreviewChoosing the right DNA test depends on the question you are trying to answer about your ancestry.
- Finding a North Carolina Revolutionary War Ancestor PreviewThere is more to Revolutionary War research than compiled military service records and pension application files.
- Freedmen’s Bureau Records PreviewA little known and used Federal record collection that is full of invaluable records for many ancestors, regardless of skin color or circumstances.
- German Settlement PreviewDiscussion on the Swiss and German colony of 1710 around New Bern, and the Moravian and Pennsylvania Dutch settlements through the Piedmont.
- How Old Did He Have To Be…? PreviewKnowing a person’s age is often the key to distinguishing between two people of the same name. The law can often give the answer.
- Maiden Name Not Known PreviewLearning the maiden name of a wife can be one of the more difficult tasks in genealogical research.
- Mapping Land PreviewHow to collect the data you need to find your ancestors anywhere that metes and bounds are used as land boundaries.
- Missing Mothers PreviewUnderstanding property laws to direct our research to the records and analyses that help us unmask female ancestors.
- NC Taxes PreviewDiscover the variety of North Carolina tax records, and how they can tell you more than the amount due.