Navigating Online Genealogy Databases: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

Research dictionary entry photo

— Presented by Patti Lee Hobbs, CG® — There is no question that online databases have opened doors for genealogists to be able to research their family history more quickly and easily. However, that facility of access brings with it some hidden dangers. Researchers wanting to meet the Genealogical Proof Standard by doing thorough research must understand how to navigate the pitfalls by recognizing them and learning how to overcome them.

Zotero: A Versatile Research Tool for Genealogists

— Presented by Patti Lee Hobbs, CG® — Zotero is open-source software developed specifically for researchers. It is designed to help users “collect, organize, cite, and share research.” Zotero helps researchers organize the way they search and collect information, while providing a means to quickly and easily cite the source of their findings. This webinar will discuss how genealogists can utilize its capabilities to easily catalog sources, compile research notes, create citations, and more.