
A “Hand-out” for Your Poor Ancestors: Local Parishes, and Counties Stepped Up

Sanitarium, Salisbury, N.C. postcard photo

— Presented by Diane L. Richard, MEng, MBA — Providing relief to those in need is not a modern concept. Throughout history, the records reflect the provision for assistance or relief to those in need. Whether one received food, a dispensation to not pay taxes, support money for a bastard child, was apprenticed, hospitalized in a sanitarium, or facing other struggles, they may have been the recipient of some form of relief for the poor.

Born in NC & Living Elsewhere: Making the Connection Back

NC Rand McNally map

— Presented by Diane L. Richard, MEng, MBA — What if you only know born NC from a census, military record, or a child’s death record? Is it possible to figure out where in NC? This webinar will present some rules of thumb and strategies for research into those born NC individuals to determine where in NC they came from.

Freedmen’s Bureau Records

Freemens Bureau application

— Presented by Diane L. Richard, MEng, MBA — Are you seeking records for your southern ancestors in the immediate post Civil War time period (1865-1868)? Learn about this little known and used Federal record collection that is full of invaluable records for many ancestors, regardless of skin color or circumstances, who lived in North Carolina (or elsewhere from DE to TX).

Get Lost in Ledgers – The Unique Looking Glass into Our Ancestors’ Lives

— Presented by Diane L. Richard, MEng, MBA — Business/organization ledgers document everyday business transactions that involved North Carolinian families. This webinar focuses on the many kinds of ledgers used by North Carolina businesses and highlights where we can locate these ledgers and what we can learn from them.

Migrations 1: Many Arrive – Early Migration In, Across, and Out of North Carolina

Presentation start image

— Presented by Diane L. Richard, MEng, MBA — Many individuals and families migrated into North Carolina, especially in the colonial and pre-Civil War period. Depending on who was immigrating and when, different locales in North Carolina were hot spots for emigrants from abroad either directly or via Virginia, South Carolina, Pennsylvania and beyond.

On the Road Again: Are Your Ancestors Hiding in Road Records?

Vahalla Road

— Presented by Diane L. Richard, MEng, MBA — Roads were built and maintained by the local community, thus the members of the road crews were appointed by the county court. The records provide incredible insight … at a time when few other records were being created.

Post Office Records: Geography, Politics, Religion

Post Office, Elon College, NC photo

— Presented by Diane L. Richard, MEng, MBA — Most talks on post offices focus on them as employers — for those seeking to document family members who worked for the post office. Post offices aren’t just about employees or even the mail. Post offices used to define communities and people used their location to define where they lived.